If you were God

think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
they say if you met one Alzheimers patient then you've met one Alzheimers patients. in other words every case is different. my mother is going through it or should I say my parents are going through it because my dad has to take care of her 24 7. the only break he gets is when I come over so he can run out to the store and the entire time he's gone she's wondering when he's going to come back. she's constantly asking when my brother is coming back from Europe with the kids. she can't talk much other than when's he coming? And the kids? She can't feed or wipe herself. when he leaves she insists she has to go to the bathroom 3 times at least even though she can't take the diapers off. one time she got them half off pooped and got everywhere and she didn't even realize it otherwise she would have been so embarrassed. we can talk in front of her about her and she may not know that we're doing it but we are careful because we don't want her to hear us talking about her. my dad tried to tell her to stop drooling and she was mortified and embarrassed. I could go on and on and on. I try and take her out for 2 hours just to get my dad a break and sometimes she needs to come home after an hour or an hour and a half so it's hard to love my dad very much of a break. today after work 5 o'clock I went there took her for a walk when I got back he went to the store and I stayed with her and then I took her out for an hour and a half so that sorta gave him two and a half hours alone time but that's all he gets.
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
my mom hasn't gotten too violent or volatile yet although I see more and more of it coming it scares me because generally we can make her laugh or smile but that's starting to fade to. I say she's been definitely declining for five years and I wonder how long does this go for? she seems to be Wendling away physically too I can't imagine another five years she'll still be with us. I don't think she'd like to live like this anyways but I will sure miss her even the way she is now still love her to death
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
can you tell I'm glad you shared that with me? I've been meaning or hoping to talk about this with someone. she is starting to ask who people she should definitely knows like her grandson or her mother or her sister or brother. but I cannot imagine the day where she doesn't know who I am or my dad is when we were with her all the time I'm so sorry for you.

all the people that she doesn't know who they are when we are talking about them are dead or she doesn't see them anymore. her grandson is in Europe and he's coming back in a couple months so when we talk about him he'll say who over and over again. but then she asked me the next minute when he's coming back
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
God number 2 makes more sense
you should hear how passionate my father talked about how there must be something they created all this. his arguments are all very flawed but it does seem pretty amazing that we are here and we are aware and it does seem rather amazing but scientifically just because we can't explain it doesn't mean there must be a god I'd need more evidence than that
There is no respectable argument for Gods existence and maybe one for his non existence.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
God number 2 makes more sense
you should hear how passionate my father talked about how there must be something they created all this. his arguments are all very flawed but it does seem pretty amazing that we are here and we are aware and it does seem rather amazing but scientifically just because we can't explain it doesn't mean there must be a god I'd need more evidence than that
There is no respectable argument for Gods existence and maybe one for his non existence.
when so much of it doesn't make sense why continue to believe it?
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
God number 2 makes more sense
you should hear how passionate my father talked about how there must be something they created all this. his arguments are all very flawed but it does seem pretty amazing that we are here and we are aware and it does seem rather amazing but scientifically just because we can't explain it doesn't mean there must be a god I'd need more evidence than that
There is no respectable argument for Gods existence and maybe one for his non existence.
when so much of it doesn't make sense why continue to believe it?
I'd answer that directly but I've never found the existence of God not to make sense.
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
can you tell I'm glad you shared that with me? I've been meaning or hoping to talk about this with someone. she is starting to ask who people she should definitely knows like her grandson or her mother or her sister or brother. but I cannot imagine the day where she doesn't know who I am or my dad is when we were with her all the time I'm so sorry for you.

all the people that she doesn't know who they are when we are talking about them are dead or she doesn't see them anymore. her grandson is in Europe and he's coming back in a couple months so when we talk about him he'll say who over and over again. but then she asked me the next minute when he's coming back

This morning she tried to make breakfast. She put some eggs in the poacher and when my bother came to eat with her she did not know who he was or anything about breakfast. She did not know where she was and couldn't even speak with any sense. We got her to her bedroom, which she did recognize, made her lay down for a bit. About an hour later she got up, knew us but was very upset that we were concerned about her and thought we were playing some bad joke on her asking her so many questions. Later when we took her to the doctor for a check she had no idea what year or day it was and confused even the time of day and who had driven her.

I wish I could say it will get better.

I've been hospice for both my in laws and cared for my father in the last year. They were a thousand times easier than my mother. My grandmother didn't even remember how to speak english, and I didn't learn to speak siksika, nor did my mother or those at the nursing home we eventually had to put her in after twice breaking her hip.

I enjoy the good days, and times if day as much as I can, and struggle through all the others. We can't leave her alone and my bother is working most if the time so it falls on me to care for her. There are times even that she forget to go to the bathroom or has trouble feeding herself. When she can we let her make her own food, but cooking, running water, leaving the light on.... these are all problems more often than not. She tries to walk out of the house in various states of undress. She insists to be taken home because she does not recognize where she has lived the last fifteen years. She can be in the middle of a sentence and suddenly everything changes.

You deal with it moment to moment. When she rests, or is quiet in the same room, you take a few minutes to check mail or take a few moment for yourself. My bother does not see her all day everyday so when he sees changes he get upset of at time even blames me for not doing enough. Anyone that is a caretaker of any kind goes through their own hell. Alzheimer's is so much worse. I help my daughter with her youngest who was autistic. That was so much easier.

