If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

Way to jump on the bodies of innocent dead victims just so you can score personal "points" on a message board, coward.

Stay classy, asshole.
To be fair he’s not the only rightwing asshole trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain – in fact, most of the rightwing assholes are doing the same thing.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.
And it’s this sort of lies, stupidity, fear-mongering, and hate from the reprehensible right that’s going to get Clinton elected.

Yea, I should not talk about reality for fear that you'll call me a "fear mongerer" You rely on name calling cos the facts are not on your side. That's the libtard way.

lol, and 'libtard' is not namecalling...

You should post more. Let the observers see how RWnuts really think.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

Way to jump on the bodies of innocent dead victims just so you can score personal "points" on a message board, coward.

Stay classy, asshole.

Oh, I'm supposed to stay silent and ignore that Hillary wants to bring in more terrorists and Trump doesn't. Luh-huh-hoo--uh-zer!
No, just stop contriving and propagating ridiculous lies such as Clinton “wants to bring in more terrorists,” the notion is as moronic as it is a lie.
Hundreds of lives shattered, families grieving but we can always count on the RWNJ nutter traitors to ignore the real problem and use all that heart ache to make political points and sell guns.

You people really are scum.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

Soldiers are least trained and paid to put their lives on the line (while making strategic gains). Oh, we should go with the sitting duck method while importing terrorists like they're commodities? That is beyond fucking moronic!
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does this event have to do with "immigration"? Hm? Immigration to Florida from New York?

But...but....but 'This guy is from Indiana....... IDIOT / JACKASS

A little thing called supply and demand, bro. There's a nice supply of terrorists in the middle east. Obama/Hillary are filling the demand.

Soooooo no answer.
And no, he's from New York, moron.

Whatever. I saw a headline 'He came from Indiana'. Apparently they were talking about the terrorist that wanted to kill the people at the LA gay pride parade. But what state he's from is not the issue, 'moron.' This is just you trying to derail another argument in you pissant way. The argument is about not importing more terrorists. You're okay with a terrorism tax. That's fine. You're okay with paying with other people's blood.
You’re a fear-mongering rightwing partisan hack and lying scumbag.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

A couple of things we can easily do is #1) stop importing these animals and #2) bomb the crap out of ISIS, regardless of whether there will be collateral damage. Why should we give a crap about the families of these terrorists? ISIS wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't allowed it to exist.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

Soldiers are least trained and paid to put their lives on the line (while making strategic gains). Oh, we should go with the sitting duck method while importing terrorists like they're commodities? That is beyond fucking moronic!

The Orlando shooter was born here dumbass.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

Way to jump on the bodies of innocent dead victims just so you can score personal "points" on a message board, coward.

Stay classy, asshole.

Oh, I'm supposed to stay silent and ignore that Hillary wants to bring in more terrorists and Trump doesn't. Luh-huh-hoo--uh-zer!
No, just stop contriving and propagating ridiculous lies such as Clinton “wants to bring in more terrorists,” the notion is as moronic as it is a lie.

Where are the terrorists from? Denmark? Are they white Danes with red handlebar mustaches? Of course Hillary is fine with importing terrorists. You are too.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

Way to jump on the bodies of innocent dead victims just so you can score personal "points" on a message board, coward.

Stay classy, asshole.
To be fair he’s not the only rightwing asshole trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain – in fact, most of the rightwing assholes are doing the same thing.

That's truly hilarious considering all the times douche bags like you have used mass killings for partisan gain.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

A couple of things we can easily do is #1) stop importing these animals and #2) bomb the crap out of ISIS, regardless of whether there will be collateral damage. Why should we give a crap about the families of these terrorists? ISIS wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't allowed it to exist.

Heathen or perdition or something of the like works for me. Animals deserve better than to be compared to these hellions, tbh.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

Soldiers are least trained and paid to put their lives on the line (while making strategic gains). Oh, we should go with the sitting duck method while importing terrorists like they're commodities? That is beyond fucking moronic!

The Orlando shooter was born here dumbass.
His parents weren't. These people don't assimilate, which is one reason we should stop importing them.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

A couple of things we can easily do is #1) stop importing these animals and #2) bomb the crap out of ISIS, regardless of whether there will be collateral damage. Why should we give a crap about the families of these terrorists? ISIS wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't allowed it to exist.

The Orlando shooter was born here fuckwit.

Killing more innocent civilians will end it?

Like the Israeli massacres of innocent civilians have subdued the Palestinians?

Jesus Christ, what do you have between your ears? Cauliflower?
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

A couple of things we can easily do is #1) stop importing these animals and #2) bomb the crap out of ISIS, regardless of whether there will be collateral damage. Why should we give a crap about the families of these terrorists? ISIS wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't allowed it to exist.

Heathen or perdition or something of the like works for me. Animals deserve better than to be compared to these hellions, tbh.
"Bloodthirsty savages" is another term I use for them.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

This guy was a citizen. He was not an immigrant. If the FBI was investigating him, how did he buy all these weapons?

You think Donnie can stop mass shootings? Will he set up Internment camps for citizens who are Muslims?
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

Soldiers are least trained and paid to put their lives on the line (while making strategic gains). Oh, we should go with the sitting duck method while importing terrorists like they're commodities? That is beyond fucking moronic!
And here we see the reprehensible right advocating for more pointless war and death in the ME, more Americans dying in a pointless conflict.

Most on the right are liars, bigots, and demagogues – as well as warmongering scum.
Gee, should we go back to the Bush method?

Send thousands of Americans to the ME to be killed, to keep the domestic body count down.

Brilliant. Bush's motto...

You want Americans to kill? We deliver!!

A couple of things we can easily do is #1) stop importing these animals and #2) bomb the crap out of ISIS, regardless of whether there will be collateral damage. Why should we give a crap about the families of these terrorists? ISIS wouldn't exist if Obama hadn't allowed it to exist.

The Orlando shooter was born here fuckwit.

Killing more innocent civilians will end it?

Like the Israeli massacres of innocent civilians have subdued the Palestinians?

Jesus Christ, what do you have between your ears? Cauliflower?

Obama refrains from bombing the bloodthirsty savages because he doesn't want to kill their families. Fuck that.

People get killed in wars. The Palestinians made war on Israel. They are the only ones responsible for co-called "innocent civilians" getting killed. During WW II FDR and Churchill killed 80,000 civilians in Dresden in one night.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

Way to jump on the bodies of innocent dead victims just so you can score personal "points" on a message board, coward.

Stay classy, asshole.
To be fair he’s not the only rightwing asshole trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain – in fact, most of the rightwing assholes are doing the same thing.

That's truly hilarious considering all the times douche bags like you have used mass killings for partisan gain.

Yup. If this had been a psychotic white guy, they'd be all into their gun control spiel about now.

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