If you think Romney will beat Obama

Of course. Mickey Mouse could beat Obama come the elections in November. Obama is history.
Why the fuck are you asking, here, what he speaks about? Who gives a shit?

Sean Hannity is part of an information system which gets Republican voters to trust Republican policies. We need voters like you to learn how to question Republican Presidents with the same intensity that you question Democratic Presidents. We need you to learn how to question Big Government when your party is in control of Big Government. (We can no longer afford your cheer leading and uncritical policy support when your party is in office)

We constantly hear how much the Left likes to grow government - and this is true, the Left likes to grow government - but the reality is that the Right likes to grow it just as much, if not more. My link is an example of a big government GOP bureaucracy. Why are GOP voters not concerned about the size and centralized power of the Department of Homeland Security?

(Because pundits like Sean Hannity never talk about it)

I'm asking you to expand your information sources so you are not so trusting of Romney when he starts another war for civilization - good versus evil. I'm doing this because we can't afford another Bush, so we need you to find the mental resolve to transcend FOX News and question your leadership.

Republican didn't question Bush sufficiently, and this lead to an era of Big Government Conservatism. Democrats didn't question Obama sufficiently, and this lead to a continuation of many of Bush's worst policies. Since you claim to be against Big Government, and against growing the power of Washington, we need you to do something you failed to do under Reagan or Bush: question your leadership and prevent them from raping the tax payer, and growing large, unaffordable, unaccountable bureaucracies.

A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Please sir, learn to question your party's president when they are office. We cannot afford another Bush. Do not let Sean Hannity (and the rest of the rightwing punditry) feed you opinions about Iran and National Security. We need you to learn how to question your party's presidents as thoroughly as you questioned Obama.

We can no longer afford your blind loyalty to your party's Foreign Policy decisions. We need to help you learn how to question your party. We can't afford how much your party grows government. Your party is supposed to be a counterweight to the big spending Democrats. Problem is: once they get in the White House (if you compare Reagan to Carter and Bush to Clinton) they like to spend more than the Democrats. I'm saying that you need to turn off Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, FOX News, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'reilly, etc... and learn how to question your party. We need your help.

They're always asking us to take a close look and see that the Democrats are liars but they never practice what they preach. In fact, they believe all the lies they are told. Global warming, sure I'll go along with the corporations spin on it. Tax breaks to the rich? Who cares that it didn't trickle down. Who cares if 60% of Americans vs 30% think they should be recinded. 10% undecided dopes. Undoing the unfair tax breaks that didn't work would be class warfare. Contraception? WHo cares that 97% of women use them.

Hell, Republicans will even defend a murderer because he used a dumb law they passed to murder that kid in Florida. Because the NRA and ALEC told them to. How is that any better than blacks who defended OJ?
Romney might very well defeat Obama; the economy MATTERS, and the "recovery" isn't much, thus far.

I think voters understand that under Bush we lost 7 million jobs and Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Big improvement. And voters should also know that if it weren't for Paul Ryan/Boehner spending cuts in the House, the number would be 600,000 a month.

And Romney wants to go back to the Bush ways. Please tell me the differences between Romney's plan and Bush's. Can't find any differences? Exactly.

And Obama got Bin Ladin. Could you imagine if a Republican president was in office and did that? You'd be shouting it from every thread and forum.
Romney might very well defeat Obama; the economy MATTERS, and the "recovery" isn't much, thus far.

I think voters understand that under Bush we lost 7 million jobs and Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Big improvement. And voters should also know that if it weren't for Paul Ryan/Boehner spending cuts in the House, the number would be 600,000 a month.

And Romney wants to go back to the Bush ways. Please tell me the differences between Romney's plan and Bush's. Can't find any differences? Exactly.

And Obama got Bin Ladin. Could you imagine if a Republican president was in office and did that? You'd be shouting it from every thread and forum.

Running against Bush yet again?

Talk about an inability to be relevant
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

You think the Occupy Wallstreet crowd is going to affect this election? Now THAT is some funny shit, Bobo! Most of them are too stoned to find a polling station let alone figure out the ballot. Hate to break this to you but the people who made up the group known as the Tea Party haven't gone anywhere and they are just as down on Barry NOW as they were two years ago when Democrats took (in Barry's own words) a "shellacking". Those people actually DO show up and vote...unlike the OWS folks.

