If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

This is just absolutely stupid.

The truth hurts, huh?
I also had one a couple of years later who had a complete breakdown in class, struck a smart ass kid in the face so hard that it broke his glasses, and was escorted out of the building by police after threatening the principal. I guess my point is, is there some reason why you think teachers as a group are any more sane than your average garden variety group of kids? Does earning a teacher's certificate guarantee that he is not just as crazy as the guy in Las Vegas? Just who decides who is a "good guy" who gets to carry a gun in school?

Well, I guess I will never know who among the Right are wise enough to decide that Mr. Smith , teaching English, is a good guy, and should carry a gun, while Mrs. Jones, Latin, may be a closet mass murderer, and should not carry a gun.

Now you have gone to quoting your own posts?

There doesn't seem to be anyone else around here who is willing to discuss the point I raised, so i guess so.

Not a bit self-centered are you?

Well, now, Duke, if that is your idea of a rebuttal, i will sit back and watch one of your movies, in total awe of you ability to impress preteens!

My response was much better than your lame attempt. I don't even try to impress preteens, but you get your rocks off anyway you can as long as you don't touch!
Of course, as a member of a metropolitan police force, I did receive extensive training to deal with an Active Armed Offender scenario.

It was a total of five days and we took a lot of breaks.
Why shouldn’t every gun owner be registered?
Because that is Step #1 in the government confiscation of firearms. Progressives would know that if they would actually study history and learn from it.

Also - the U.S. Constitution doesn’t dictate that they have to be “registered”. And the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Stop being a lawless thug.
Plus you idiot it would be professionals, psychiatrists that would decide who is mentally ill.
Yeah...and none of them are left-wing lunatics with an agenda. :eusa_doh:
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants.

And now we’ve come full circle. Again, snowflake, if that were actually what America wanted, it would have happened already.

You lied your ass off of what Hillary said.
You show no remorse for lying either
We’ve not come full circle.We’re still standing still waiting for the gutless GOP Congress to come up with any type of solution to our dead gun problem no other country has.
I’ve proven you wrong twice tonite.
Enjoy your humiliation.
15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

OMG, you're right. Why are we giving guns to police? Or to soldiers?

The bad guys will just take them away.
Teachers are not trained in the skills police and the military have regarding using weapons. It is stupid to have teachers carrying guns.

All schools should have metal detectors/security systems set up at every entrance to prevent people taking weapons into the schools. As well, bullet proof glass or bars on windows (on the ground floor) preventing someone trying to get into the school by breaking or shooting out a window.

All costs for these securities should be passed on as sales tax on guns, in the same way medical costs for smokers are passed on as sales tax on tabacco.
It should be up to the teachers if they want to carry or not… You fucking control freak.
No unnecessary taxes on firearms it’s unconstitutional...
1. Hillary wasn’t anti gun. That’s just another of the thousands of lies your orange dunce came up with.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

This is just absolutely stupid.

Rustic is proud of his stupidity. He strives every day to be more like that guy in the WH that gets his news from Fox and Friends.

Funny thing is I don’t watch any network, as far as I’m concerned all networks including fox work for the federal government.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.
Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.
Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state
This is just absolutely stupid.
Rustic is proud of his stupidity. He strives every day to be more like that guy in the WH that gets his news from Fox and Friends.
Funny thing is I don’t watch any network, as far as I’m concerned all networks including fox work for the federal government.
Thanks for admitting you cater to far right conspiracy sites. I had you pegged a long time ago.
I’m a libertarian.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
You lied your ass off of what Hillary said.
I posted video of her speaking, stupid.
I’ve proven you wrong twice tonite.
The only thing you’ve proven is that I was 100% correct about your illiteracy. :lmao:
Are you psychotic? At NO TIME did Hillary say what you claimed she said. I watched the whole video. What a stark contrast to a well spoken, intelligent sensible woman to your raving lunatic prez.
That you continue to insist she said something she did not proves you are mentally ill.
And I don’t care how well trained someone is, a 60+ year old 5 foot female teacher is not stopping a 6+ foot male teenager from taking her firearm. She’ll just be the first one he shoots. There’s a reason the vast majority of teachers are against guns in schools.

Sure she will stop him, when she pulls a bead on him and then pulls the trigger.
You just made my point. Your idea of putting guns in classrooms already resulted in a student getting shot.

Why does the gun have to be on her person? Why not have them in a secure location in the classroom?

I would love to be able to keep an AR-15 in my classroom for just such emergencies.
More likely, some complacent teachers might keep theirs in an unlocked desk drawer.

No, a dumbass like you might. Teachers are trained professionals.

Of course I realize that you are trained professional also, but your being a prostitute is a little different.
Moron, they’re trained to teach. They don’t go through basic training.
Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state
This is just absolutely stupid.
Rustic is proud of his stupidity. He strives every day to be more like that guy in the WH that gets his news from Fox and Friends.
Funny thing is I don’t watch any network, as far as I’m concerned all networks including fox work for the federal government.
Thanks for admitting you cater to far right conspiracy sites. I had you pegged a long time ago.
I’m a libertarian.
You prove you’re a card carrying deplorable without a bit of common sense.
Let me know when you’re starting to feel really stupid (I mean more than normal)...

Everything she said is what America wants. Universal background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and the mentally ill.
My God, you’re one simple idiot if you think that is anti gun it’s pro common sense.

Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm registration... Fact
Progressives are going to call people they disagree with mentally ill... So fuck your nanny state

This is just absolutely stupid.

The truth hurts, huh?

You are the type who shouldn't be allowed a gun: you have a personality disorder: i.e., mental illness.

Too bad, I sell firearms and ammo for a living. My best customers are in the military, police and fire, I live near two military bases. In fact I sell firearms to the local sheriffs department…
You just made my point. Your idea of putting guns in classrooms already resulted in a student getting shot.

Why does the gun have to be on her person? Why not have them in a secure location in the classroom?

I would love to be able to keep an AR-15 in my classroom for just such emergencies.
More likely, some complacent teachers might keep theirs in an unlocked desk drawer.

What you're saying is that public school teachers are really really stupid.
The general consensus is that you are really really stupid. Not the teachers.
You are the one who just implied that teachers are stupid, dumbass.
Imbecile.... teachers are people. All people are capable of doing stupid things on occasion. You, more than most.
Sure she will stop him, when she pulls a bead on him and then pulls the trigger.
You just made my point. Your idea of putting guns in classrooms already resulted in a student getting shot.

Why does the gun have to be on her person? Why not have them in a secure location in the classroom?

I would love to be able to keep an AR-15 in my classroom for just such emergencies.
More likely, some complacent teachers might keep theirs in an unlocked desk drawer.

No, a dumbass like you might. Teachers are trained professionals.

Of course I realize that you are trained professional also, but your being a prostitute is a little different.
Moron, they’re trained to teach. They don’t go through basic training.
There is nothing wrong with letting teachers if They want to… Dumbass

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