If you were God

I'd put more cheese in Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and give every man a 10 inch penis.

That's about it.

But I'm not God. I applied for the position once but was told I was overqualified.

The problem with answering that question is that none of us can foresee the consequences of any changes we would make. What might seem beneficial at the moment could prove to be disastrous down the road. World peace may sound good, but at what price. Does peace mean acceptance of those things we disagree with, or should there be a Divine Decree that we must all agree on everything? Is there nothing worth fighting for?

Most, people believe that God is omniscient but if that were true then God is incapable of change. An omniscient being possesses perfect knowledge and is thus incapable of inductive reasoning which is a prerequisite for change. Perfect knowledge requires deductive reasoning in which everything that happens is based upon the assumed truth of all those things which proceeded it. God cannot be other than what He is. To assume that God would ever ask Himself, “Gee what changes should I make?” implies He did not get it right the first time.

If I were able to make a single change (and I cannot) I would give everyone the assurance that no matter what happens in this brief earthly existence, there is a world beyond death that makes all the pain, sorrow and disappointed we endured worthwhile. In the context of eternity, even a lifetime of misery could never diminish the joy of existence.

But that is just my own humble opinion (OK, I lied about the humble part).
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I'd do the same thing He is. Because if I were God I would know all things as He does. Who am I to assume that I could do something better than the one who knows everything?
Sterilize everybody. Everybody living on this planet lives to be 130 years old and then dies painlessly. I would delete mental illness, intellectual and physical disabilities and disease. I would eradicate power, money, financial institutions and weapons. Everybody lives in a house and has access to food and water. Huge houses with gates will be demolished. Those are usually built by people that want to make decisions that effect the people and then hide because they know they screwed up. It's not the size of the house but the gate that must go. Governments will not be necessary. Religions are not necessary. Flies, fleas, cockroaches and mosquitoes have never been necessary.

I'll do a fireside chat. I'll tell people to ditch their holy books because I didn't say any of that. I will direct people to go to their local library where an entire section has been created with books of truth. Each individual has their own book of truth. The first half will have every personal slight, grudge or painful incident presented in an objective way so that everyone's motives are made clear. People still living will be in red. People that have died will be in green. The second half of the book will contain every harm done to another person with the full ramifications. People have managed to justify and commit "evil" with adversity (real or imaginary) and now they can figure out how the hell to be kind to one another.

Anyone that tries to revolt will automatically do the chicken dance until I, and the world's existing children, are no longer amused. Yep, free will........I giveth and I taketh away.
Probably add another 60 iq points to humanity in general and 85 to the negro race. Humanity would be better off... ;) I'd also rewrite the bible to say that humanity should spread throughout the universe and multiply.

So you think lack of intelligence is the problem?

What about the Hannibal Lector types?

It seems to me that if you are evil, intelligence is but a mere weapon.

There is a gray line between stupidity, insanity, and wickedness. All of them fail to understand the reality of it all at some level. I think for most, if someone can seem to flourish for a time doing something "bad" they are considered evil. But if they are unable to flourish for a time they are considered either stupid or crazy.

So why would you want man to expand into the universe?
Sterilize everybody. Everybody living on this planet lives to be 130 years old and then dies painlessly. I would delete mental illness, intellectual and physical disabilities and disease. I would eradicate power, money, financial institutions and weapons. Everybody lives in a house and has access to food and water. Huge houses with gates will be demolished. Those are usually built by people that want to make decisions that effect the people and then hide because they know they screwed up. It's not the size of the house but the gate that must go. Governments will not be necessary. Religions are not necessary. Flies, fleas, cockroaches and mosquitoes have never been necessary.

I'll do a fireside chat. I'll tell people to ditch their holy books because I didn't say any of that. I will direct people to go to their local library where an entire section has been created with books of truth. Each individual has their own book of truth. The first half will have every personal slight, grudge or painful incident presented in an objective way so that everyone's motives are made clear. People still living will be in red. People that have died will be in green. The second half of the book will contain every harm done to another person with the full ramifications. People have managed to justify and commit "evil" with adversity (real or imaginary) and now they can figure out how the hell to be kind to one another.

Anyone that tries to revolt will automatically do the chicken dance until I, and the world's existing children, are no longer amused. Yep, free will........I giveth and I taketh away.

So you would still allow free will?

How then would you negate the pain felt by those who choose poorly?

