If you voted for Biden, would you now?

If the election were today, knowing what you know now, would you still vote for Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
Everyone I've talked to that voted for Biden says they're very disappointed.

What do they say?
I'm very disappointed that everything Biden does turns to ash? :lmao:

I doubt it.
Well, most of 'em I spoke with are druggies, queer, illegal immigrants, Blm, college "professors" who never left the classroom, etc. You know, typical Democrat constituents.
Your usually hang out crew, right?
Trumpers are just excuse factories
Trump didn’t hit 3% gdp growth...but, but, but

Trump increased deficits...but, but, but...

He was a giant failure . Excuses help nobody.

Let's see if Quid Pro ever hits 1%

Very doubtful.

Oh, and you know GDP is calculated by quarter, not year. Trump hit 4.2% quarterly growth in Q2 2019.

President Biden is the real deal. Trump was and is a fraud.

Biden is real alright. A real WHAT is the question.

  • Biden is too real but his election was a total fake.

  • Trump was a bit much sometimes but at least his popularity and support is very REAL.

I'll take a bloviated motivated patriotic private over-achiever any day over a has-been senility case public socialist who created all the problems we now face over his first 49 years in government!
I thought NY was undercounting? You guys can’t stick to the same story.

Why do you laugh, Braindead?

What he said is not disputed by anyone. If a person dies for any reason and the virus is present, they are counted as a Covid death.
Still crying about how your orange god couldn't deal with a Pandemic?
Everyone I've talked to that voted for Biden says they're very disappointed.

What do they say?
I'm very disappointed that everything Biden does turns to ash? :lmao:

I doubt it.
Well, most of 'em I spoke with are druggies, queer, illegal immigrants, Blm, college "professors" who never left the classroom, etc. You know, typical Democrat constituents.
Your usually hang out crew, right?
Naw. I Don't hang with Democrats. You're the Democrat here, not me.
I can't play. I did not vote for Biden.

No one can play. It's a trick question. No one voted for Biden, about 60 million voted against Trump and the Left manufactured about another 20 million fraudulent paper ballots to win.

The minority that did vote for Joe did not vote FOR anything; they just voted AGAINST Trump.
Trump was awful.
Yeah, Trump put Americans first. Just terrible, huh.
He deliivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....

Not good for Americans.
Bullshit. The border was secure. Highest employment ever. Tariffs worked so well that China unleashed a deadly virus on the world.
And yet this is all true: huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....
And yet, this is true, highest employment ever, economy was boiling over, gasoline was cheap, the riots were in Democrat run cities and the Democrat leaders did nothing to stop them. Why?
Economy couldn’t hit 3% growth. Remember when Trump made fun of Obama for not hitting 3%? Gas? The president controls that market?
Yes, gas started rising when Biden shut down fracking on federal and the keystone pipeline.
Nothing to do with the Texas government induced disaster, eh?
Trumpers are just excuse factories
Trump didn’t hit 3% gdp growth...but, but, but

Trump increased deficits...but, but, but...

He was a giant failure . Excuses help nobody.

Herr Braindead, didn't Xi's man just put $1.9 trillion in debt on the nation in his first disastrous 60 days? At this rate he will incur deficits 15 times the size of Trumps. And the senile old crook is looking to add another $3 trillion in the next month, adding as much debt in his first hundred days as Trump did in 4 years.
If the election were held today, Biden would win by even a greater margin over Trump.

Trump is totally unelectable at this point
We have a real president now. No one wants to go back to a pretender, except irrational and fanatical Trumpers.
What? The idiot wanders off by himself, even when in meetings. He is a cardboard cut out and is running nothing but the shit running down his leg.
President Biden is the real deal. Trump was and is a fraud.
Biden is illegitimate and braindead.
There's so much Irony packed in that post from a trumpanzee. :heehee:
And from a complicit troll that is enabling massive fraud and the criminals running this country, a Trumpanzee looks pretty good
I can't play. I did not vote for Biden.

No one can play. It's a trick question. No one voted for Biden, about 60 million voted against Trump and the Left manufactured about another 20 million fraudulent paper ballots to win.

The minority that did vote for Joe did not vote FOR anything; they just voted AGAINST Trump.
Trump was awful.
Yeah, Trump put Americans first. Just terrible, huh.
He deliivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....

Not good for Americans.
Bullshit. The border was secure. Highest employment ever. Tariffs worked so well that China unleashed a deadly virus on the world.
And yet this is all true: huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....
And yet, this is true, highest employment ever, economy was boiling over, gasoline was cheap, the riots were in Democrat run cities and the Democrat leaders did nothing to stop them. Why?
Economy couldn’t hit 3% growth. Remember when Trump made fun of Obama for not hitting 3%? Gas? The president controls that market?
Yes, gas started rising when Biden shut down fracking on federal and the keystone pipeline.
Nothing to do with the Texas government induced disaster, eh?
Nope. All Biden.
I thought NY was undercounting? You guys can’t stick to the same story.

Why do you laugh, Braindead?

What he said is not disputed by anyone. If a person dies for any reason and the virus is present, they are counted as a Covid death.
Still crying about how your orange god couldn't deal with a Pandemic?
Fix the border.
Why do you support illegals invading the nation?
IRL I've spoken to many who have "buyers remorse."
I’ve spoken to many who voted for trump and regret it after he made himself into a joke after the election.

Even if true, irrelevant.

Would you still vote for Quid Pro?

“even if true, irrelevant” was exactly what I was thinking when I saw your post. Glad you can appreciate satire.

Of course I’d vote for Biden. You think we actually miss Trump?
"Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"
There is hope now, people are getting vaccinated, covid cases down. Country is opening up, all good...

Not to brainy.....

Cases started dropping just as vaccinations got started.

The cases were down substantially before many people got the bug shot.

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