If you voted for Biden, would you now?

If the election were today, knowing what you know now, would you still vote for Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
There is hope now, people are getting vaccinated, covid cases down. Country is opening up, all good...

Not to brainy.....

Cases started dropping just as vaccinations got started.

The cases were down substantially before many people got the bug shot.

True and even the media admitted it was a mystery.

That statement reveals the real reality of our understanding of the virus and vaccinations.

Just too much ignorance regarding both....Dr. Vernon Coleman poses some very interesting questions....and makes it clear I think that the vaccines are potentialy themselves very dangerous....whether or not he is right I do not know but if you listen to him it is quickly evident he poses some very logical questions and has original insight into this whole problem....he should not be ignored.
I can't play. I did not vote for Biden.

No one can play. It's a trick question. No one voted for Biden, about 60 million voted against Trump and the Left manufactured about another 20 million fraudulent paper ballots to win.

The minority that did vote for Joe did not vote FOR anything; they just voted AGAINST Trump.
Trump was awful.
Yeah, Trump put Americans first. Just terrible, huh.
He deliivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....

Not good for Americans.
Bullshit. The border was secure. Highest employment ever. Tariffs worked so well that China unleashed a deadly virus on the world.
And yet this is all true: huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....
And yet, this is true, highest employment ever, economy was boiling over, gasoline was cheap, the riots were in Democrat run cities and the Democrat leaders did nothing to stop them. Why?
Economy couldn’t hit 3% growth. Remember when Trump made fun of Obama for not hitting 3%? Gas? The president controls that market?
Yes, gas started rising when Biden shut down fracking on federal and the keystone pipeline.
Nothing to do with the Texas government induced disaster, eh?
Nope. All Biden.

Even the mexican government says the border catastrophe is biden's fault.
Im not near stupid enough to vote for him, once. Much less again.
Guess im left out :(

I'm with you. I would never vote for that stuttering fuck. Guess I'm left out to.

I've spoken with several people who actually admitted to voting for that jack ass. I asked them if they regretted the vote and they both said "Hell Yes." They had no idea he would pull the bullshit he pulled on the border. They both liked getting the relief money but both sure weren't pleased with the pork in the rest of the bill.
“even if true, irrelevant” was exactly what I was thinking when I saw your post. Glad you can appreciate satire.

Of course I’d vote for Biden. You think we actually miss Trump?

I know many people who believed Biden was a moderate and now regret voting for him as he pushes a radical leftist agenda..

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You guys try to paint everyone who doesn’t agree with you as a radical.

A higher minimum wage isn’t radical.
Forcing companies to pay certain wages is absolutely radical.
So you are against the Minimum wage, period.
I am against the govt forcing people what to do with their private property when they arent hurting anyone.

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