If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
A 'quality teacher' is someone who is a good educator, not someone who is a firearms specialist.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
Based on common sense. Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?
If it’s locked in her desk, kids would know that and break in.
Just what we don’t need.
More guns.
You’re an idiot.
I see that’s a prime qualification for being a mod on this forum.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

Walls around schools and entry control points are the solution. Armed guards at all times. Our idiotic leftist policies have made our country so unsafe from mentally deranged and Islamists, we need to practically militarize our schools in order to protect children.
Why do you idiots think walls is the answer to all problems? You want to create a fortress to barricade students inside? Who pays for the armed guards. Many schools don’t even have money for new books.
You’re fucking out of your mind.

Walls protect people, moron. All future schools should be made with security in mind. Why can’t local police help out too? We’re already paying for them. There is plenty of ways to pay for it, and I suspect parents would be willing to pay more taxes to fund it.
Why does the gun have to be on her person? Why not have them in a secure location in the classroom?

I would love to be able to keep an AR-15 in my classroom for just such emergencies.
More likely, some complacent teachers might keep theirs in an unlocked desk drawer.

What you're saying is that public school teachers are really really stupid.
The general consensus is that you are really really stupid. Not the teachers.
You are the one who just implied that teachers are stupid, dumbass.
Imbecile.... teachers are people. All people are capable of doing stupid things on occasion. You, more than most.
Peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, it’s none of my business and certainly none of the federal government business. You stupid Dolt
You’re an idiot.

Create a FBI that follows up on tips.
Oh yeah: blame the whole thing onthe FBI. There have been 400 school shootings in the US since Sandy Hook. Only this one had to do with an FBI tip. Get a brain.

Got a link to that stat? The flag is waving proudly in the breeze!

No doubt, she will cite Everytown
Shame on you. What happened in Newtown should break your heart, not make you antagonist toward gun control. Shame, shame, shame,.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

Walls around schools and entry control points are the solution. Armed guards at all times. Our idiotic leftist policies have made our country so unsafe from mentally deranged and Islamists, we need to practically militarize our schools in order to protect children.
Why do you idiots think walls is the answer to all problems? You want to create a fortress to barricade students inside? Who pays for the armed guards. Many schools don’t even have money for new books.
You’re fucking out of your mind.

Walls protect people, moron. All future schools should be made with security in mind. Why can’t local police help out too? We’re already paying for them. There is plenty of ways to pay for it, and I suspect parents would be willing to pay more taxes to fund it.
There are already police in some schools.
A wall around a school could be the most ridiculous idea I ever heard.... after a southern border wall. Do me a favor and go to your next Board of Ed meeting at your local school and suggest your bonehead idea and report back to us how fast you were laughed out of the building..
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
Based on common sense. Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?
If it’s locked in her desk, kids would know that and break in.
Just what we don’t need.
More guns.
You’re an idiot.
I see that’s a prime qualification for being a mod on this forum.
Concealed carry you fucking dolt. Lol
More likely, some complacent teachers might keep theirs in an unlocked desk drawer.

What you're saying is that public school teachers are really really stupid.
The general consensus is that you are really really stupid. Not the teachers.
You are the one who just implied that teachers are stupid, dumbass.
Imbecile.... teachers are people. All people are capable of doing stupid things on occasion. You, more than most.
Peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, it’s none of my business and certainly none of the federal government business. You stupid Dolt
It's everybody's businesss, moron. 15 innocent children and 2 teachers were killed a few days ago: for no reason except some maniac had a semi-automatec weapon. It is our business to try to prevent these massacres!!!
Create a FBI that follows up on tips.
Oh yeah: blame the whole thing onthe FBI. There have been 400 school shootings in the US since Sandy Hook. Only this one had to do with an FBI tip. Get a brain.

Got a link to that stat? The flag is waving proudly in the breeze!

No doubt, she will cite Everytown
Shame on you. What happened in Newtown should break your heart, not make you antagonist toward gun control. Shame, shame, shame,.
See there you go again, absolutely no compromise thinking your way is the only way when it is not the way for other people.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
Based on common sense. Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?
If it’s locked in her desk, kids would know that and break in.
Just what we don’t need.
More guns.
You’re an idiot.
I see that’s a prime qualification for being a mod on this forum.
Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?

