If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

It’s obvious that progressives want nothing short of all out firearm confiscation, They absolutely refuse to compromise on anything short of it.
They want only their ideas as law.

The fight is going to be tooth and nail for a very very long time… Buckle up
the voucher program creates the best of the best in education

The voucher programs tred around the country have proven to be a failure time and time again. You can change a student's location, you can change the teachers, and you can change what the student wears to school, but until you change what is between that child's ears, nothing is going to make them successful.

A "C" level student at PS102 is probably still going to be a "C" level student if they get a voucher to Our Lady of Perpetual Motion Catholic school. Will some kids do better? Of course, but the general results will not be worth the damage to the public school's funding.

The real purpose of vouchers is so that Dr. Ben Dover, Proctologist to the Stars, can send his kid to St. Joseph's of Aspirin Catholic High School to play on the perennial state championship football team without having to shell out $12,000 in tuition each year.

I did my Master's work on this in Florida looking at the voucher system. Do you know how many private high schools in our county accepted the state's vouchers? Zero. Not a single one. The schools could not afford to lose about $5000 -$7000 per student that transferred in from a public school. Not the private Academy School, not the Country Day School, not the Christian School, not the Episcopal School, not the two Catholic Schools, and not even the Islamic Madrassa School.

Dr. Ben Dover took it in the shorts on that deal! He had to treat himself after he got reamed.

it was never fully developed time to getting it going full blast

if a school can not make it close it

you will doing the kids a favor

You are going to have to try harder. I have no idea what you are talking about in this post. Please try again, in English with some punctuation please!
Is there a point hidden in there somewhere?

I'll bet your math teacher already had arms, or he couldn't have tipped his hat!

No one said that all teachers had to be armed, dumbass!

I also had one a couple of years later who had a complete breakdown in class, struck a smart ass kid in the face so hard that it broke his glasses, and was escorted out of the building by police after threatening the principal. I guess my point is, is there some reason why you think teachers as a group are any more sane than your average garden variety group of kids? Does earning a teacher's certificate guarantee that he is not just as crazy as the guy in Las Vegas? Just who decides who is a "good guy" who gets to carry a gun in school?

Well, I guess I will never know who among the Right are wise enough to decide that Mr. Smith , teaching English, is a good guy, and should carry a gun, while Mrs. Jones, Latin, may be a closet mass murderer, and should not carry a gun.

Now you have gone to quoting your own posts?

There doesn't seem to be anyone else around here who is willing to discuss the point I raised, so i guess so.

Not a bit self-centered are you?

Well, now, Duke, if that is your idea of a rebuttal, i will sit back and watch one of your movies, in total awe of you ability to impress preteens!
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.
the voucher program creates the best of the best in education

The voucher programs tred around the country have proven to be a failure time and time again. You can change a student's location, you can change the teachers, and you can change what the student wears to school, but until you change what is between that child's ears, nothing is going to make them successful.

A "C" level student at PS102 is probably still going to be a "C" level student if they get a voucher to Our Lady of Perpetual Motion Catholic school. Will some kids do better? Of course, but the general results will not be worth the damage to the public school's funding.

The real purpose of vouchers is so that Dr. Ben Dover, Proctologist to the Stars, can send his kid to St. Joseph's of Aspirin Catholic High School to play on the perennial state championship football team without having to shell out $12,000 in tuition each year.

I did my Master's work on this in Florida looking at the voucher system. Do you know how many private high schools in our county accepted the state's vouchers? Zero. Not a single one. The schools could not afford to lose about $5000 -$7000 per student that transferred in from a public school. Not the private Academy School, not the Country Day School, not the Christian School, not the Episcopal School, not the two Catholic Schools, and not even the Islamic Madrassa School.

Dr. Ben Dover took it in the shorts on that deal! He had to treat himself after he got reamed.

it was never fully developed time to getting it going full blast

if a school can not make it close it

you will doing the kids a favor

You are going to have to try harder. I have no idea what you are talking about in this post. Please try again, in English with some punctuation please!

too bad for you
Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

let people spend their money where they see fit

competition makes education better

It's not their money! That where you voucher vampires make your mistake. If you want to spend YOUR money where you see fit, pay for the tuition at that private school.

I have no kids in school, but I still pay taxes. You want to use my taxes to pay for your kid's private school education.

sure it is as much as it when it went to a public school

hey many might chose to stay

but if the education sucks

there is always having the ability to pull the funding

works well in other institutions

forcing better education is all the better for the children

Let's try sentences instead of nonsensical fragments. Are you capable of that level of discussion?
the voucher program creates the best of the best in education

The voucher programs tred around the country have proven to be a failure time and time again. You can change a student's location, you can change the teachers, and you can change what the student wears to school, but until you change what is between that child's ears, nothing is going to make them successful.

