If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

you honestly think that the unions are not a democrat thing ya retard
Obviously you can’t read. I clearly said “ leftists” aren’t the only union members.
How’d you get this stupid?
I know... lots of practice.

well dumb ass democrats certainly are not righties now are they ya leftist
Doubling down on your inherent genetic stupidity I see.

sorry your slip is showing nancy
The obvious solution is, if at all possible, don't send your children into the Government School nightmare. It's only gonna get worse. American parents really should seek education alternatives. That's the best solution.
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.
Totally wrong as usual.
The curriculum is decided by community standards and the teachers/ administrators run the schools. The unions just protect teachers from unfair hiring or firing. Plus many states don’t even have teachers unions.
Just another subject you know nothing about.

ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.

You really need to talk to a teacher and learn the truth!

Hey! Why don't you read my posts! I am a teacher and you are full of shit on this topic!
So was I.. for many years.
One thing you have to know about Bripat... he’s really resistant to learning anything new.
He’s a lost cause.
"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.
Look up the word collaborative since it’s confusing you.
"Collaborative" is not a situation where on party has veto power over anything the other party wants.
Give it up child, you’re way out of your league.

Translation: I don't swallow your collectivist propaganda.
Totally wrong as usual.
The curriculum is decided by community standards and the teachers/ administrators run the schools. The unions just protect teachers from unfair hiring or firing. Plus many states don’t even have teachers unions.
Just another subject you know nothing about.

ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.
Ever attend a curriculum meeting?
That means what subjects and topics are taught in schools.
Those are devised with input by the community.
Like I said, yet another subject you know nothing about.

"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.
Obviously you can’t read. I clearly said “ leftists” aren’t the only union members.
How’d you get this stupid?
I know... lots of practice.

well dumb ass democrats certainly are not righties now are they ya leftist
Doubling down on your inherent genetic stupidity I see.

sorry your slip is showing nancy
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.
Totally wrong as usual.
The curriculum is decided by community standards and the teachers/ administrators run the schools. The unions just protect teachers from unfair hiring or firing. Plus many states don’t even have teachers unions.
Just another subject you know nothing about.

ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.

You really need to talk to a teacher and learn the truth!

Hey! Why don't you read my posts! I am a teacher and you are full of shit on this topic!
So was I.. for many years.
One thing you have to know about Bripat... he’s really resistant to learning anything new.
He’s a lost cause.

That explains your extreme idiocy.
ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.
Ever attend a curriculum meeting?
That means what subjects and topics are taught in schools.
Those are devised with input by the community.
Like I said, yet another subject you know nothing about.

"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

Walls around schools and entry control points are the solution. Armed guards at all times. Our idiotic leftist policies have made our country so unsafe from mentally deranged and Islamists, we need to practically militarize our schools in order to protect children.
well dumb ass democrats certainly are not righties now are they ya leftist
Doubling down on your inherent genetic stupidity I see.

sorry your slip is showing nancy
They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.
Totally wrong as usual.
The curriculum is decided by community standards and the teachers/ administrators run the schools. The unions just protect teachers from unfair hiring or firing. Plus many states don’t even have teachers unions.
Just another subject you know nothing about.

ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.

You really need to talk to a teacher and learn the truth!

Hey! Why don't you read my posts! I am a teacher and you are full of shit on this topic!
So was I.. for many years.
One thing you have to know about Bripat... he’s really resistant to learning anything new.
He’s a lost cause.

That explains your extreme idiocy.
I lost count the number of times I wrote information and you asked for links because you know nothing and are proud of it.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

Walls around schools and entry control points are the solution. Armed guards at all times. Our idiotic leftist policies have made our country so unsafe from mentally deranged and Islamists, we need to practically militarize our schools in order to protect children.
Why do you idiots think walls is the answer to all problems? You want to create a fortress to barricade students inside? Who pays for the armed guards. Many schools don’t even have money for new books.
You’re fucking out of your mind.
The obvious solution is, if at all possible, don't send your children into the Government School nightmare. It's only gonna get worse. American parents really should seek education alternatives. That's the best solution.
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.

Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?
Ever attend a curriculum meeting?
That means what subjects and topics are taught in schools.
Those are devised with input by the community.
Like I said, yet another subject you know nothing about.

"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
well dumb ass democrats certainly are not righties now are they ya leftist
Doubling down on your inherent genetic stupidity I see.

sorry your slip is showing nancy
They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.
Totally wrong as usual.
The curriculum is decided by community standards and the teachers/ administrators run the schools. The unions just protect teachers from unfair hiring or firing. Plus many states don’t even have teachers unions.
Just another subject you know nothing about.

ROFL! "Community standards," my ass. Most parents hate the crap their kids are taught in school. Teachers run the schools, period. They run roughshod over the schoolboard.

You really need to talk to a teacher and learn the truth!

Hey! Why don't you read my posts! I am a teacher and you are full of shit on this topic!
So was I.. for many years.
One thing you have to know about Bripat... he’s really resistant to learning anything new.
He’s a lost cause.

That explains your extreme idiocy.

indeed it does gets more extreme with each post
"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
In your county, moron. School board elections are held in off years, and turn out is exceptionally low. However, all the teachers go to the polls. That means that teachers makeup enough of the vote to get their prefered candidates on the board.
Ever attend a curriculum meeting?
That means what subjects and topics are taught in schools.
Those are devised with input by the community.
Like I said, yet another subject you know nothing about.

"With input from the community" means the schoolboard pays lip service to the community.
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.

Oh, shut up! You have now gone stone cold stupid!

I wasn't aware that only teachers could vote in the school board elections! Will you please contact the media because I don't think they were apprised of that change in the election process?

The obvious solution is, if at all possible, don't send your children into the Government School nightmare. It's only gonna get worse. American parents really should seek education alternatives. That's the best solution.
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.

Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire
Well as we’ve seen, school shooters typically take their own lives with the exception of the most recent case. Of course, it really wouldn’t be hard for the shooter to take out his teacher and a dozen others in the classroom and then, you know, flee the scene.
So in your mind, average joe-student has the skills of a ninja and a special forces operator? He will quickly disarm his teacher and then efficiently execute “a dozen” students in the class (even though very few handguns hold a dozen rounds)? :laugh:
Nope. Wrong again. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why curriculums change so drastically depending on where you live.
"Collaborative" means the school board pays lip service to what parents want.

Your school boards are not elected? If they are, why haven't you run? Around here, getting someone to do all of that work for free is making it hard to find people to run.

They are elected mostly by teachers.
School boards are elected by teachers? Lmao
On what planet?
In your county, moron. School board elections are held in off years, and turn out is exceptionally low. However, all the teachers go to the polls. That means that teachers makeup enough of the vote to get their prefered candidates on the board.

That's odd. My school board is elected during the general election along with all other state representatives, city, and county officials. Maybe that is why you are so fucked up? Stop bitching about the rest of the world who does it right and worry about your own little hamlet because apparently the problem doesn't exist out here in the real world.
Anything but enacting gun control which most of America desperately wants.
Uh...literally no Americans want that (which is why it hasn’t happened and never will). Now, you anti-American criminals want that of course. But not Americans.
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.

Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire
Try running a school district without money, dumbass.
Expect more from schools?
Then talk to the parents who send their kids to school without breakfast and without discipline of any kind but expect the teachers to be the parents the real ones can’t be..

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