You should look up biometric safes, and educate yourself

Gun Safes - Fireproof and Security Gun Safes from Top Brands like Barska, GunVault, Cannon & Mesa — 538 products / 785 models
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
A 'quality teacher' is someone who is a good educator, not someone who is a firearms specialist.

A quality teacher is one that educates their students, listens to their students, has excellent organizational skills, KNOWS their subject inside and out, and can adapt to new situations. And, if they are so inclined, be capable of defending their charges.
I worked in the education field for 30 years. If they took a poll how many teachers wanted guns in their classroom I bet the average would be 98% against.
That nut case judge on Fox proposed this insane idea as have many on the right.

That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
Based on common sense. Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?
If it’s locked in her desk, kids would know that and break in.
Just what we don’t need.
More guns.
You’re an idiot.
I see that’s a prime qualification for being a mod on this forum.
Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?

You should look up biometric safes, and educate yourself

Gun Safes - Fireproof and Security Gun Safes from Top Brands like Barska, GunVault, Cannon & Mesa — 538 products / 785 models
Why would I waste my time? Teachers don’t want to carry guns and can’t be made to according to the First Amendment like I educated you on.
Create a FBI that follows up on tips.
Oh yeah: blame the whole thing onthe FBI. There have been 400 school shootings in the US since Sandy Hook. Only this one had to do with an FBI tip. Get a brain.

Got a link to that stat? The flag is waving proudly in the breeze!

No doubt, she will cite Everytown
Shame on you. What happened in Newtown should break your heart, not make you antagonist toward gun control. Shame, shame, shame,.

You should pull your head out of your ass.

Newtown was a disaster, granted.

and you want to take away the rights of millions, because a couple of thousand, over a few years, misused it.

Shame shame shame
When’s that beautiful healthcare for all going to happen where everyone will be covered?

All the people I care about are covered. Shame you can't take care of your own.
There you go again ASSuME.
And isn’t it just like a deplorable to only care about yourself.
I have a great HC plan but because of the failures of Trump/ GOP most people aren’t as fortunate.
What you're saying is that public school teachers are really really stupid.
The general consensus is that you are really really stupid. Not the teachers.
You are the one who just implied that teachers are stupid, dumbass.
Imbecile.... teachers are people. All people are capable of doing stupid things on occasion. You, more than most.
Peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, it’s none of my business and certainly none of the federal government business. You stupid Dolt
It's everybody's businesss, moron. 15 innocent children and 2 teachers were killed a few days ago: for no reason except some maniac had a semi-automatec weapon. It is our business to try to prevent these massacres!!!
Firearm ownership of other people is not your fucking business, it is not my fucking business and certainly is not the federal government business. The fucking federal government has zero credibility...
An AR15 is just a sporting rifle nothing more nothing less...
Gun free zones are a free-for-all for criminals/crazy people. What do you expect.
They are like a bulletin boards for violence…
Call me a fucking moron like yourself thinks that more frivolous gun laws will stop criminals, criminals are called criminals because they are criminals they don’t obey laws you stupid ass bitch. So take your fucking nanny state and shove it up your fucking ass.
That's fine. Two percent of the teachers would be enough to prevent these terrible attacks from harming too many kids. Remember, the American Revolution was fought by less than 3% of the population. All you need are quality teachers, trained properly, and they can protect all the others.
There has been countless examples in this thread that guns in schools carried by teachers would create more problems than they would solve but I see you’re a slow learner.

No, you have had countless ignorant opinions. Opinions, based on ignorance, are as useful as a turd in a pool. The Israeli's HAVE armed teachers, and they no longer have terrorists attacking their schools. Maybe you should try reading something from outside of your very tiny echo chamber.
Based on common sense. Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?
If it’s locked in her desk, kids would know that and break in.
Just what we don’t need.
More guns.
You’re an idiot.
I see that’s a prime qualification for being a mod on this forum.
Where would a teacher hide her gun or should she have it in her holster?

You should look up biometric safes, and educate yourself

Gun Safes - Fireproof and Security Gun Safes from Top Brands like Barska, GunVault, Cannon & Mesa — 538 products / 785 models
Why would I waste my time? Teachers don’t want to carry guns and can’t be made to according to the First Amendment like I educated you on.

can’t be made to according to the First Amendment like I educated you on.

You did?

I haven't missed a post, but that one escaped my notice.

why would you waste your time?

possibly to prove you aren't a COMPLETE idiot?

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