A "C" level student at PS102 is probably still going to be a "C" level student if they get a voucher to Our Lady of Perpetual Motion Catholic school. Will some kids do better? Of course, but the general results will not be worth the damage to the public school's funding.

The real purpose of vouchers is so that Dr. Ben Dover, Proctologist to the Stars, can send his kid to St. Joseph's of Aspirin Catholic High School to play on the perennial state championship football team without having to shell out $12,000 in tuition each year.

I did my Master's work on this in Florida looking at the voucher system. Do you know how many private high schools in our county accepted the state's vouchers? Zero. Not a single one. The schools could not afford to lose about $5000 -$7000 per student that transferred in from a public school. Not the private Academy School, not the Country Day School, not the Christian School, not the Episcopal School, not the two Catholic Schools, and not even the Islamic Madrassa School.

Dr. Ben Dover took it in the shorts on that deal! He had to treat himself after he got reamed.

it was never fully developed time to getting it going full blast

if a school can not make it close it

you will doing the kids a favor

You are going to have to try harder. I have no idea what you are talking about in this post. Please try again, in English with some punctuation please!

too bad for you

Mental retardation is not one of my teaching specialties, so if that is the case, I don't think I can help you.
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state
15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

OMG, you're right. Why are we giving guns to police? Or to soldiers?

The bad guys will just take them away.
Teachers are not trained in the skills police and the military have regarding using weapons. It is stupid to have teachers carrying guns.

All schools should have metal detectors/security systems set up at every entrance to prevent people taking weapons into the schools. As well, bullet proof glass or bars on windows (on the ground floor) preventing someone trying to get into the school by breaking or shooting out a window.

All costs for these securities should be passed on as sales tax on guns, in the same way medical costs for smokers are passed on as sales tax on tabacco.
Last edited:
I had a math teacher in high school who was so blind that he once stumbled over a coat and hat rack, tipped his hat, and apologized to it.

Right. let's arm our teachers.

Is there a point hidden in there somewhere?

I'll bet your math teacher already had arms, or he couldn't have tipped his hat!

No one said that all teachers had to be armed, dumbass!

I also had one a couple of years later who had a complete breakdown in class, struck a smart ass kid in the face so hard that it broke his glasses, and was escorted out of the building by police after threatening the principal. I guess my point is, is there some reason why you think teachers as a group are any more sane than your average garden variety group of kids? Does earning a teacher's certificate guarantee that he is not just as crazy as the guy in Las Vegas? Just who decides who is a "good guy" who gets to carry a gun in school?

How many other jobs require the qualifications similar to that of a teacher?

Armed security guards have less qualifications. Remember that the next time you visit a bank.

Sorry, but that is not even a LITTLE bit relevant to giving weapons to your kids teachers, without any idea of their grasp on their sanity.

What is the big difference between the process of selecting teacher and selecting law enforcement officers?

That cop pulling you over for an illegal lane change might just be a closeted Neo-Nazi skinhead. You never know, do you? He just might not like the way you look, and his wife ran off with a guy that resembles you!
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Seriously, only radicals like UnReasonable could blame President Trump for Hitlery Clinton’s own words on her own position. :eusa_doh:

I’m not surprised you lied about what Hilary said. At no time did she say or imply she’s anti gun as you lied about. Considering you worship a pathological liar with over 2100 lies in one year... it’s understandable you would acquire his worst habit.
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

This is just absolutely stupid.
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

Why shouldn’t every gun owner be registered?
Plus you idiot it would be professionals, psychiatrists that would decide who is mentally ill.
You want more of the same. Once again you’re on the wrong side of history and about as bright as a small appliance bulb.
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

This is just absolutely stupid.

Rustic is proud of his stupidity. He strives every day to be more like that guy in the WH that gets his news from Fox and Friends.
15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

OMG, you're right. Why are we giving guns to police? Or to soldiers?

The bad guys will just take them away.
Teachers are not trained in the skills police and the military have regarding using weapons. It is stupid to have teachers carrying guns.

All schools should have metal detectors/security systems set up at every entrance to prevent people taking weapons into the schools. As well, bullet proof glass or bars on windows preventing someone trying to get into the school by breaking or shooting out a window.

Why can't they be trained? I am ex-military. Why would I need to be trained?

In regards to your last comments, are you familiar with a school shooting that happened a number of years back at an Indian reservation in Minnesota I believe.

The shooter walked up to the metal detector, shot the unarmed security guard dead who was manning it , walked right through the metal detector and began his rampage, shooting other students!

Yeah, that metal detector was a God-send, wasn't it?

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