If you take the emotion out of being republican, you become liberal

Liberal commies you say. Is that different then a plain old commie?

Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.
Frankie you always mention your little card ending the immigration ills.....how come whenever i see Immigration talked about on the news i never hear this card being mentioned.....even from your guys?....if they do,please show me.....because i never hear it mentioned....
It's in the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill. It's a media secret, like people saved by ACA.
Charles E. Schumer and Lindsey O. Graham - The right way ...
Washington Post Breaking News World US DC News Analysis › Opinions
The Washington Post
Mar 19, 2010 - Our plan has four pillars: requiring biometric Social Security cards to ... A tamper-proof ID system would dramatically decrease illegal immigration, experts ... visas and reports those who overstay their visas to law enforcement ...
that being said Frankie....would they enforce it if an illegal is caught?.....the cops seem to have their hands tied in many parts of the Country when dealing with illegals......they do out here.....
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.
No kidding... I mean, we hadn't seen a new Christian/conservative/republican/white bashing thread by a progtard in what... THREE MINUTES?

I guess they just haven't gotten over the ASS KICKING they got last November quite yet.

Poor little twits.

Non-Republicans typically feel bad about themselves, their lives, and the fact that no one likes them, so periodically they launch threads like this one to make themselves feel just a tiny bit better about their otherwise wasted lives.
No Al and feminism do not speak for the left please keep what you said here in mind the next time you want to broad brush the right with words a conservative loon.

A lunatic is incapable or reason, conservatives are imminently well reasoned, as a result, there is no such thing as a conservative loon.

But... it's quite common for emotional train-wrecks of the ideological left to speak of such fantasies.
conservatives are imminently well reasoned
you mean like Steve MaGarett, Shootspeados and Katz?....those kind of well reasoned Conservatives?.....

Katz is, but he's actually a libertarian. I can't vouch for the other two
Katz is a fucking racist....
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The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.
No kidding... I mean, we hadn't seen a new Christian/conservative/republican/white bashing thread by a progtard in what... THREE MINUTES?

I guess they just haven't gotten over the ASS KICKING they got last November quite yet.

Poor little twits.

Non-Republicans typically feel bad about themselves, their lives, and the fact that no one likes them, so periodically they launch threads like this one to make themselves feel just a tiny bit better about their otherwise wasted lives.
i am a non-Republican and i dont feel bad about myself or my life.....i just sold my building for $820,000 ....im happier than shit....
Yeah there were Marxist commies...USSR commies...Cuban commies...North Korean commies
... North Vietnam commies...Czechoslovakian commies...Chinese commies.

These are Joe McCarthy (he was right after all) commies who have infiltrated our secondary schools, universities, democrat politics (known far and wide as Liberals). Any more questions? Please google them up yourself.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.
Frankie you always mention your little card ending the immigration ills.....how come whenever i see Immigration talked about on the news i never hear this card being mentioned.....even from your guys?....if they do,please show me.....because i never hear it mentioned....
It's in the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill. It's a media secret, like people saved by ACA.
Charles E. Schumer and Lindsey O. Graham - The right way ...
Washington Post Breaking News World US DC News Analysis › Opinions
The Washington Post
Mar 19, 2010 - Our plan has four pillars: requiring biometric Social Security cards to ... A tamper-proof ID system would dramatically decrease illegal immigration, experts ... visas and reports those who overstay their visas to law enforcement ...
that being said Frankie....would they enforce it if an illegal is caught?.....the cops seem to have their hands tied in many parts of the Country when dealing with illegals......they do out here.....
You have to have an amnesty for the worthy ones at the same time (at least giving them papers ) ie recognize reality- or nothing will EVER change.
Yeah, those imaginary commies lol....

GOP lies and cheats their dupes. AS IF Pubs actually want to do anything about illegal immigration. Refuse a good SS/ID card while BSing about useless fences and laws that just harass. Silly hater dupes....

