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If you ruled the US...

What would you do to change America if you ran it?

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If I ruled the US as President, my first action would be to sign an EO saying Congress nor the SCOCTUS have any right to strike down any EOs I may issue. Then, I would issue a second EO saying that a new Constitutional Convention is to be called with delegates from all states present elected for that one purpose, writing a new Constitution. I, naturally, would appoint myself President of the Convention. As president of it, I would try mainly to redefine and reinforce the protections and rights guaranteed by the Constitution, as well as reform the structure of Gov't.
I would make the Supreme Court have eleven justices: 5 elected from regions of the country, 3 appointed by the POTUS, and 1 elected by each chamber of the Congress (I would make three branches). Also, justices would have term limits and would be staggered to ensure each president gets to appoint so many. The Congress would have 3 houses: one proposing social laws, one for matters of economics, and another for world affairs. Each house would be comprised of 150 members, each state being granted 3 representatives. On matters of joint responsibility, one house may plead to the SCOTUS to review it and call for all houses involved together to vote on it. To pass a law, the proposing branch must achieve a 60% majority, followed by at least a 30% minority from the other houses. Each candidate is only allowed to be in 1 house at a time. The president would be forced to relinquish much power to an elected group of specialists similar to the Cabinet, and would be elected to 5 year terms, can be elected twice, and if a 80% majority of all houses vote so, a recall election may be held to throw out the old president.
What would you do?

First of all, you would be a dictator if you took full control of the United States.

I would hope that if I became so stupid to DICTATE how this country is run, I'd hope they'd revolt against me and hang me for trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States...........

Now to the point of the thread, using the Constitution and it's true meaning.

I'd restore the Constitution through a Constitutional Convention of the States.

The Federal Reserve is GONE..............Banks would no longer control the creation of our Currency.

The 17th is gone..............Senators would be appointed by the State Legislatures as intended in the original Constitution. Thus restoring the voice of States in the Senate as intended by the Constitution, and those not voting the will of the state to be Recalled and replaced.

A Balanced Budget Amendment would be high on the list. Forcing our gov't to live within it's means.

Term Limits for the Senate and Congress.

2001 Leahy Graham Act repealed. Forcing and end of the Shadow Trading and manipulation of commodity prices.

No Federal Agency can pass ANY NEW REGULATION without Consent of Congress. Using broad based ACT's to pass new regulations would have to be approved before implementation. aka.........Clean Air Act is a broad spectrum..........The EPA creates new regulations based on this ACT and decides how to interpret and enforce new acts. The new regulations pushed forward by the EPA would have to be cleared by vote in Congress.

The powers of the Fed would be AGAIN DEFINED.............To stop the abuse of power that currently goes on.

And so on..............Not by Tyranny of a Dictator, but by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Balance the budget.
No more spending money we don't have on ANYTHING!

No more excuses.
Any department that comes back to me asking for more funding....
They get kicked the fuck out of my office.

Except for Nancy Pelosi...She can stay for a few drinks and will be given a chance to change my mind...
heh heh hhe
Balance the budget.
No more spending money we don't have on ANYTHING!

No more excuses.
Any department that comes back to me asking for more funding....
They get kicked the fuck out of my office.

Except for Nancy Pelosi...She can stay for a few drinks and will be given a chance to change my mind...
heh heh hhe
*SNORT-Chuckle* :lol:
We have the strongest political system in the world. I would not change it. The only thing I'd change is the process for electing presidents. It should not take years and cost millions upon millions of dollars. It should not force us to elect the one who can raise the most money and have the most 'influence.' It should be changed so that the best, most qualified person for the job is elected, not the one with the most financial support or best advertising campaign. I would also get rid of the electoral college.
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Balance the budget.
No more spending money we don't have on ANYTHING!

No more excuses.
Any department that comes back to me asking for more funding....
They get kicked the fuck out of my office.

Except for Nancy Pelosi...She can stay for a few drinks and will be given a chance to change my mind...
heh heh hhe

That's sick.


Take a paper bag.

the first thing

i would make English the official language of the United States

somewhere down the list

i would stop any funding to the ghettos

instead use that funding for folks to

resettle in other parts of the Union

and assimilate into society

i would put America back to work

by opening the production of the fossil fuels

this would create millions of direct and in direct jobs all across the country
Kid, you would be doing yourself a great favor by shutting the fuck up until you're a little older and have the first fucking clue what you are talking about. You're going to look back on this silly shit and feel embarrassed.

