If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Why not? You did!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week.
As always, dale, you prove to be too insane to bother with. Suffice it to say, part time remains up to 34 hours per week. Anything above that is full time, just as it's always been with the BLS...

Full- or part-time status
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Go back to your conspiracies about green screens.


The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
Tell someone who doesn't think you're a raving lunatic.

Coming from a programmed and brain dead closet commie with a double digit I.Q such as yourself? That carries no sting whatsoever.

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week.
As always, dale, you prove to be too insane to bother with. Suffice it to say, part time remains up to 34 hours per week. Anything above that is full time, just as it's always been with the BLS...

Full- or part-time status
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Go back to your conspiracies about green screens.


The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
Tell someone who doesn't think you're a raving lunatic.

Coming from a programmed and brain dead closet commie with a double digit I.Q such as yourself? That carries no sting whatsoever.
Right back atcha, fruit loop dingus.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week.
As always, dale, you prove to be too insane to bother with. Suffice it to say, part time remains up to 34 hours per week. Anything above that is full time, just as it's always been with the BLS...

Full- or part-time status
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Go back to your conspiracies about green screens.


The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
Tell someone who doesn't think you're a raving lunatic.

Coming from a programmed and brain dead closet commie with a double digit I.Q such as yourself? That carries no sting whatsoever.
Right back atcha, fruit loop dingus.


Nope, not a commie at all and I certainly know more than you.....infinitely more which is why you always get your ass kicked in a debate. You are sooooo "small time".
Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion. We were talking about the unemployment rate under DumBama. The unemployment rate is effected by the amount of people (of working age) not (or no longer) in the workforce. Instead of looking at the obvious, you create some kind of leftist wack job theory that 16 year olds simultaneously decided not to work. As the chart shows, there haven't been this many people out of the workforce since the Carter administration.

But nooooo, it can't be DumBama's fault. It must be 16 year olds decided not to work once he became President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

YOU were the one to start talking about folks dropping out of the labor force. Now that you've been shown up as the raging imbecile you are with your ludicrous claims about it, you want to run away from it.

And I never said 16 year olds were the problem. I said 16 year olds included just one group of people who didn't "drop out" of the labor force. They were never in the labor force to begin with. That reveals what a moron you are for claiming 100% of the people not in the labor force are not in it because they "dropped out."

You are the moron that can't look at a chart and see something wrong. The LPR did not drop all of a sudden when DumBama became President because of 16 year olds.

Here are some other charts to give you a clue:



Starting to see the picture now????


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There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.

I think this investigation will show what we already suspect, and that is Trump is not guilty of anything.

Trump was not a politician until he joined this race. And it's not like it's a job he just had to have. For Trump, it was great if he could become President, and if not, he had better things to do anyway.

And again, this Seth Rich story. Why is his computer under lock and key by the authorities? Why did they close the murder investigation? One would think that if the FBI were serious about finding out who hacked the servers, that would be the first place they'd look.
If Trump is found guilty of anything, it will be because he wasn't a politician. The name of game in politics is "cover your ass and assume someone is always listening and watching.

Trump has owned his own business for over 30 years, operated it in near complete privacy, has never had the media to contend with in his decisions, and has bent the rules if not violating them as every successful developer does. It's pretty clear that Trump never took Politics 101. He may be a success seasoned businessman, but in politics, he is a babe in the woods.

Oh he's had the media to deal with in his past. Remember he was also an entertainer.

Trump is learning and has much more learning to go. No, he's not a professional politician which is why I stated he didn't have anything to do with Russia. That's not how he operates and to be totally honest, I don't think he wanted the job of President all that badly.

The left can't sleep at night because they are so consumed with a Trump impeachment. As far as they are concerned, he's already guilty. But like they've done to themselves repeatedly in the past, they are only setting themselves up for yet another huge disappointment.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Is it?

What if the news that exists ----------- IS 93% negative? You'd have to make up bullshit to get it to 50-50.

Journalism is not about manufacturing a 50-50.

You seriously can not believe that what the media is doing now, acting as unabashed liberal attack dogs, that it has anything to do with 'journalism'....?

When you watch a Sunday show, and the panel is 4 liberal democrats, and 1 establishment republican...When you don't see one redeeming story on any of the liberal outlets, after the last 8 years of what you would say as FNC doing that to Obama, but now it's all good because what? You don't like who they are attacking?

Man, way to be consistent.
Is the media really unfair to Trump or are they just reacting to a vulgar, compulsive liar who's rhetoric is hate filled and self aggrandizing.