Take time for yourself. Don't forget your own heath. Don't skip meals, even if they are just small ones or snacks. Don't take too much coffee, it is hell on the nerves. Make lists. Make a recording for your parent to help them stay in touch with the now, who and where. Stay with a routine as much as possible, but be flexible when you need to. Moment to moment. Remember they raised you and it was probably no piece of cake for them. Take time to laugh. If you need to, lock their bedroom door but put a baby monitor in there so you can get some sleep but can respond in an emergency.

Smile and remember you love them.
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

I'm going through that with my mother. It is a horrible end to life. Late afternoon and evening are the worst and after a long day it is hard coping with her. She still resents me for taking the keys away from after the car was totaled. I'm the villain in some giant conspiracy against her because she still believes there is nothing wrong with her, that is when she recognizes me. It is not a passive end but can be quiet volatile when they get scared or disoriented.
can you tell I'm glad you shared that with me? I've been meaning or hoping to talk about this with someone. she is starting to ask who people she should definitely knows like her grandson or her mother or her sister or brother. but I cannot imagine the day where she doesn't know who I am or my dad is when we were with her all the time I'm so sorry for you.

all the people that she doesn't know who they are when we are talking about them are dead or she doesn't see them anymore. her grandson is in Europe and he's coming back in a couple months so when we talk about him he'll say who over and over again. but then she asked me the next minute when he's coming back

This morning she tried to make breakfast. She put some eggs in the poacher and when my bother came to eat with her she did not know who he was or anything about breakfast. She did not know where she was and couldn't even speak with any sense. We got her to her bedroom, which she did recognize, made her lay down for a bit. About an hour later she got up, knew us but was very upset that we were concerned about her and thought we were playing some bad joke on her asking her so many questions. Later when we took her to the doctor for a check she had no idea what year or day it was and confused even the time of day and who had driven her.

I wish I could say it will get better.

I've been hospice for both my in laws and cared for my father in the last year. They were a thousand times easier than my mother. My grandmother didn't even remember how to speak english, and I didn't learn to speak siksika, nor did my mother or those at the nursing home we eventually had to put her in after twice breaking her hip.

I enjoy the good days, and times if day as much as I can, and struggle through all the others. We can't leave her alone and my bother is working most if the time so it falls on me to care for her. There are times even that she forget to go to the bathroom or has trouble feeding herself. When she can we let her make her own food, but cooking, running water, leaving the light on.... these are all problems more often than not. She tries to walk out of the house in various states of undress. She insists to be taken home because she does not recognize where she has lived the last fifteen years. She can be in the middle of a sentence and suddenly everything changes.

You deal with it moment to moment. When she rests, or is quiet in the same room, you take a few minutes to check mail or take a few moment for yourself. My bother does not see her all day everyday so when he sees changes he get upset of at time even blames me for not doing enough. Anyone that is a caretaker of any kind goes through their own hell. Alzheimer's is so much worse. I help my daughter with her youngest who was autistic. That was so much easier.

Take time for yourself. Don't forget your own heath. Don't skip meals, even if they are just small ones or snacks. Don't take too much coffee, it is hell on the nerves. Make lists. Make a recording for your parent to help them stay in touch with the now, who and where. Stay with a routine as much as possible, but be flexible when you need to. Moment to moment. Remember they raised you and it was probably no piece of cake for them. Take time to laugh. If you need to, lock their bedroom door but put a baby monitor in there so you can get some sleep but can respond in an emergency.

Smile and remember you love them.
so obviously the disease affects everybody differently because my mother can't even open a door let alone make breakfast for herself. and she used to be able to speak two languages and can't even speak one now. I guess it all depends on what part of the brain is deteriorating affects how the patient loses it. I would be happy if my mom to talk but not if she was screaming at me and telling me that I was just stranger I think God that doesn't happen at least yet. thank you for sharing I'm going to read your post to my father tonight. and like you my brother is living in Europe so all my parents have is me. and I don't complain I go over there 4 or 3 days a week every week and I wouldn't have it any other way because I don't want to be guilty after they're gone that I didn't do more.
"Hell Yeah"

Alright now boys and girls we've got another story for you now!
We want to introduce to you another friend of the Bible!

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

If I were God there would be no explicit sex on T.V.
Like little Opie eating pie when he made it with Aunt Bea

If I were God thou shall not worship false Billy Idols
And thou shall add the Book Of Flavor Flav to the Bible
Thou shall make fun of Hindus thou shall not make a "Speed 2"
If I were God that's what I'd do Heavens no

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

If I were God I'd get a bunch of slaves to do everything
Norwegian lesbians that feed me grapes and know how to sing

If I were God thou shall not wear tube socks with Flip-Flops
Thou shall sit and thou shall spin thou shall even wife swap
Thou shall resist the Olsen Twins, thou shall not cut "Footloose"
If I were God that's what I'd do, Heavens no

Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Hell yeah

And when they nail my pimpled ass to the cross
I'll tell them I found Jesus that should throw them off
He goes by the name Jesus and steals hubcaps from cars
Oh Jesus can I borrow your crowbar?
To pry these God damn nails out they're beginning to hurt
Crucified and all I got was this lousy T-shirt
"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" I'll sing as I'm flogged
Yeah that's what I would do if I were God
So vote for me for Savior and you'll go to Heaven
Your lame duck Lord is like Kevin Spacey in "Seven"
With creepy threats of H-E-Double-Hockey-Stick
You just can't teach an old God new tricks
But would I be a good Messiah with my low self-esteem?
If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?
Just sport some crummy "holier than thou" facade
Yeah that's what I would do if I were God

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