If you thought sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs was bad, this could be worse

Just to beat the liberal horde to the punch..............oh...........it wasn't elections here they were spending it on so it's legal to give them TAX FREE STATUS................

As they possibly use funds to help an election in Israel................

What's good for the goose is good for the gander..............Pull their Tax Free Status IRS.
Obama Administration is funding efforts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this year's Israeli presidential elections.

Tell me, do Israeli groups have any influence in US politics?
If the answer is 'no' - you are right to moan on like a bitch on her period.
Actually, you claimed they were White House staffers.

Where did I say they were "White House staffers?"

As for whether it "could" be that Obama sent them, "could" doesn't mean anything. There's no reason to think that he did.

Oh, but "there's no reason to think" means a lot? Right? In a pure absence of an argument, one will say "there's no reason to think." Come now.

Obama is not the only person who thinks Bibi is an assclown. Hell, most Israelis don't even like him.

Oh brother. Such a snide comment doesn't deserve a response (other than this one).
Obama Administration is funding efforts to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this year's Israeli presidential elections.

Tell me, do Israeli groups have any influence in US politics?
If the answer is 'no' - you are right to moan on like a bitch on her period.

Uh, yeah? We call it foreign policy. Look it up wiseass.
Imagine the possibilities...

The bipartisan Senate Committee on Permanent Investigations pursues the matter aggressively...

The Committee traces taxpayer money to OneVoice... which has close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The Committee traces some of that same taxpayer money flowing from OneVoice to Victory15... which is (supposedly) run by White House operatives.

If all that unfolds and is confirmed, then...

1. America will blame Obama for trying to knife Israel in the back

2 Israel will blame Obama for trying to knife Israel in the back

3. Israelis will vote for Bibi merely to spite Obama and to demonstrate their independence and their total repudiation of Obama, while demonstrating friendship towards the US

4. Bibi will be re-elected

5. Congress, upon further investigation, may finally have what it needs to both impeach and convict Obama of one kind of high crime or misdemeanor or another (hell, even a great many Democrats will join in the condemnation of the President, in light of our extremely strong alliance and friendship with Israel and its people).

6. Hillary will be tainted by the shell through which the Anti-Bibi dollars have passed - perhaps the straw that breaks the 2016 camel's back


Interesting times, if it all proves to be true.


Your imagination runs wild.
You were claiming that Obama "sent" these guys to Israel. Are you moving the goalposts now?

Nope. I never said Obama sent anyone. But since you mentioned it, he could have. Obama's adversarial relationship with Netanyahu is well documented. And it could stand to reason that he still holds sway over his former campaign operatives.

He could have! Let's investigate!
The controversial New Israel Fund and its social change and political lobbying organization known as SHATIL, have received more than $1 million from the State Department under a program designed to create political change, reform, and activism in the Middle East. The government program, Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), has extended more than $600 million in grants to political and social activists and reformers in 18 Middle East countries, mainly with unstable or challenged political environments in need of democratic improvement. “MEPI supports organizations and individuals in their efforts to promote political, economic, and social reform in the Middle East and North Africa,” according to the agency’s official self-description.

The list of nations in which MEPI operates includes such countries as Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, and Yemen.


A Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee has launched a bipartisan investigation into funding by the OneVoice Movement—a Washington-based group that received $350,000 from the State Department—the Israeli Victory 15 campaign, which seeks to “replace the government” of Israel,
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Actually, you claimed they were White House staffers.

Where did I say they were "White House staffers?"

As for whether it "could" be that Obama sent them, "could" doesn't mean anything. There's no reason to think that he did.

Oh, but "there's no reason to think" means a lot? Right? In a pure absence of an argument, one will say "there's no reason to think." Come now.

Obama is not the only person who thinks Bibi is an assclown. Hell, most Israelis don't even like him.

Oh brother. Such a snide comment doesn't deserve a response (other than this one).

Your argument seems to be based around the idea that because Obama doesn't like Bibi, that means he must be involved.

What you're not getting is that, for the most part, the entire international left-wing community doesn't like Bibi either - and that's been true since long before anyone outside of Chicago knew who Obama was.
Bull. They gave a million dollars.
"One expert told FoxNews.com earlier this month the State Department grants constituted indirect administration funding of the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 -- even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election."
Source Senate panel probing possible Obama administration ties to anti-Netanyahu effort Fox News
It's not like the US interfering in the elections of another sovereign state is news. Ukraine last year, Israel this year. Where will it all end?
In the beginning of this thread, you were complaining that no liberals were posting, now you're complaining that we are.

Eh, I noticed because of the empty pages with no posts. Given that 95% of the liberals posting here on this thread are on my ignore list. So, I couldn't help but notice the irony.
EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not...

Pat Dollard ^
"EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not To Sign Deal With Bush" Excerpted from Breitbart: President Obama set his Vice Presidential attack dog on the forty-seven GOP senators who dared send their March 9th letter to Iran’s leadership warning them any deal signed with Team Obama may be short-lived when a new president comes to office. But Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts. Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate,...
EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not...

Pat Dollard ^
"EXPOSED, FLASHBACK, 2008: Senator Barack Obama Sends Emissary To Iran To Tell Mullahs Not To Sign Deal With Bush" Excerpted from Breitbart: President Obama set his Vice Presidential attack dog on the forty-seven GOP senators who dared send their March 9th letter to Iran’s leadership warning them any deal signed with Team Obama may be short-lived when a new president comes to office. But Biden, like his boss, fails to do his homework before making outlandish statements or else chooses conveniently to overlook the facts. Livid over the GOP letter, Biden proclaimed: “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate,...
Yep they have short memories and selective outrage...................

and they have fleas...................Guilty by association.................
Actually, you claimed they were White House staffers.

Where did I say they were "White House staffers?"

In post 28.

From the article:

"A subsidiary of OneVoice is the Israel-based Victory 15 campaign, itself guided by top operatives of Obama’s White House runs, which seeks to “replace the government” of Israel."

These aren't just staffers, these are members of Obama's White House. The views of OneVoice are very much in line with Obama's views on the conflict.

As for whether it "could" be that Obama sent them, "could" doesn't mean anything. There's no reason to think that he did.

Oh, but "there's no reason to think" means a lot? Right? In a pure absence of an argument, one will say "there's no reason to think." Come now.

"Could have" is not an "argument". It "could" be that space aliens hired those staffers to campaign against Bibi.

Obama is not the only person who thinks Bibi is an assclown. Hell, most Israelis don't even like him.

Oh brother. Such a snide comment doesn't deserve a response (other than this one).

I elaborated in a subsequent post. See above.

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