When Trump decide to fire Comey, he bypassed the normally accepted protocol afforded senior staff of calling him into the Oval Office and allowing him to resign. Instead he sent a letter to his office, not even marked personal so it would be opened by staff guaranteeing his firing would be in the news immediately. He then proceeded to call Comey a liar, even thou Trump had no public statement about Trump, showboating, an incompetent leader who lacked the respect of his people, and a nut job. And what has Comey actually said in public about Trump? He accepted his dismissal with dignity and grace and would not even say a single hateful remark toward the president. I would say the news media is just calling a spade a spade.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Here comes another one, just like the other one:

Which POTUS sold an Iraq war, with full-on cheerleading by the media?
(note: two answers on this one, check all that apply)

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York :lmao: Actually that's funny enough right there.
However I'm afraid you just gave us a measurement of Rump, not a measurement of media.
What's it supposed to do --- make stuff up so it artificially reaches a 50-50 level?

Your own link there will state, flat-out, that although the common myth is "Liburul media", the actual bias is to the negative.

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<

--- that's directly from the study York links.​

Negativity sells. That's been known for longer than you and I have been alive. Put together.

Oh, so the source is the problem? I'll fix that. How about a Harvard study between Trump and DumBama?

Harvard study examines media coverage of Trump — and the results will blow you away

Yyyyeah I believe that's the same source I just quoted.

We did this during the week when another poster tried to sell this as "Harvard study shows Liberals are lemmings". Even though neither is mentioned in it.

They not only posted the study, but posted who conducted it. Can't be that hard to Google if you think it's false.

This is your typical liberal defense: attack the messenger and not the message. Unless you're sleeping and never paying attention to the news, you don't need a study to show the negativity of the Trump presidency. All you really have to do is read the stories out there. If you can't conclude the same results as this study, then you're not reading or watching too much in politics.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.
So if the investigation turns up nothing, I bet we see the left to continue with the accusations and treat it as if Trump is guilty and then we will see them dig up the next issue. It won't end for four to eight years. Just like what the Republicans did to Obama.

All BS, both sides participate and both claim "only the other side" does it.

It is a big joke!
So when did the GOP get hacked and when did Dems fire the FBI head, and when did Dems project an imaginary world where say, the rich pay too much in taxes, "Dem laws" from years ago caused a "mild recession", corrupt Hillary and Foundation, gay Muslim Barry had 2 years of control and caused inequality lol, Total GOP BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

You are another partisan hack, anything you post is BS, thanks for proving you are just a mindless tool of the Democrats.
Answer: Never, and that is all BS GOP propaganda, dupe. You believe all the GOP character assassination that never makes it to the real world. Oh- a consensual BJ...idiot.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Most Trumpies are big cowards who now realize they screwed the pooch with their vote last Nov.

Really? How was Trump a bad choice and why would the Hildebeast have been any better?

View attachment 128015
She would stop pandering to the greedy idiot GOP rich and invest in America duhhhhhhh. Too bad about total bs and functional idiot hater dupes like you. See sig. All fact.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Yup, all you ignorant brainwashed hater dupes have is the New BS GOP propaganda machine. And it's still enough to get liars and thieves elected AGAIN and obstruct fair policies and tax rates AGAIN. Great job, racist bigot morons....
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I knew you had no fucking clue what you were talking about. Thanks for confirming it.

That's based on the folks who are not in the labor force, not just the folks who have "dropped out" of the labor force.

You rightards are truly dumber than dirt.

Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion. We were talking about the unemployment rate under DumBama. The unemployment rate is effected by the amount of people (of working age) not (or no longer) in the workforce. Instead of looking at the obvious, you create some kind of leftist wack job theory that 16 year olds simultaneously decided not to work. As the chart shows, there haven't been this many people out of the workforce since the Carter administration.

But nooooo, it can't be DumBama's fault. It must be 16 year olds decided not to work once he became President.
Yeah, they decided to stay in school because after the corrupt GOP meltdown of 2008-9, there WERE no jobs. And Obama lowered college loan costs. You are an idiot AND a dupe. Baby boomers retired and lots went on disability too. That's what happens in a depression. DUHHHHHH.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Yup, all you ignorant brainwashed hater dupes have is the New BS GOP propaganda machine. And it's still enough to get liars and thieves elected AGAIN and obstruct fair policies and tax rates AGAIN. Great job, racist bigot morons....

No dum-dum. There are people with strong minds and people with weak minds. All the other outlets (outside of Fox and AM radio) are where the weak minds go. They are told what to think but not why to think it.

You are a perfect example of what I'm talking about because you post the same shit over and over day after day. You don't even know why you are posting it, but you are told to and that's all you need to know. I don't know who's worse, you or DannyPalos or whatever his name is. You are so boring I seldom even look at your posts because I know what they are going to say before reading them.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Intelligent people you mean. Rednecks, bigots, haters dominate the GOP vote, lying scumbags the GOP.
You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.
So if the investigation turns up nothing, I bet we see the left to continue with the accusations and treat it as if Trump is guilty and then we will see them dig up the next issue. It won't end for four to eight years. Just like what the Republicans did to Obama.