Also, is feeling the results of choosing poorly such a bad thing? It seems to me it could be used to teach people.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Every time some one tries to hurt another, they would feel the pain instead. Childbirth and medical care excluded
Sterilize everybody. Everybody living on this planet lives to be 130 years old and then dies painlessly. I would delete mental illness, intellectual and physical disabilities and disease. I would eradicate power, money, financial institutions and weapons. Everybody lives in a house and has access to food and water. Huge houses with gates will be demolished. Those are usually built by people that want to make decisions that effect the people and then hide because they know they screwed up. It's not the size of the house but the gate that must go. Governments will not be necessary. Religions are not necessary. Flies, fleas, cockroaches and mosquitoes have never been necessary.

I'll do a fireside chat. I'll tell people to ditch their holy books because I didn't say any of that. I will direct people to go to their local library where an entire section has been created with books of truth. Each individual has their own book of truth. The first half will have every personal slight, grudge or painful incident presented in an objective way so that everyone's motives are made clear. People still living will be in red. People that have died will be in green. The second half of the book will contain every harm done to another person with the full ramifications. People have managed to justify and commit "evil" with adversity (real or imaginary) and now they can figure out how the hell to be kind to one another.

Anyone that tries to revolt will automatically do the chicken dance until I, and the world's existing children, are no longer amused. Yep, free will........I giveth and I taketh away.

So you would still allow free will?

How then would you negate the pain felt by those who choose poorly?

Also, is feeling the results of choosing poorly such a bad thing? It seems to me it could be used to teach people.

Limited free will.

The book should resolve these issues. There is a great quantity of pain that has to be dealt with.

You have an 85 year old man whose most painful memories stem from his childhood. His mother often beat him in a senseless rage. She was overly suspicious and seldom affectionate. He ran away at the age of 13. He spent most of his life bitter and resentful. He could not understand why his mother did not love him and it haunted every interpersonal relationship.

He opens up the book and he reads that his mother was intellectually disabled and had once been very affectionate. Her parents could not have known that she had an IQ of 57 but did know that she was slow and something was wrong. Her body changed but she retained the mind of a child. She was taken advantage of and became pregnant. The man left town and never returned. Her parents did most of the caring for the child but they passed on when he was very young. So, meals were not reliable and she had great difficulty operating as a parent and she seemed to throw tantrums over simple things. She could neither read or write and became easily frustrated. She did love him but could never express it as other mother's did. He reads that his grandparents did love him.

So, now he understands and still has 45 more years to live.

The second half presents those incidents where he caused harm and with him seeing the full set of ramifications of his actions then he will also feel pain and shame and guilt. He develops compassion. He now understands and still has 45 years to live. He can try to make amends with those still living. He can ..............learn how to be kind.
I'd have two Commandments

1) Thou Shalt Not Be A Dick
2) Pitchers hit. The DH Rule is forbidden.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
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I'd walk around NY City looking every bit like a normal guy, except when you took the time to look you'd see I had eyes like Yogananda and when you noticed, I'd smile at you.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
first of all there would be no retards cancer Alzheimer's. that is if I was all powerful and cared. if I made a flawed system then I'm not perfect. religions have never been able to intellectually explain why a god at least the guide they describe would put us in such a predicament
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
God number 2 makes more sense
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
Two things that would definitely be changed if I had the corner office of everything and they would be 1) The human asshole and urethra would be on the soles of our feet, and 2) I would make it so its impossible for people to bite their own lip or tongue.

The first one is an obvious design improvement, but the second is an existing bug that should never have made it through quality control. One day you're shrugging off self-lip biting and before you know it you have things like platypuses. Amirite?
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......
I began thinking about this recently. As a believer in God I cannot reconcile the events happening in the world with an existing God. Maybe our idea of what God actually is is wrong.
there's two kinds of God 1 is the guy that visited and cares. that God I'm sure is made up. the second option is the Creator that created everything and doesn't give a rats ass about you and this planet or Mars or the Milky Way or this universe that we see might be one of an infinite number of universes And the Creator did not build a heaven for anybody you live you die that's it.

so as long as man has been smart enough to contemplate how all this came to be we have always wondered if there was a creator or not. at one point a guy came down from a mountain and said God spoke to him. so there was not enough evidence to convince the masses without a lie that this creator visited
God number 2 makes more sense
you should hear how passionate my father talked about how there must be something they created all this. his arguments are all very flawed but it does seem pretty amazing that we are here and we are aware and it does seem rather amazing but scientifically just because we can't explain it doesn't mean there must be a god I'd need more evidence than that
think about it. when we get a disease we ask God why but then eventually a scientist figures out how to cure the disease and we thank God. So why doesn't God just put a scientist on earth to cure Alzheimer's? or why does heor wh one more day?

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