King Raven is pretty new to the board. Why don't you give him a break, asshole. I think this is a good thread. Go troll somewhere else.

I care about people. I don't want to see the kid end up like you - too set on 'stupid' to ever fix.

By the way, how's that mass evacuation of Tokyo going, moron?
Slow and steady. Orderly. Just like a mass evacuation of tens of millions should go, to not create a panic. Under the radar. Women and children first.

I think you should volunteer to clean up Fukushima. You know, since you care about people...
If I was the ruler of the US.

1. Social issues: I would set this date as the end of welfare. No new people will be added to the welfare roles and no babies conceived after this date will be subsidized by the US Government and the American taxpayer.

2. I would eliminate the EPA, the DOE, the NEA, and the IRS.

3. I would repeal the 14th Amendment and institute the FairTax.

4. I would withdraw all troops from the Middle East, give half of the savings resulting savings to Israel, and tell them to call me when they are done over there.

5. I would build the fence between Mexico and the US, and allow illegal immigrants to continue to work but without any handouts. I would immediately deport any illegal that violated any laws.

6. I would repeal the Amendment (I forgot which one it was) that allowed the people to vote for senators.

7. I would withdraw the US from the UN and boot them out of the country.

8. I would make public sector unions illegal.

9. After 3 years I would have an election for POTUS, and then I would step down.
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King Raven is pretty new to the board. Why don't you give him a break, asshole. I think this is a good thread. Go troll somewhere else.

I care about people. I don't want to see the kid end up like you - too set on 'stupid' to ever fix.

By the way, how's that mass evacuation of Tokyo going, moron?
Slow and steady. Orderly. ...

No, idiot, it is not going at all. The population of Tokyo is still growing, you hysterical, ignorant moron.
The two legal and Constitutional ways to call a Convention do not involve the President at all. One is for Both Houses of Congress to call for a Convention and the other is for the States to do so. Further neither method provides that the sitting President of the US is President of the Convention.

Executive Orders are only statements clarifying what the President intends the Executive to about laws. He does not have the power to declare he is above the Supreme Court nor the Congress. Further he can not use an executive order to make new law nor to declare another branch of the Government is not allowed to preform its constitutional duties as spelled out BY the Constitution.

You obviously didn't read my OP that well. The EO would pretty much void Congress and the SCOTUS to do anything to me. Besides, I know that the President controls the military, and as I would call a new Convention to right a new Constitution, something many right-wing gun owners would probably support, and as Andrew Jackson once said, "John Marshall (the SCOTUS Chief Justice at the time) has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" Congress and the SCOTUS can't fight the US military and the citizens.

The President does not have the power to do as you posted. EO can not void laws nor deny constitutional authority or power to the other branches and the military would not follow your illegal unconstitutional orders. The Courts would shut you down and you would be arrested and tried for treason. After your impeachment. The people would not follow you.

Congress and the States are the only authorities to call a convention. And Congress decides who sits on the Convention.
The two legal and Constitutional ways to call a Convention do not involve the President at all. One is for Both Houses of Congress to call for a Convention and the other is for the States to do so. Further neither method provides that the sitting President of the US is President of the Convention.

Executive Orders are only statements clarifying what the President intends the Executive to about laws. He does not have the power to declare he is above the Supreme Court nor the Congress. Further he can not use an executive order to make new law nor to declare another branch of the Government is not allowed to preform its constitutional duties as spelled out BY the Constitution.

You obviously didn't read my OP that well. The EO would pretty much void Congress and the SCOTUS to do anything to me. Besides, I know that the President controls the military, and as I would call a new Convention to right a new Constitution, something many right-wing gun owners would probably support, and as Andrew Jackson once said, "John Marshall (the SCOTUS Chief Justice at the time) has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" Congress and the SCOTUS can't fight the US military and the citizens.

The President does not have the power to do as you posted. EO can not void laws nor deny constitutional authority or power to the other branches and the military would not follow your illegal unconstitutional orders. The Courts would shut you down and you would be arrested and tried for treason. After your impeachment. The people would not follow you.

Congress and the States are the only authorities to call a convention. And Congress decides who sits on the Convention.

I tend to agree. The founding fathers didn't just sit down for 15 minutes and brainstorm the Constitution. They KNEW about tyrants. They READ their history books and paid attention to what went wrong, when and how. They argued fiercely for quite a long time back and forth, many of them attorneys versed in how the law can work for you or screw you, depending on how its written down to each crossed "t" and dotted "i".