All BS, both sides participate and both claim "only the other side" does it.

It is a big joke!
So when did the GOP get hacked and when did Dems fire the FBI head, and when did Dems project an imaginary world where say, the rich pay too much in taxes, "Dem laws" from years ago caused a "mild recession", corrupt Hillary and Foundation, gay Muslim Barry had 2 years of control and caused inequality lol, Total GOP BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

You are another partisan hack, anything you post is BS, thanks for proving you are just a mindless tool of the Democrats.
Answer: Never, and that is all BS GOP propaganda, dupe. You believe all the GOP character assassination that never makes it to the real world. Oh- a consensual BJ...idiot.

Didn't ask a question, again your reading comprehension is terrible. Never mentioned the blow job shithead, another lie from the Democrats bitch. What do I believe, you fucking don't know, nor do you care because you are the pussy of the Democratic Party.

I caught you lying so fuck off! You said no Democrats were talking impeachment and I proved you wrong, now go ahead and lie some more.

Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Yup, all you ignorant brainwashed hater dupes have is the New BS GOP propaganda machine. And it's still enough to get liars and thieves elected AGAIN and obstruct fair policies and tax rates AGAIN. Great job, racist bigot morons....

No dum-dum. There are people with strong minds and people with weak minds. All the other outlets (outside of Fox and AM radio) are where the weak minds go. They are told what to think but not why to think it.

You are a perfect example of what I'm talking about because you post the same shit over and over day after day. You don't even know why you are posting it, but you are told to and that's all you need to know. I don't know who's worse, you or DannyPalos or whatever his name is. You are so boring I seldom even look at your posts because I know what they are going to say before reading them.
The truth is repetitive, so is your brainwashed propaganda. What you call a strong mind the rest of the world calls close minded bigotry. I listen to both sides and know history and know the facts. You believe a pile of pander to the greedy idiot rich propaganda and believe people just got stupid and lazy, not that GOP tax policy and reduced services cause all this suffering. You are a dupe.
I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President.


Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Intelligent people you mean. Rednecks, bigots, haters dominate the GOP vote, lying scumbags the GOP.

You are a bigot, a hater and a liar, so you are worse than the GOP! LOL!
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.
So if the investigation turns up nothing, I bet we see the left to continue with the accusations and treat it as if Trump is guilty and then we will see them dig up the next issue. It won't end for four to eight years. Just like what the Republicans did to Obama.

All BS, both sides participate and both claim "only the other side" does it.

It is a big joke!
So when did the GOP get hacked and when did Dems fire the FBI head, and when did Dems project an imaginary world where say, the rich pay too much in taxes, "Dem laws" from years ago caused a "mild recession", corrupt Hillary and Foundation, gay Muslim Barry had 2 years of control and caused inequality lol, Total GOP BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

You are another partisan hack, anything you post is BS, thanks for proving you are just a mindless tool of the Democrats.
Answer: Never, and that is all BS GOP propaganda, dupe. You believe all the GOP character assassination that never makes it to the real world. Oh- a consensual BJ...idiot.

Didn't ask a question, again your reading comprehension is terrible. Never mentioned the blow job shithead, another lie from the Democrats bitch. What do I believe, you fucking don't know, nor do you care because you are the pussy of the Democratic Party.

I caught you lying so fuck off! You said no Democrats were talking impeachment and I proved you wrong, now go ahead and lie some more.
Fox found a few, ditto CNN, it's no more a serious trend than anarchists causing damage, let alone Dems, dupe. Fear mongering propaganda (Fox Rush) and ratings hounds (real media also suqs)...

Which POTUS got the Iran hostages freed?

Now which POTUS did the media imply did it?

Finally -- which one was the Republican?

Mythbusters, at your service.

Here you go myth busters:

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

93%! Wow! That's not Journalism, that's propaganda....Worthy of Pravda.

Outside of Fox and Am radio, the liberals have everything else. They dominate the schools, they dominate the colleges, they dominate Hollywood, they dominate MSM, they dominate newspapers. Heck, I got so sick of Goggle News I went to Bing instead because Google News has so much bias.

They have so much domination of the general public but cry foul when you point out the obvious.
Intelligent people you mean. Rednecks, bigots, haters dominate the GOP vote, lying scumbags the GOP.

You are a bigot, a hater and a liar, so you are worse than the GOP! LOL!
I hate lies, and don't tell any. You believe exceptions to the rules mean something. Dems dominate the coasts, the GOP dominates farmers and rednecks and ignorant whites. And of course their greedy rich a-hole white lying core.

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