ACA is saving millions of people and will bring down costs for all, stupid ADD functional morons. See also SS, Medicaid/care, disability, workers comp, coming parental leave, daycare, cheap college loans. Dupes are brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot billionaires and bought off lying charlatans like Rush Beck Savage etc etc etc. A disgrace.
Frankie you always mention your little card ending the immigration ills.....how come whenever i see Immigration talked about on the news i never hear this card being mentioned.....even from your guys?....if they do,please show me.....because i never hear it mentioned....
It's in the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill. It's a media secret, like people saved by ACA.
Charles E. Schumer and Lindsey O. Graham - The right way ...
Washington Post Breaking News World US DC News Analysis › Opinions
The Washington Post
Mar 19, 2010 - Our plan has four pillars: requiring biometric Social Security cards to ... A tamper-proof ID system would dramatically decrease illegal immigration, experts ... visas and reports those who overstay their visas to law enforcement ...
that being said Frankie....would they enforce it if an illegal is caught?.....the cops seem to have their hands tied in many parts of the Country when dealing with illegals......they do out here.....
You have to have an amnesty for the worthy ones at the same time (at least giving them papers ) ie recognize reality- or nothing will EVER change.
worthy ones?.....define that and who gets to decide if someone is worthy?...
The OP may be the dumbest damn post I've read since I opened my membership on 12/1/14. One and ½ months and I can't remember a more retarded start to a thread.
No kidding... I mean, we hadn't seen a new Christian/conservative/republican/white bashing thread by a progtard in what... THREE MINUTES?

I guess they just haven't gotten over the ASS KICKING they got last November quite yet.

Poor little twits.

Non-Republicans typically feel bad about themselves, their lives, and the fact that no one likes them, so periodically they launch threads like this one to make themselves feel just a tiny bit better about their otherwise wasted lives.
i am a non-Republican and i dont feel bad about myself or my life.....i just sold my building for $820,000 ....im happier than shit....

What? Money makes you happy and you're not a Republican? Will wonders never cease. Here all this time, democrats have been lying to us about Republicans. Wow.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Useless rant time.
Billy, why are you always ass-backwards from the truth?

The primary difference between Republican voters and Democrat voters has long been known to be Democrats vote with their hearts and Republicans vote with their brains and common-sense. How else can you explain continued support for a compulsive liar like Obama. Why do Democrats always appeal to the emotions and bigotry of their base? Using slogans like "Hands Up....Don't Shoot" and "I Can't Breathe". And claiming that the opposition is hateful, homophobic, bigots. It can't be because you're ideas are better. It must be because you can't convince anyone otherwise. Your ideas are terrible so you set out to appeal to the emotions of your base.
Frankie you always mention your little card ending the immigration ills.....how come whenever i see Immigration talked about on the news i never hear this card being mentioned.....even from your guys?....if they do,please show me.....because i never hear it mentioned....
It's in the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill. It's a media secret, like people saved by ACA.
Charles E. Schumer and Lindsey O. Graham - The right way ...
Washington Post Breaking News World US DC News Analysis › Opinions
The Washington Post
Mar 19, 2010 - Our plan has four pillars: requiring biometric Social Security cards to ... A tamper-proof ID system would dramatically decrease illegal immigration, experts ... visas and reports those who overstay their visas to law enforcement ...
that being said Frankie....would they enforce it if an illegal is caught?.....the cops seem to have their hands tied in many parts of the Country when dealing with illegals......they do out here.....
You have to have an amnesty for the worthy ones at the same time (at least giving them papers ) ie recognize reality- or nothing will EVER change.
worthy ones?.....define that and who gets to decide if someone is worthy?...
It's in the law. Our representatives.
What makes a person republican, is emotional and philosophical - not factual information.

Take Fox News. People who watch it watch it because it does very little to challenge their rightwing anti-government, pre-conceived notions. It doesn't challenge people to think on a critical level. That's what republicans prefer to hear: just ranting that reaffirms what they already believe. Without saying many objective facts, someone on Fox can simply rant about the "evils of Obama" and "big government" and Fox viewers will eat it up. Their simple minds tune in for the emotionally charged rants of the likes of Sean Hannity because they don't risk hearing facts that may challenge their beliefs. That's too much thinking and frankly they aren't mature enough to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong about certain political beliefs.

Republicans like to make people believe they understand issues like poverty, the role of government, and economics but in truth they willfully ignore the actual objective facts about these issues because that's easier. They are simple thinkers.

If they did choose to listen to facts and think about them critically, they realize they were wrong. They have no choice but to embrace liberal beliefs which, at least most of the time, is based on factual information.
Useless rant time.
Billy, why are you always ass-backwards from the truth?