They set up a system of checks and balances because they understood the male half of homo sapiens. [to them it was natural to conclude that a slave class would never rule]. They knew that any man, any where, any time was ultimately after getting laid and that any grappling for or acquisition of power would be shadowed by that persistent reality. And when it comes to power to impress the ladies, males tend to get really blind, really fast in their ambitions...

And this creates problems. Just pick up a history book and read it for the details. It's like this repetitive theme over and over and over...some male rising to power and getting WAY out of control with it. And usually some woman he likes is in the background pulling strings like Cleopatra..

So they drew up the Constitution to make sure some president didn't think it would be a great idea if he was just king. You'll have to forgive Corvis Rex. His name has "king" in it...lol.. But I get his frustrations with the asinine gridlock. I think his motivations are to take a sledgehammer to the gridlock using the EO. Can't really fault him for that.

In any event, his frustrations have born a good thread.

I still say, require all people in high levels of government to have

1. An advanced degree in science. I'd prefer as wide a spread as possible like environmental science where you have to visit many disciplines and come to know how they interact with each other.

2. A degree or minor in economics

3. Law degree not necessary and in fact a hinderance. Good ideas don't even make it off the lips of lawyers because they're always thinking "what if?". There's your gridlock. You get a bunch of lawyers always overthinking things and good ideas will never get off the ground. Lawyers should only be for consulting fine details once a good idea is being discussed.

4. A proficiency in human psychology.

5. At least 10 years working a shit job with the rest of the people.

6. Not born into money.

7. No single vestige or outward manifestation of narcissism. Make sure your candidate is a bit homely.

If Americans vetted their leaders in this way, our entire universe would change in the amount of time it would take to clean out Congress and replace them with qualified people.
You obviously didn't read my OP that well. The EO would pretty much void Congress and the SCOTUS to do anything to me. Besides, I know that the President controls the military, and as I would call a new Convention to right a new Constitution, something many right-wing gun owners would probably support, and as Andrew Jackson once said, "John Marshall (the SCOTUS Chief Justice at the time) has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" Congress and the SCOTUS can't fight the US military and the citizens.

The President does not have the power to do as you posted. EO can not void laws nor deny constitutional authority or power to the other branches and the military would not follow your illegal unconstitutional orders. The Courts would shut you down and you would be arrested and tried for treason. After your impeachment. The people would not follow you.

Congress and the States are the only authorities to call a convention. And Congress decides who sits on the Convention.

I tend to agree. The founding fathers didn't just sit down for 15 minutes and brainstorm the Constitution. They KNEW about tyrants. They READ their history books and paid attention to what went wrong, when and how. They argued fiercely for quite a long time back and forth, many of them attorneys versed in how the law can work for you or screw you, depending on how its written down to each crossed "t" and dotted "i".

They set up a system of checks and balances because they understood the male half of homo sapiens. [to them it was natural to conclude that a slave class would never rule]. They knew that any man, any where, any time was ultimately after getting laid and that any grappling for or acquisition of power would be shadowed by that persistent reality. And when it comes to power to impress the ladies, males tend to get really blind, really fast in their ambitions...

And this creates problems. Just pick up a history book and read it for the details. It's like this repetitive theme over and over and over...some male rising to power and getting WAY out of control with it. And usually some woman he likes is in the background pulling strings like Cleopatra..

So they drew up the Constitution to make sure some president didn't think it would be a great idea if he was just king. You'll have to forgive Corvis Rex. His name has "king" in it...lol.. But I get his frustrations with the asinine gridlock. I think his motivations are to take a sledgehammer to the gridlock using the EO. Can't really fault him for that.

In any event, his frustrations have born a good thread.

I still say, require all people in high levels of government to have

1. An advanced degree in science. I'd prefer as wide a spread as possible like environmental science where you have to visit many disciplines and come to know how they interact with each other.

2. A degree or minor in economics

3. Law degree not necessary and in fact a hinderance. Good ideas don't even make it off the lips of lawyers because they're always thinking "what if?". There's your gridlock. You get a bunch of lawyers always overthinking things and good ideas will never get off the ground. Lawyers should only be for consulting fine details once a good idea is being discussed.

