If you were God

If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?
I'd allow them to live Free on the next planet..........If they screw that up then I'll do the same thing again.

Disposable planets?

How many would you allow or would there be an infinite number?
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?
I'd allow them to live Free on the next planet..........If they screw that up then I'll do the same thing again.

Disposable planets?

How many would you allow or would there be an infinite number?
if I was God I would only let good angels.... men and women to live around the Universe and love....and I would give respect and total protection to animal life

it's all Good/its all GOD

Here we go with the word "good" again.

What does it mean to be good?

it means to love all creatures big and small and to treat everybody like you would like to be treated yourself :)

Last guy who proposed that was nailed to a cross. Think big, you're God. :)

so what

you think I would be afraid?


I can take it


Shows us the scars then Ms. Talks Tough Online :) Filipinos hammer real spikes through their palsm, get scourged in the street, etc. Isn't a trick, or stage magic or some circus thing, it's what you see is what's going on.

"SAN PEDRO CUTUD, Philippines (AP) — Devotees in northern Philippine villages had themselves nailed to wooded crosses to re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as thousands of local and foreign spectators watched the bloody annual rites to mark Good Friday in Asia’s largest Roman Catholic nation.

Church leaders and health officials have spoken against the practice..."
Filipino devotees re-enact crucifixion of Christ News

Geez guys! We didn't mean for you to take this stuff literally! ;)
if I was God...our fathers ...my father...would still be alive and with us/me....and our loved ones would share eternity with us and laugh with us and walk with us....hold hands....

if I was God
if I was God...our fathers ...my father...would still be alive and with us/me....and our love ones would share eternity with us and laugh with us and walk with us....hold hands....

if I was God

Where? Here? World's overpopulated as it is. Without death it's highly doubtful anyone would be here. Odd as it sounds, death's more important that being born. Planet can do just fine if things and people and animals are never born, but if once they are born they never die...There's only so much space and resources.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?

Not prevent anything. Inspire fear both with proof of my existence and a verbal threat regarding being thrown into a star. Fear is the only thing that has ever kept people in line. Without fear you have anarchy. A god who claims he'll punish you but you don't believe exists isn't scary at all.

Can do whatever they're brave enough to do. But they will be punishsed if "naughty." How they define naughty is up to them. Reason people so much now is they don't believe like they used to. A god that never confirms its authority isn't a god worth being worshipped.

So would you agree with the Biblical notion that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom?

It's the age old Machiavellian question. Is it better to be loved or feared? I say both if possible.

As far as existing, according to scripture Adam and Eve knew God existed but they sinned anyway. The Israelites certainly knew God existed as he parted the Red Sea and sent them manna from heaven to eat and had them see the plagues he sent only on the Egyptians, but then they built a golden calf in his stead to worship. I think such people are only tormented by the reality of a God who they do not love

If these stories are true, it would not seem to matter if a God proves his existence or not. What is known in the stories is that the children of Israel feared God, so much so that they asked Moses to talk to God for them instead of God talking to them.

I think for the most part in this world people who "sin" tend to reap what they sow. They don't always, but usually if you abuse yourself or other people it's only a matter of time before it bites you in the arse.
Being God and giving humans another planet will not solve anything. Agent Smith is spot on:

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague
I think for the most part in this world people who "sin" tend to reap what they sow. They don't always, but usually if you abuse yourself or other people it's only a matter of time before it bites you in the arse.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?

Not prevent anything. Inspire fear both with proof of my existence and a verbal threat regarding being thrown into a star. Fear is the only thing that has ever kept people in line. Without fear you have anarchy. A god who claims he'll punish you but you don't believe exists isn't scary at all.

Can do whatever they're brave enough to do. But they will be punishsed if "naughty." How they define naughty is up to them. Reason people so much now is they don't believe like they used to. A god that never confirms its authority isn't a god worth being worshipped.

So would you agree with the Biblical notion that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom?

It's the age old Machiavellian question. Is it better to be loved or feared? I say both if possible.

As far as existing, according to scripture Adam and Eve knew God existed but they sinned anyway. The Israelites certainly knew God existed as he parted the Red Sea and sent them manna from heaven to eat and had them see the plagues he sent only on the Egyptians, but then they built a golden calf in his stead to worship. I think such people are only tormented by the reality of a God who they do not love

If these stories are true, it would not seem to matter if a God proves his existence or not. What is known in the stories is that the children of Israel feared God, so much so that they asked Moses to talk to God for them instead of God talking to them.

I think for the most part in this world people who "sin" tend to reap what they sow. They don't always, but usually if you abuse yourself or other people it's only a matter of time before it bites you in the arse.

Do we work at our jobs if our employers pays us once or twice then stops paying us?
Kill off every. single. human. being with some disease that only affects humans, leave the animals and flora and fauna take over until every thing built has crumbled from time and weather. And leave it that way.
Humans are a lost cause. He shoulda known that from the first cleansing.

Now here we go again.

No flood for you either to wipe them all out?

Does this include yourself?

I understand better than anyone the wickedness that resides in the heart of man, but at the same time, I also recognize something that is of value and still redeemable.

It's a conundrum to say the least.
Kill off every. single. human. being with some disease that only affects humans, leave the animals and flora and fauna take over until every thing built has crumbled from time and weather. And leave it that way.
Humans are a lost cause. He shoulda known that from the first cleansing.

Now here we go again.

No flood for you either to wipe them all out?

Does this include yourself?
A flood would damage the earth. The earth has done no wrong. Nor its animals. Nor its flora and fauna. What fucked up earth is HUMANS. And yes...all humans. Including me. But I'm God, remember? Wipe the slate clean and keep it that way. I'd stay alone because those made in "my" image are not worthy any more...if ever.
Here's a question for y'all...since some are atheists.

You have a button before you. That button will destroy every living human being on the planet but not the earth itself or it's non human inhabitants. Would you push it?

I would. In a heartbeat.
Here's a question for y'all...since some are atheists.

You have a button before you. That button will destroy every living human being on the planet but not the earth itself or it's non human inhabitants. Would you push it?

I would. In a heartbeat.

No. While I don't believe in gods, I don't believe in playing God either. Murder's murder whether divinely forbidden or not.

Curious to the others' answers though. To read some posters comments on some of my sex threads, I'm the horrible one. :)
Here's a question for y'all...since some are atheists.

You have a button before you. That button will destroy every living human being on the planet but not the earth itself or it's non human inhabitants. Would you push it?

I would. In a heartbeat.

Nice. Just made Hitler look like a child who had a tantrum. He only murdered about 11 million people not including war casualties.

You just murdered over 7 billion. Including yourself.
If you were running the show, how would the world look, or would there even be a world?

Everyone hates a back seat driver, so take the wheel.......

Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?

Not prevent anything. Inspire fear both with proof of my existence and a verbal threat regarding being thrown into a star. Fear is the only thing that has ever kept people in line. Without fear you have anarchy. A god who claims he'll punish you but you don't believe exists isn't scary at all.

Can do whatever they're brave enough to do. But they will be punishsed if "naughty." How they define naughty is up to them. Reason people so much now is they don't believe like they used to. A god that never confirms its authority isn't a god worth being worshipped.

So would you agree with the Biblical notion that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom?

It's the age old Machiavellian question. Is it better to be loved or feared? I say both if possible.

As far as existing, according to scripture Adam and Eve knew God existed but they sinned anyway. The Israelites certainly knew God existed as he parted the Red Sea and sent them manna from heaven to eat and had them see the plagues he sent only on the Egyptians, but then they built a golden calf in his stead to worship. I think such people are only tormented by the reality of a God who they do not love

If these stories are true, it would not seem to matter if a God proves his existence or not. What is known in the stories is that the children of Israel feared God, so much so that they asked Moses to talk to God for them instead of God talking to them.

I think for the most part in this world people who "sin" tend to reap what they sow. They don't always, but usually if you abuse yourself or other people it's only a matter of time before it bites you in the arse.

Do we work at our jobs if our employers pays us once or twice then stops paying us?

Your quote reminded me of this scripture.

Luke 12:35-40English Standard Version (ESV)
You Must Be Ready

35 “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, 36 and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them. 38 If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants! 39 But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, would not have left his house to be broken into. 40 You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
Here's a question for y'all...since some are atheists.

You have a button before you. That button will destroy every living human being on the planet but not the earth itself or it's non human inhabitants. Would you push it?

I would. In a heartbeat.

Nice. Just made Hitler look like a child who had a tantrum. He only murdered about 11 million people not including war casualties.

You just murdered over 7 billion. Including yourself.

To be fair, Hitler would have killed more if given the opportunity.
Godly Things To Do:

- make all weapons on Earth vanish (bladed weapons not tools, guns, bombs, missiles, nukes, germs, everything, all gone along with the machines that made them.)

- having proved I exist with above, heal/cure everyone alive of whatever ailement they have.

- repair enviroment of manmade pollution and issues like cg/gw and return to preindustrial revolution quality circa 1500 CE.

- appear on every computer, tv, electronic billboard globally and say, "Ok I'm back, Sorry, things piling up all over. Now that's everything's fixed and working right, try and get it right THIS time. Can't be popping in everytime someone gets a booboo, take care of each other and the planet yourselves or the next time I pop by I'm gonna throw naughty people into the Sun while keeping them alive to enjoy the experience."


So essentially you would prevent them from sinning?

Would you allow suffering as long as it was temporary?

Then again, isn't all suffering temporary?

Not prevent anything. Inspire fear both with proof of my existence and a verbal threat regarding being thrown into a star. Fear is the only thing that has ever kept people in line. Without fear you have anarchy. A god who claims he'll punish you but you don't believe exists isn't scary at all.

Can do whatever they're brave enough to do. But they will be punishsed if "naughty." How they define naughty is up to them. Reason people so much now is they don't believe like they used to. A god that never confirms its authority isn't a god worth being worshipped.

So would you agree with the Biblical notion that the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom?

It's the age old Machiavellian question. Is it better to be loved or feared? I say both if possible.

As far as existing, according to scripture Adam and Eve knew God existed but they sinned anyway. The Israelites certainly knew God existed as he parted the Red Sea and sent them manna from heaven to eat and had them see the plagues he sent only on the Egyptians, but then they built a golden calf in his stead to worship. I think such people are only tormented by the reality of a God who they do not love

If these stories are true, it would not seem to matter if a God proves his existence or not. What is known in the stories is that the children of Israel feared God, so much so that they asked Moses to talk to God for them instead of God talking to them.

I think for the most part in this world people who "sin" tend to reap what they sow. They don't always, but usually if you abuse yourself or other people it's only a matter of time before it bites you in the arse.

Do we work at our jobs if our employers pays us once or twice then stops paying us?

Your quote reminded me of this scripture.

Luke 12:35-40English Standard Version (ESV)
You Must Be Ready

35 “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, 36 and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them. 38 If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants! 39 But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, would not have left his house to be broken into. 40 You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

So submit to your masters o ye slaves of little worth. God loves a slave more than a free man.

About what I expect a society with slavery to say. While it could be read as a metaphor too, and probably was meant as one originally, it's been used as justify slavery as well.

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