The primary difference between Republican voters and Democrat voters has long been known to be Democrats vote with their hearts and Republicans vote with their brains and common-sense. How else can you explain continued support for a compulsive liar like Obama. Why do Democrats always appeal to the emotions and bigotry of their base? Using slogans like "Hands Up....Don't Shoot" and "I Can't Breathe". And claiming that the opposition is hateful, homophobic, bigots. It can't be because you're ideas are better. It must be because you can't convince anyone otherwise. Your ideas are terrible so you set out to appeal to the emotions of your base.
Hilarious, hater dupe. Anyone who earns less than $250k and votes GOP is brainwashed or bigoted. But always ignorant, shortsighted, and greedy. Ugly Americans.
Not on all issues.
1. A two parent family is far better for children
2. Allowing tens of thousands of muslims that could be isis murders to enter our country is stupid.
3. We shouldn't have open borders as the illegals take our jobs. Another issue that is republican that makes sense.

Liberals also believe that a 2-parent family is better for children.

If Republicans believe that illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to take American jobs, why do they oppose charging and fining employers who hire illegal immigrants? This would be the quickest and cheapest way to reduce illegal immigration.

As for banning Muslim immigration, you do know that it's illegal to discriminate on the grounds of religion don't you? Considering the number of violent terrorist attacks by American right wingers, perhaps we should ban right wing organizations too.
You have it backwards Billy000
Have you ever heard the term Bleeding Heart Liberals?
As i said I do think there is an emotional component to being liberal. Being conservative however, is almost purely emotional.

Conservatives are stuck on the notion that America is meant to be this utopian society full of unrealistic libertarian freedom; no taxes whatsoever; and warm apple pie. Mmm-mmm.

It's a fantasy world for them. Americans for one thing, are far from exceptional...
I don't know any conservatives who see America that way I find your use of fantasy world interesting given how many liberals see America as a place where everyone should be the same everyone equal no one person better than the other that would qualify as a fantasy world as well. As for Americans being exceptional some are some aren't.
Are you kidding me? Have you read any of the bullshit Redfish posts?

Who exactly isn't equal? I'm curious. What criteria are you referring to?
Yes I have read some of the post of redfish and many other's I have never seen anyone talk about a tax free society. You know what isn't equal the whole hate the 1% stuff income inequality blacks and women don't have the same chance to succeed and we have to level the playing field so everyone has the same chance of success.
It really isn't a matter of hating the 1% as it is recognizing how much of a serious economic issue it is that they own 40% of the nation's wealth and their hand in causing the middle class to shrink.

I don't think we should level the playing field for anyone besides paying women equally to men for the same work. Al Sharpton and feminism do not speak for the leftwing in general anyway. I think Sharpton is a douche bag.

you should talk to Barry then;

Neither one of them seem to recall the House suggesting that any new spending measures be offset by cuts elsewhere either.

But Nnnnooo....can't have fiscal responsibility AND hope/change

The Democrats are the party of "tax and spend", but at least they have the good sense to tax first to fund the program.

Republicans are the party of "cut and spend" and then they complain about the deficit they created and want to cancel social programs to fund the cuts.

I notice that the first change Republicans want to make to Obamacare is to get rid of the tax on medical appliances. So typical of them to want to get rid of the funding mechanisms for the program.
If Republicans believe that illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to take American jobs, why do they oppose charging and fining employers who hire illegal immigrants? This would be the quickest and cheapest way to reduce illegal immigration.

Great question and one I have asked many times on here. And not one single fucking right wing asshole on here had EVER tried to address this very good question. Wonder why that is.
If Republicans believe that illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to take American jobs, why do they oppose charging and fining employers who hire illegal immigrants? This would be the quickest and cheapest way to reduce illegal immigration.
Great question and one I have asked many times on here. And not one single fucking right wing asshole on here had EVER tried to address this very good question. Wonder why that is.
You two assholes are full of shit. Maybe people get tired of talking to you? Every Republican I've heard that spoke on it wants companies fined at a minimum.
Every Republican I've heard that spoke on it wants companies fined at a minimum.

Sure dude, sure. I take it you are in favor of very harsh penalties for the CEO's or owners of companies employing illegals. I means serious fines or jail time or both.

Come out and say that you are in favor of that and then I will be able to say that I saw at least ONE right wing asshole agree that going after the employers makes more sense than a stupid fence.

Illegals are coming here for the jobs. Take the jobs away. How do you take the jobs away? Go after the company owners or executives that allow the hiring of illegals. This ain't rocket science.

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