If you tolerate this Orwellian crap, don't be surprised when you're next...

I have no problem proving I am a citizen. I do it every time I go to the airport. I prove it every time I travel to another country. The only people this worries are those who are here illegally. They should be worried.

......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.
......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.
I have no problem proving I am a citizen. I do it every time I go to the airport. I prove it every time I travel to another country. The only people this worries are those who are here illegally. They should be worried.

......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?
Only if they dont mind being arrested.

Did you even listen to the video the OP gave?

A man driving a commercial truck through the state was thrown in jail because he did not have his birth certificate with him.

I drove a big truck for awhile, I needed a change. I drove until I couldn't pass the physical to get a medical card.

A birth cert isn't the only thing that will get you tossed in jail if you don't have it when driving a big truck. Cab card, fuel permits, afta stickers, BOL, and several other things.

Truck drivers give up a lot of their civil rights to drive a truck. They do this voluntarily.

One thing a truck driver gives up is privacy. Any policeman anywhere can pull you over and search the truck.

I once had a grill and a bag of charcoal strapped to my catwalk when I went through a weigh station on the OK/KS line. I was fined 500 dollars spent 12 hours in jail. Yup, charcoal, matchlight to be exact, a 10lb bag.

Truck drivers are not a good example to argue about civil rights, they already gave them up voluntarily when they put their back to the riser........
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

Considering today's issues with terrorism, health care financing and a multitude of other dollar sucking issues breaking our backs financially, I for one, and I have to say MOST, would prefer to be Safe than Sorry. Sure lots of people are against these laws, specially the ones looking to come in this country illegally and cause, in some cases,chaos, either financially or otherwise to this country.

Yes, many of those illegally in our country are here for their and their families survival FINANCIALLY, and have no criminal agendas up their sleeves, but that's NOT THE ISSUE. The issue is, if you want to enter the United States of America, do it LEGALLY! Don't make the rest of us be FINANCIALLY burdened because you choose to violate the law of the land.

What the hell is so difficult about this? HOLY CRAP!! :eek:

I wish some people would stop spinning this into a racial bias, profiling issue, it's about surviving financially and domestically and is in no way anything else but.

If you walk your dog without proof of residence, and an officer stops you, its a misdemeanor. Regardless of citizenship status. How is that not ridiculous?
......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

AGAIN, with what's going on in today's America.......YES!
......A Latino citizen won't be able to go for a morning jog without identification, for fear of being harassed or arrested. That's injustice.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

With this new law a police officer can stop anyone at anytime if they look like they could be an illegal. Sure you can say that 'this isn't a big deal its not lot cops will stop every Latino person they see'.. but we all know that if you give people the power to do it, they will. So they legally have the right to stop me on a morning jog and I have to legally prove that I'm not an illlegal alien. Its institutionalized racial profiling.

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

AGAIN, with what's going on in today's America.......YES!

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

Truth is DEL I think your right, it will get struck down. Then we cross that bridge when we come to it and try something else. I refuse to take any Aspirin over this.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

Well said Del.
The law does seem to be accomplishing something. It appears, after watching the sunday news shows, that our so-called leaders in DC are now paying attention and might actually do something about it, like they should have already been doing.
no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

This law allows it to happen, if your Latino. Do you honestly not believe that some police officers in Arizona won't use this law to legally harass Latinos every chance they get? And if you don't have your papers, its a misdemeanor.. how is that not Orwellian? You or I (assuming your white) can go for a morning jog without having to be able to 'prove our citizenship' but a Latino can legally be taken to jail now. Regardless of citizenship status.
There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

Well said Del.
The law does seem to be accomplishing something. It appears, after watching the sunday news shows, that our so-called leaders in DC are now paying attention and might actually do something about it, like they should have already been doing.

That's the plus side Slack, maybe Washington will finally do something and hopefully not too politically correct such as to render any future attempts for increasing homeland security, toothless.
sure they will.....:cuckoo:

i got news for you, ace. if a cop wants to stop you, he'll stop you. there are over 1000 traffic related reasons that establish probable cause to stop a vehicle in massachusetts; i doubt arizona or anywhere else is any different.

There's a difference between a traffic stop and shopping at the mall. ace. Do you think its right if a cop stopped you while you were at the grocery store and said 'show me your ID'?

no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

Considering how cities all over the U.S. are suffering severe budget crises and threatening to cut police forces, it's highly unlikely that the remaining police will harass law-abiding citizens standing in line at grocery stores. Instead, they'll be on a jihad to issue parking and speeding tickets to fund city coffers.
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no, but i'd still show my ID. do you seriously expect me to believe that that's going to happen? :rofl: get a grip.

personally, i think it's bad law. i expect it to get struck down eventually, but i don't think that it's the end of the world, either.

it's called being rational.

This law allows it to happen, if your Latino. Do you honestly not believe that some police officers in Arizona won't use this law to legally harass Latinos every chance they get? And if you don't have your papers, its a misdemeanor.. how is that not Orwellian? You or I (assuming your white) can go for a morning jog without having to be able to 'prove our citizenship' but a Latino can legally be taken to jail now. Regardless of citizenship status.

Our county sherriff is just waiting for his chance to illegally harras Latino citizens.
Apache County Arizona - Website
This is him in the picture.


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If you walk your dog without proof of residence, and an officer stops you, its a misdemeanor. Regardless of citizenship status. How is that not ridiculous?

Have you even read the law, or are you just spewing hysterical tripe from the DailyKos? If you are here legally, carry your wallet. If not, be prepared to be deported. What's so hard about that?

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