If You Support This You Are An America Hater

the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.
The kkk when they were relevant, and violent were democrats.. democrats have become to extreme for the group, and now has changed the name to antifia
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.

That photo dates back at least to the 1950s.

Not a history buff, are you.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.

That photo dates back at least to the 1950s.

Not a history buff, are you.

Yes. And not only that, from the area. I know exactly who and what these people are

Knuckle dragging, shit for brains, right wing conservatives. The same people they have always been, through two different eras and two different political parties.

Apparently you are not a history buff.

Or even intelligent.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.

That photo dates back at least to the 1950s.

Not a history buff, are you.

Yes. And not only that, from the area. I know exactly who and what these people are

Knuckle dragging, shit for brains, right wing conservatives. The same people they have always been, through two different eras and two different political parties.

Apparently you are not a history buff.

Or even intelligent.

That's nice. Now run along.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Trump invokes KKK slogan 'love it or leave it' at North Carolina rally : politics[/QUO

Must be a tough task living in your world, seeing racists behind every tree, under every rock. Too bad you just can't comprehend you're selling out you're country for "anyone but Trump". My advice? "Love it or leave it."
The love it or leave it line has been around a long time and both sides over the years have used it or some variation of it.
The only footage I personally have seen of Trump going down that weird road also had him saying something along the lines of if they liked it wherever they went they could stay, but if not, they could come back. It was more of a grass is greener position I guess.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Trump invokes KKK slogan 'love it or leave it' at North Carolina rally : politics
When someone creates a thread that starts off by saying, 'If you support 'X' then you are 'X', you know automatically it is a personal OPINION much like an 'a*hole - everyone has one. It's just that Trump-haters have much larger-than-normal ones. :p
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Trump invokes KKK slogan 'love it or leave it' at North Carolina rally : politics

1. I am POSITIVE that the KKK never got a patent on the term 'love it or leave it', and I am POSITIVE supporters / members of the KKK are not the only ones who have used that expression throughout this nation's history.

2. Stating the opinion / fact that is someone hates this country they can always leave and attempting to claim the President is quoting a KKK member is NOT the same thing as President Barak Obama quoting Saul Alensky's book, 'Rules For Radicals' during his 1st Presidential Inauguration or the 1st Lady quoting him in more than one of her speeches....

3. FYI: A national poll revealed today that in the last 2 days, after the Anti-Semite Squad and Democrats condemned the President for making NON-racist comments, President Trump's approval rating rose to 72% while Congress' approval rating, thanks in large part to the Anti-Semitic/Illegal Immigration-embracing House Democrats, slipped to 18%.

the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Trump invokes KKK slogan 'love it or leave it' at North Carolina rally : politics

Just trying to keep up with the Democrats who have been saying it for years. They tell Trump supporters that all the time that if you don't love it to leave it and they will help you leave with their assaults, spitting, threats, violence, and other attacks on the street, in restaurants, baseball fields or anywhere they meet with opposition, except, the Left don't want you to leave the country, they want to kill you like ISIS.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Those boys were Democrats.

Get out.

Those boys are white Trump supporting conservatives. Unless you are going to make an argument the Democrats support Trump.

This should be interesting.

That photo dates back at least to the 1950s.

Not a history buff, are you.

Yes. And not only that, from the area. I know exactly who and what these people are

Knuckle dragging, shit for brains, right wing conservatives. The same people they have always been, through two different eras and two different political parties.

Apparently you are not a history buff.

Or even intelligent.
dude for the umpteeth fking time, the kkk was fking demolosers. fk, why is that so difficult for you fks?
Its really strange that Omar fled her own country, was recued, brought to the US, embraced by Americans, obtained her citizenship, and is now trying to turn the United States into the country her and her family ( to include her brother / husband) fled....

Doing so does not make one a 'refugee' - it makes them an 'infiltrator'.
the ‘love it or leave it’ line is an eerily familiar slogan of the Klu Klux Klan in North Carolina, according to Australian National University US politics expert Jennifer Hunt.


If you support this you are an America hater.

Trump invokes KKK slogan 'love it or leave it' at North Carolina rally : politics

Just as you are on most issues...you are 100% ass backwards on this one as well.
Remember, you twisted LefTarded fools get all giddy when someone burns the American flag because it seems so “progressive”.
My point is; you filthy fucks aren’t exactly an authority on this matter.

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