As for what a right wing Governor is doing in Wisconsin hurting the GOP? That's pretty amusing as well. When Walker took office Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit. In two years he's erased that deficit without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters and without raising taxes. Yeah, that's the kind of thing that's going to REALLY put off the average voter, Bobo!

You want to know why Romney will beat Obama? Because unlike Barry...Mitt Romney will actually DO something to fix the economy and create jobs. Unlike Barry...Mitt Romney has shown that he CAN work across the aisle to get things done. He was a GOP Governor in liberal Massachusetts...he knows how to work with the opposition. Barry is the most divisive President I've ever seen in the Oval Office. He was handed super majorities along with his office and he beat the Republicans over the head with those majorities. Then the American people took away that club in the 2010 mid-terms but instead of moving towards the center a la Clinton in his first term, Barry has resorted to finger pointing, threats of vetos and the use of executive orders to stick to his progressive agenda. Why would any logical person want four more years of that kind of "leadership"? You already know that Obama's run out of ideas to fix things...that was apparent when he tried to get us to bite on "Stimulus II". Why would you want to reelect someone who has no solutions to our problems?

You underestimate the Wallstreet protesters and they dwarf the tea party. And look at what the tea party was able to do. But that was only in a midterm. The tea party has no stroke now. But the tea party does.

Thanks for participating. Ican't wait to come back to this right after the election.

I don't take anyone who calls the president Barry seriously. And you do know Mitt's real name is Willard? Do you refer to him as Willard? Also Mormons think you other Christians are in a cult. Did you know that? Stay tuned.

Funny Walker is being recalled. And if Snyder were to run today, he would lose in a landslide.

If you REALLY think that the OWS movement dwarfs the Tea Party, Bobo...you're simply showing some real ignorance. OWS didn't even last through one winter...let alone through an election despite non-stop sympathetic coverage from a fawning main stream media. The Tea Party people are patiently waiting until November to make their voice heard again. They will vote...and they will vote overwhelmingly against progressives.

As for what Morman's think of me? Since I'm an agnostic I'm quite sure they would fear for my soul but that won't be keeping up at night. Quite frankly, I could care less if Mitt Romney worshiped a tree and howled at the moon as long as he did his job. I already know that Barack Obama doesn't have the chops to get things done just as I know that Romney's past performance would lead one to believe he can.

Yes, Walker IS being recalled. Public sector unions have spent millions to make sure that took place. Would you care to wager on his BEING replaced? Sorry, Bobo...but I'm guessing the good people of Wisconsin aren't going to be in any hurry to hand their State back to the same group who put them in a 3 billion dollar hole.
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

Are you progressives really naive enough to think that you can hide Barry's abysmal record on the economy, jobs and the deficit behind all of the above bullshit?
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So far obama iis failing miserably. His foreign policy is in tatters over North Korea, his own staff has embarassed him, and he has embarassed hiimself too. His manufactured fights over women's rights failed. The effort to get Rush Limbaugh failed. obama's sphere of influence is getting smaller and smaller every day.

So was George Bush's economic and foreign policies in 2004 but you still gave him a second term.

Manufactured war on women? Have you taken a look in every red state and seen all the anti birth control/abortion legislation that has been passed?

Who do you think got abortion legalized? The Women's rights movement. You want to have that war again? Trust me, you lose. Which is why Romney and the GOP are suffering a 19 point gender gap with women. Obama didn't manufacture that. When you say manufactured do you mean pointed it out? Do you want women to be underinformed? Well they will decide if the GOP's war on them is manufactured or not. I'm sure you will say it is over and over and over until maybe some believe our lies.

Just look at what Walker did in Wisconsin. Obama fabricated this too?

Gillibrand: Romney's 'Hero' Scott Walker Got Rid Of Equal Pay For Women Laws | TPM Livewire

We couldn't make this shit up. :lol:
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

Are you progressives really naive enough to think that you can hide Barry's abysmal record on the economy, jobs and the deficit behind all of the above bullshit side issues?

The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.

I'm seeing a great deal of political rhetoric explaining how Obama will lose, but not much empirical evidence. The polls in swing states are favoring Obama, at least today.

So is the point here that people in the swing states are going to change their minds? And if that's it, precisely what event or story line is going to cause that to happen?

