if you were in that concert hall..would you want a gun...a poll

If you were in that concert hall in France...would you want a gun for self defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.
The one firing the machine gun is generally the killer if you hadn't noticed.

Yes I noticed and the concert crowd was standing ovation only. No sitting arrangements.
I've been to too many concerts

Last thing I want to see is those drunken assholes armed

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Fuck no. For the same reason that if I were in a building that caught fire I wouldn't want to be carrying a can of gasoline.


Summa y'all just continue to live in the comic books. Captain Oblivious, in spandex.
Your post defies logic.
What defies logic is the wrongheaded notion that armed, untrained civilians would be able to 'stop' the terrorist attack.

The terrorists weren't wearing special 'terrorist uniforms,' you'd have everyone with a gun shooting at anyone with a gun, in addition to innocent bystanders being injured and killed by errant shots from untrained nitwits who have little experience shooting handguns.
Civilians with guns stop armed criminals every day. When you see the guy with a bomb vest and a AK-47 yelling "Allahu Akbar", you point your gun at him and pull the trigger. This isnt rocket science, for most of us anyway. You seem like you are easilly confused, so yeah, maybe YOU shouldnt have a gun, but the rest of us would do just fine.

Sure it's not a rocket science. Is your eyes glued watching the game or concert or staring at people that might pull a gun. Get real...

So, some of you would rather be sitting ducks left at the mercy of these loons, as they cut you down one by one. Okay. To each his or her own, I suppose.

In real life. When you hear the first shot people will start running all over with massive confusions. If you brought your gun with you. Do you start charging and start shooting all over like Rambo? Sure you have a clear shot just like in the movie. If 3 of these people brought their guns with them and start firing #1 you probably kill more innocent people #2 with massive confusions who do you know at that point who is the good guy or the bad guy? Unless you are in front of this bastards and you are watching him 100% instead of the concerts. Then maybe you have shot.
Your post defies logic.
What defies logic is the wrongheaded notion that armed, untrained civilians would be able to 'stop' the terrorist attack.

The terrorists weren't wearing special 'terrorist uniforms,' you'd have everyone with a gun shooting at anyone with a gun, in addition to innocent bystanders being injured and killed by errant shots from untrained nitwits who have little experience shooting handguns.
Civilians with guns stop armed criminals every day. When you see the guy with a bomb vest and a AK-47 yelling "Allahu Akbar", you point your gun at him and pull the trigger. This isnt rocket science, for most of us anyway. You seem like you are easilly confused, so yeah, maybe YOU shouldnt have a gun, but the rest of us would do just fine.

Sure it's not a rocket science. Is your eyes glued watching the game or concert or staring at people that might pull a gun. Get real...

So, some of you would rather be sitting ducks left at the mercy of these loons, as they cut you down one by one. Okay. To each his or her own, I suppose.

In real life. When you hear the first shot people will start running all over with massive confusions. If you brought your gun with you. Do you start charging and start shooting all over like Rambo? Sure you have a clear shot just like in the movie. If 3 of these people brought their guns with them and start firing #1 you probably kill more innocent people #2 with massive confusions who do you know at that point who is the good guy or the bad guy? Unless you are in front of this bastards and you are watching him 100% instead of the concerts. Then maybe you have shot.

The question is , what would YOU do if you were the one who had the gun concealed. I damn well know what I would do and it wouldn't necessarily mean popping off rounds aimlessly. Maybe you've watched too many Rambo movies?
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?
Of course I would want a gun

I would have optimized my firing zone and popped the terrorists off one by one while preventing anyone from being killed
Here's a released pic of the concert hall carnage. This is the result of liberalism.

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So your only rebuttal to that logic is childish ad hominem.

It figures.
You are accusing us of wanting to "play dress-up". What sort of response did you expect? