If you thought sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs was bad, this could be worse

EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not...

Pat Dollard ^
"EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not To Sign Deal With Bush" Excerpted from Breitbart: President Obama set his Vice Presidential attack dog on the forty-seven GOP senators who dared send their March 9th letter to Iran’s leadership warning them any deal signed with Team Obama may be short-lived when a new president comes to office. But Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts. Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate,...
Maybe this time they'll explain to Me why they are so outraged now but not then.
EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not...

Pat Dollard ^
"EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not To Sign Deal With Bush" Excerpted from Breitbart: President Obama set his Vice Presidential attack dog on the forty-seven GOP senators who dared send their March 9th letter to Iran’s leadership warning them any deal signed with Team Obama may be short-lived when a new president comes to office. But Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts. Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate,...
Maybe this time they'll explain to Me why they are so outraged now but not then.
I'd like to hear that one as well.............

You were claiming that Obama "sent" these guys to Israel. Are you moving the goalposts now?

Nope. I never said Obama sent anyone. But since you mentioned it, he could have. Obama's adversarial relationship with Netanyahu is well documented. And it could stand to reason that he still holds sway over his former campaign operatives.

Funny. I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama :)

Flea spray will fix that.
You were claiming that Obama "sent" these guys to Israel. Are you moving the goalposts now?

Nope. I never said Obama sent anyone. But since you mentioned it, he could have. Obama's adversarial relationship with Netanyahu is well documented. And it could stand to reason that he still holds sway over his former campaign operatives.

Funny. I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama :)

Well....that's because you are looking at the matter from the perspective of someone who is rooting for America. Some people can't bring themselves to do that while the "usurper" occupies the White's House.
To put this in context, OneVoice is being investigated for possibly misusing State Department grants to help influence the Israeli elections. If true, both OneVoice and the State Department are in big trouble.
I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama

I have seen far more effort on Netanyahu's part to respect Obama and the position he holds. But we have heard Obama hot miking and bad mouthing Netanyahu. Show me who has more respect for the other.


Why do you feel allegiance to Netanyahu? It's weird. You ought to demand total respect for your president from Netanyahu. Right?
Unnamed sources and no evidence.

Bibi and the Republicans are in bed together. Pathetic.

Ahh, and this is anger speaking, not Coyote.

Nope. Coyote. It's a Republican senate committee. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Witch hunt anyone? They've been trying and trying to find something on Obama and it's led nowhere. Benghazi is dead. So let's try this now. A waste of taxpayer money it will likely be.
Benghazi will not be a dead issue until ALL of Hillary's emails are revealed.
Unnamed sources and no evidence.

Bibi and the Republicans are in bed together. Pathetic.

Ahh, and this is anger speaking, not Coyote.

Nope. Coyote. It's a Republican senate committee. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Witch hunt anyone? They've been trying and trying to find something on Obama and it's led nowhere. Benghazi is dead. So let's try this now. A waste of taxpayer money it will likely be.
Benghazi will not be a dead issue until ALL of Hillary's emails are revealed.

Silly nutter.
I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama

I have seen far more effort on Netanyahu's part to respect Obama and the position he holds. But we have heard Obama hot miking and bad mouthing Netanyahu. Show me who has more respect for the other.



In the meantime Netanyahu showed considerable disrespect by speaking to Congress when he did, by leaking key elements of the negotiations which led to Israel being excluded. It goes on and on.
Unnamed sources and no evidence.

Bibi and the Republicans are in bed together. Pathetic.

Ahh, and this is anger speaking, not Coyote.

Nope. Coyote. It's a Republican senate committee. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Witch hunt anyone? They've been trying and trying to find something on Obama and it's led nowhere. Benghazi is dead. So let's try this now. A waste of taxpayer money it will likely be.
Benghazi will not be a dead issue until ALL of Hillary's emails are revealed.

Silly nutter.
What a pitiful defense of Clinton's "I do no wrong...trust me!" scam.
Let this sink in for a moment, you have 47 Senators sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs letting them know any nuclear deal Obama strikes with them with have to go through the Senate. The backlash is enormous, thus making one wonder if the letter was even worth it (it was).

Now, imagine if you have an American presidential administration possibly attempting to influence the elections of another sovereign nation. This could be the case here, as the U.S. Senate investigatory committee is investigating claims that the Obama Administration is funding efforts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this year's Israeli presidential elections. Whoa. Back up. They are accusing the Obama administration of doing what?

Read for yourself:

A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofit’s funding of efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administration’s State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, a source with knowledge of the panel's activities told FoxNews.com.

The fact that both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama, who has had a well-documented adversarial relationship with the Israeli leader.

The development comes as Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel Two television station this week that there were “governments” that wanted to help with the “Just Not Bibi” campaigning -- Bibi being the Israeli leader’s nickname.

It also follows a FoxNews.com report on claims the Obama administration has been meddling in the Israeli election on behalf of groups hostile to Netanyahu. A spokesperson for Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio Republican and chairman of the committee, declined comment, and aides to ranking Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, of Missouri, did not immediately return calls.

The Senate subcommittee, which has subpoena power, is the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ chief investigative body with jurisdiction over all branches of government operations and compliance with laws.

“The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations does not comment on ongoing investigations,” Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant told Foxnews.com.

But a source familiar with the matter confirmed for FoxNews.com that the probe -- undisclosed until now -- was both underway and bipartisan in nature.

Source Senate panel probing possible Obama administration ties to anti-Netanyahu effort Fox News

The republicans blatantly invited Netanyahu here for his speech hoping it would win the election for him. Were you ok with that?
I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama

I have seen far more effort on Netanyahu's part to respect Obama and the position he holds. But we have heard Obama hot miking and bad mouthing Netanyahu. Show me who has more respect for the other.


Why do you feel allegiance to Netanyahu? It's weird. You ought to demand total respect for your president from Netanyahu. Right?

I agree. It doesn't matter who our president is - even if he's an assclown - his position deserves respect and he's OUR assclown. Netanyahu (and Putin for that matter) are NOT ours.
I see it as Netanyahu's adverserial relationship to Obama

I have seen far more effort on Netanyahu's part to respect Obama and the position he holds. But we have heard Obama hot miking and bad mouthing Netanyahu. Show me who has more respect for the other.



In the meantime Netanyahu showed considerable disrespect by speaking to Congress when he did, by leaking key elements of the negotiations which led to Israel being excluded. It goes on and on.
Oddly, Bibi shows more respect for our Constitution than does Barack. Obama is into appeasing/aiding our enemies and apologizing for the past.
Let this sink in for a moment, you have 47 Senators sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs letting them know any nuclear deal Obama strikes with them with have to go through the Senate. The backlash is enormous, thus making one wonder if the letter was even worth it (it was).

Now, imagine if you have an American presidential administration possibly attempting to influence the elections of another sovereign nation. This could be the case here, as the U.S. Senate investigatory committee is investigating claims that the Obama Administration is funding efforts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this year's Israeli presidential elections. Whoa. Back up. They are accusing the Obama administration of doing what?

Read for yourself:

A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofit’s funding of efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administration’s State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, a source with knowledge of the panel's activities told FoxNews.com.

The fact that both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama, who has had a well-documented adversarial relationship with the Israeli leader.

The development comes as Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel Two television station this week that there were “governments” that wanted to help with the “Just Not Bibi” campaigning -- Bibi being the Israeli leader’s nickname.

It also follows a FoxNews.com report on claims the Obama administration has been meddling in the Israeli election on behalf of groups hostile to Netanyahu. A spokesperson for Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio Republican and chairman of the committee, declined comment, and aides to ranking Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, of Missouri, did not immediately return calls.

The Senate subcommittee, which has subpoena power, is the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ chief investigative body with jurisdiction over all branches of government operations and compliance with laws.

“The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations does not comment on ongoing investigations,” Portman spokeswoman Caitlin Conant told Foxnews.com.

But a source familiar with the matter confirmed for FoxNews.com that the probe -- undisclosed until now -- was both underway and bipartisan in nature.

Source Senate panel probing possible Obama administration ties to anti-Netanyahu effort Fox News

The republicans blatantly invited Netanyahu here for his speech hoping it would win the election for him. Were you ok with that?
Are you a mind reader that you can assign intent to people outside your own head? You of course, can prove that EVERY Republican did this on the hopes that Bibi would win reelection based upon this one speech......You can, right?

Oh, and before you deflect. Answer MY question first.

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