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Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

Are you progressives really naive enough to think that you can hide Barry's abysmal record on the economy, jobs and the deficit behind all of the above bullshit side issues?

Isn't that what you are going to do when you hold your nose and vote for Willard? :lol:

And the answer to your question is, "yes we can". Because when Bush left office, we were bleeding 7 million jobs and we have Willard Romney on tape saying Michigan was just in a one state recession. What a dope. Same time McCain was saying that the fundamentals of our economy were strong. Remember that? How did McCain do?

Bush bleeding 7 million jobs.

Obama adding 300,000 jobs a month.

The number would be 600,000 if it weren't for Boehner/Ryan house cuts. The voting public gets it, even though you righties don't.

Remember righties said Clinton sucked and we should vote for Dole? This is almost as rediculous. I can't believe we got Romney. But remember Republicans said even Herman Cain or Ron Paul could beat Obama? Even though they couldn't even beat liberal Willard Romney? And he's going to beat Obama? Yea, and Birthers are going to affect the election too. They finally have some evidence that Barry is a muslim born in Kenya. :eusa_shhh:

How much does Romney have in a Swiss Bank? Obama doesn't hide, I mean have any of his money in a Swiss or Cayman Island bank. Is that the kind of President middle class Americans want? I think not. But keep hoping.
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

Are you progressives really naive enough to think that you can hide Barry's abysmal record on the economy, jobs and the deficit behind all of the above bullshit side issues?

The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.

How did I know that you were going to spam this silly thing again, Chris! What's this about a thousand times for you? It keeps getting ripped apart..but you keep right on trotting it out there again. Hey, maybe if you repeat the same tired baloney enough times SOMEBODY will believe it's true?
In fact, they believe all the lies they are told.

They have self-appointed themselves as high-minded critics of Big Government, but once their party is in office they stop effectively questioning government policy.

Too many of the posters here get their information from political sources (rightwing media).

Watch what happens when Romney takes office. They will stop questioning government. If Romney choses to attack Iran, or if he increases domestic surveillance, they will not question it.

In truth, they don't really question Big Government (-they just question liberal policies on cue. There is no real policy analysis, rather, there is just reflexive opinions created by their political machine)

When Republicans are in office, you will never see any critical engagement with foreign policy decisions. This is why Reagan was able to spend twice as much as Carter, and Bush twice as much as Clinton.

They go from being a vital check against government power to apparatchiks of government power. They do this because they get all their information from a political party - from the GOP, which funds think tanks, Talk Radio, and FOX News. It's a seamless web, and they cannot get out of it. All political issues are literally framed for them.

This is why the didn't question Iraq. This is why they won't question Iran. Put simply: they don't have alternative information sources. Like I said: pundits like Sean Hannity do not foster critical engagement with the policies of Republican presidents.

I'm only mentioning this stuff because we can't afford for Romney to spend twice as much as Obama. Problem is, if Romney does spend twice as much, Republican voters won't even know it. Do you know how long it took them to discover that Reagan spent twice as much as Carter? For God's sake, some of them still don't know this.

(and that's my point. We have a huge portion of the voting population locked into a propaganda machine which does not provide the informational resources for critical policy engagement)
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According to a Fox News poll, Romney bests Obama 46% to 44%, if the election were held today and Rasmussen has Romney ahead 48% to 44%, which is outside the margin of error. Santorum's exit from the race may have given Romney a boost in the polls as Romney is now a confirmed GOP nominee. Another factor is the controversy surrounding Hillary Rosen's criticism of Ann Romney. Obama is losing support among female voters who are annoyed by the campaign strategist's comments on stay-at-home moms.
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Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

Are you progressives really naive enough to think that you can hide Barry's abysmal record on the economy, jobs and the deficit behind all of the above bullshit side issues?

The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
4 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.

Can you believe Republicans actually hope the economy crashes just so they can win? I didn't hope the economy took a dump so Dukakis would beat Reagan. I wasn't happy that the economy sucked when HW Bush was President. And if he was doing a good job I wouldn't have pretended he wasn't. Back then I didn't know if I was a Democrat or Republican yet. I did like Reagan but then the economy went south under Bush 1 and I just recently graduated college and it was hard to find a job. And I do recall protesting the Iraq war back then. But I didn't know if I was a Democrat at that point. It was watching the GOP that turned me to the Dems.

Can you believe Republicans didn't show up for HW Bush just because he said read my lips and then raised taxes? Talk about low information voters.

And then Republicans tried to say Clinton wasn't doing a good job even though the economy was booming. Actually tried to replace him with Dole. How could anyone take their opinions seriously? The only things that Clinton did wrong was sign NAFTA and go along with deregulations. How can Republicans complain about that?

And then after defending GW Bush for 8 years, they tried to distance themselves from him when McCain and the GOP pretty much went along with 90% of the things that Bush did. And now they want to go back to those failed Bush policies by voting for Willard.

I've been asking righties to tell me the differences between Willard Romney's and Bush's policies. So far crickets are cherping.
According to a Fox News poll, Romney bests Obama 46% to 44%, if the election were held today and Rasmussen has Romney ahead 48% to 44%, which is outside the margin of error. Santorum's exit from the race may have given Romney a boost in the polls as Romney is now a confirmed GOP nominee. Another factor is the controversy surrounding Hillary Rosen's criticism of Ann Romney. Obama is losing support among female voters who are annoyed by the campaign strategist's comments on stay-at-home moms.

Obama got a huge bump in the polls after the GOP's attack on women but it took a week before that story sunk in and started to show up in polls.

I find it funny that this faux Rosen issue showed up in Fox's polls the day after the story came out.

I smell BS! But who's gonna prove it so I guess Fox can come out and say whatever they want. And I've always found Rasmussen to be bias. Just look back to what their polls said in 2008. McCain was beating Obama in their polls back then. :eusa_liar:
According to a Fox News poll, Romney bests Obama 46% to 44%, if the election were held today and Rasmussen has Romney ahead 48% to 44%, which is outside the margin of error. Santorum's exit from the race may have given Romney a boost in the polls as Romney is now a confirmed GOP nominee. Another factor is the controversy surrounding Hillary Rosen's criticism of Ann Romney. Obama is losing support among female voters who are annoyed by the campaign strategist's comments on stay-at-home moms.

Obama got a huge bump in the polls after the GOP's attack on women but it took a week before that story sunk in and started to show up in polls.

I find it funny that this faux Rosen issue showed up in Fox's polls the day after the story came out.

I smell BS! But who's gonna prove it so I guess Fox can come out and say whatever they want. And I've always found Rasmussen to be bias. Just look back to what their polls said in 2008. McCain was beating Obama in their polls back then. :eusa_liar:

Thanks for demonstrating the dem mind is controlled by nose rings. Party talking points.

The Ultimate useful Idiot.
In fact, they believe all the lies they are told.

They have self-appointed themselves as high-minded critics of Big Government, but once their party is in office they stop effectively questioning government policy.

Too many of the posters here get their information from political sources (rightwing media).

Watch what happens when Romney takes office. They will stop questioning government. If Romney choses to attack Iran, or if he increases domestic surveillance, they will not question it.

In truth, they don't really question Big Government (-they just question liberal policies on cue. There is no real policy analysis, rather, there is just reflexive opinions created by their political machine)

When Republicans are in office, you will never see any critical engagement with foreign policy decisions. This is why Reagan was able to spend twice as much as Carter, and Bush twice as much as Clinton.

They go from being a vital check against government power to apparatchiks of government power. They do this because they get all their information from a political party - from the GOP, which funds think tanks, Talk Radio, and FOX News. It's a seamless web, and they cannot get out of it. All political issues are literally framed for them.

This is why the didn't question Iraq. This is why they won't question Iran. Put simply: they don't have alternative information sources. Like I said: pundits like Sean Hannity do not foster critical engagement with the policies of Republican presidents.

I'm only mentioning this stuff because we can't afford for Romney to spend twice as much as Obama. Problem is, if Romney does spend twice as much, Republican voters won't even know it. Do you know how long it took them to discover that Reagan spent twice as much as Carter? For God's sake, some of them still don't know this.

(and that's my point. We have a huge portion of the voting population locked into a propaganda machine which does not provide the informational resources for critical policy engagement)

Not the lying but you know how Fox News and Rush are watchdogs against Clinton, Obama, Reed and Pelosi? Actually, that is the way the News is supposed to be.

But they need to question the leaders on the right just the same. If they did, we wouldn't have spent 10 years in Iraq.

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