If you prayed to something you don't believe in will he listen?

I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
Say a prayer to anyone who might be listening. Who knows? :dunno:

But trust in yourself.
I'm bi-polar, I trust I'll screw things up.
Every time I try to make things happen I fail. If I jump on someone else's band wagon and don't get greedy by staying on too long I succeed.
Every time I get a big head, someone hits me with a sledge hammer.
Every time I feel good, confident, strong, someone beats on me and knocks me down.
I don't trust myself. I've got a record of my bad choices.

Everybody has a record of bad choices. Start listening to the people you trust, who are asking you to make the hardest choices. Spiritually, you won't find any answers. But maybe enough courage to help with those choices.
When the Jews were defeated by the Babylonians, they didn't believe that the god of the Babylonians was greater than their God. They asked themselves what it was that God wanted them to learn. Bad choices are like that. Despite what you may believe there are moral laws just like there are physical laws. It is just that when one violates a moral law the consequences are not immediate like when one violates a physical law. But that doesn't mean there is not a moral law. God is a Master Craftsman, He will continually bring us back to our mistakes until we learn from them.
What did the Jews ask themselves when their population dwindled to just 14 million worldwide, surpassed by the religions of many other "Gods"?
That there is meaning in suffering.
I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
Or maybe Cthulhu isn't pruning anybody and is off gobbling up some galaxies 5 billion lightyears away
I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
Or maybe Cthulhu isn't pruning anybody and is off gobbling up some galaxies 5 billion lightyears away
Or maybe you are only interested in confirming your bias? Of course that won't progress you as a human being as you won't learn anything from your suffering. The best you will ever hope to achieve is to suffer without complaint and I don't see you doing that anytime soon.
I admit it I'm weak. I want there to be someone who will cover for me when I screw up. I want someone to hold me up when I am weak. I want someone to fix me when I'm broken. I want someone to take charge of my life so I can spend it playing games and arguing politics while not having to worry about the damn bills.

Bible, Quran, Talmud, Mormon book, etc. Only one of them can be the book of truth. The others are full of lies and deceit. But which one? The logical answer is none of the above.
In Modern Philosophy, God is a Deist God not Theist.

A Deist God does not answer prayers.

You are on your own.
Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
Or maybe Cthulhu isn't pruning anybody and is off gobbling up some galaxies 5 billion lightyears away
Or maybe you are only interested in confirming your bias? Of course that won't progress you as a human being as you won't learn anything from your suffering. The best you will ever hope to achieve is to suffer without complaint and I don't see you doing that anytime soon.

I have no bias. I told the OP to throw up a prayer to anybody who might be listening. There are thousands of candidates throughout human history. Maybe one of them actually exists and will listen. Maybe (probably) not.
I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.

Sorry to hear that. Should we call you "Stumpy"?

I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.

they are doing nothing of that sort, you are a fraud.
I wouldn't.

Better than trusting a potentially non-existent being that will never answer you
He always answers us. You just don't understand His language. Despite what you believe His Law of Compensation never sleeps. It is always pruning us.
He always answers us.

you've become plural, or more that one person hears the same voice.

do they ever entertain an audience than just one person ...
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.
He is pruning you just like He is pruning me just like He is pruning everyone. God is a Master Gardner.

they are doing nothing of that sort, you are a fraud.
Rembrandt painted himself in his famous painting, "Christ in the Storm."


He's the one holding onto the mast for dear life.


In this account Jesus and the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee and a violent storm comes up suddenly. The Sea of Galilee is the lowest freshwater lake on earth at approximately 210 m (700 ft) below sea level. It is longer than it is wide. At its widest points, the lake measures 21 km (13 mi) from north to south and 12 km (7.5 mi) from east to west and is surrounded by hills. The elevation, shape and contour of the lake make it susceptible to storms. Violent storms do "roll" in there suddenly. They even have a name for it. They are called Sharkias.

"...Such storms result from differences in temperatures between the seacoast and the mountains beyond. The Sea of Galilee lies 680 feet below sea level. It is bounded by hills, especially on the east side where they reach 2000 feet high. These heights are a source of cool, dry air. In contrast, directly around the sea, the climate is semi-tropical with warm, moist air. The large difference in height between surrounding land and the sea causes large temperature and pressure changes. This results in strong winds dropping to the sea, funneling through the hills. The Sea of Galilee is small, and these winds may descend directly to the center of the lake with violent results. When the contrasting air masses meet, a storm can arise quickly and without warning. Small boats caught out on the sea are in immediate danger..."

SEA OF GALILEE - What's special about the Sea of Galilee? Why does it have sudden storms? • KidExplorers.com / ChristianAnswers.Net

More Than a Fisherman

So the setting for this account is valid. In the account, Jesus is sleeping while His disciples are panicking. They couldn't understand how He could be sleeping while their lives were being threatened. That's how most people see God. He's not there when they are going through the storms of their lives.

God is a Master Gardner. He uses it all but does His best work when we are suffering. It's like pruning a bush. Some branches are thin and snap right off. Others are thicker and have to be sawed off. Some hurt more than others. At first it looks like crap. All sparse and twiggy, but then as the new growth occurs it comes in more full and looking better looking than before. He uses it all to progress us and for the one's who know how it works they have peace through the storms to the point they are not storms. But for everyone else they will be holding on for dear life like Rembrandt not understanding how God is working in their lives.
Tangential thought, because this always occurs to me --- why is this entity a "he"? And who is the female that makes him a "him"?

"God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Some might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the mere absence of heat, and darkness is the mere absence of light. Femininity on the other hand is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself." paraphrased from Ann Barnhardt

So, um, God is a Transvestite?
Tangential thought, because this always occurs to me --- why is this entity a "he"? And who is the female that makes him a "him"?

"God, in Himself, contains both masculine and feminine. If God possessed no feminine nature, then that would mean that women contained a nature that was completely outside of God. How could God create something which He Himself did not contain? Some might say, God doesn’t have an evil nature, but evil exists. No. Evil is merely the absence of good. Evil is not extant, just as cold is the mere absence of heat, and darkness is the mere absence of light. Femininity on the other hand is an extant nature. Femininity is NOT the absence of masculinity. Femininity is an existential reality unto itself, and therefore God contains it in Himself." paraphrased from Ann Barnhardt

So, um, God is a Transvestite?
Laughing leads to crying.
I admit it I'm weak. I want there to be someone who will cover for me when I screw up. I want someone to hold me up when I am weak. I want someone to fix me when I'm broken. I want someone to take charge of my life so I can spend it playing games and arguing politics while not having to worry about the damn bills.

Bible, Quran, Talmud, Mormon book, etc. Only one of them can be the book of truth. The others are full of lies and deceit. But which one? The logical answer is none of the above.
Psalm 95: If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.

As far as the list you provide of what you want: Sounds like you want your mother to take care of all your physical woes. Perhaps she is already there for you. God is spirit and is open to helping you with your spiritual woes. Strong spiritual guidance may also provide an answer on how to proceed with your physical hardships as well.

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