4. A proficiency in human psychology.

5. At least 10 years working a shit job with the rest of the people.

6. Not born into money.

7. No single vestige or outward manifestation of narcissism. Make sure your candidate is a bit homely.

If Americans vetted their leaders in this way, our entire universe would change in the amount of time it would take to clean out Congress and replace them with qualified people.

You are an absolute idiot, and about as juvenile as the kid who started this stupid thread.
Kid, you would be doing yourself a great favor by shutting the fuck up until you're a little older and have the first fucking clue what you are talking about. You're going to look back on this silly shit and feel embarrassed.

King Raven is pretty new to the board. Why don't you give him a break, asshole. I think this is a good thread. Go troll somewhere else.

I care about people. I don't want to see the kid end up like you - too set on 'stupid' to ever fix.

By the way, how's that mass evacuation of Tokyo going, moron?

Unkotare, I have not seen anything from you other than blind name calling, yet you claim I am a child? I had been under the presumption that name-calling was a mark of childhood. Appears I am mistaken.
If I ruled the US the first thing I'd do is to ban hunting.

No hunting at all.

May be in the future somebody will come and rule US who shares my feelings.
If I ruled the US the first thing I'd do is to ban hunting.

No hunting at all.

May be in the future somebody will come and rule US who shares my feelings.

I rule my property and I do not allow hunting!
If I ruled the US as President, my first action would be to sign an EO saying Congress nor the SCOCTUS have any right to strike down any EOs I may issue. Then, I would issue a second EO saying that a new Constitutional Convention is to be called with delegates from all states present elected for that one purpose, writing a new Constitution. I, naturally, would appoint myself President of the Convention. As president of it, I would try mainly to redefine and reinforce the protections and rights guaranteed by the Constitution, as well as reform the structure of Gov't.
I would make the Supreme Court have eleven justices: 5 elected from regions of the country, 3 appointed by the POTUS, and 1 elected by each chamber of the Congress (I would make three branches). Also, justices would have term limits and would be staggered to ensure each president gets to appoint so many. The Congress would have 3 houses: one proposing social laws, one for matters of economics, and another for world affairs. Each house would be comprised of 150 members, each state being granted 3 representatives. On matters of joint responsibility, one house may plead to the SCOTUS to review it and call for all houses involved together to vote on it. To pass a law, the proposing branch must achieve a 60% majority, followed by at least a 30% minority from the other houses. Each candidate is only allowed to be in 1 house at a time. The president would be forced to relinquish much power to an elected group of specialists similar to the Cabinet, and would be elected to 5 year terms, can be elected twice, and if a 80% majority of all houses vote so, a recall election may be held to throw out the old president.
What would you do?

First of all, you would be a dictator if you took full control of the United States.

I would hope that if I became so stupid to DICTATE how this country is run, I'd hope they'd revolt against me and hang me for trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States...........

Now to the point of the thread, using the Constitution and it's true meaning.

I'd restore the Constitution through a Constitutional Convention of the States.

The Federal Reserve is GONE..............Banks would no longer control the creation of our Currency.

The 17th is gone..............Senators would be appointed by the State Legislatures as intended in the original Constitution. Thus restoring the voice of States in the Senate as intended by the Constitution, and those not voting the will of the state to be Recalled and replaced.

A Balanced Budget Amendment would be high on the list. Forcing our gov't to live within it's means.

Term Limits for the Senate and Congress.

2001 Leahy Graham Act repealed. Forcing and end of the Shadow Trading and manipulation of commodity prices.

No Federal Agency can pass ANY NEW REGULATION without Consent of Congress. Using broad based ACT's to pass new regulations would have to be approved before implementation. aka.........Clean Air Act is a broad spectrum..........The EPA creates new regulations based on this ACT and decides how to interpret and enforce new acts. The new regulations pushed forward by the EPA would have to be cleared by vote in Congress.

The powers of the Fed would be AGAIN DEFINED.............To stop the abuse of power that currently goes on.

And so on..............Not by Tyranny of a Dictator, but by the Constitution of the United States of America.

I disagree. As the Convention would still be passed by a 70% majority of the states, and not by an order of mine once I found it satisfactory, I am not a dictator. If I honestly believed asking the states to do this and write up a new Constitution would work, I would not abuse my powers like that. But sometimes, people need a little nudge to get things done- or, in this case, a shove.
If I ruled the US:

1. I would make sure every child has Old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast or some variation on a hot healthful meal to start the day;

2. Give a tax break for those who adopt/rescue pets;

3. I will think of some more I have to run....:)

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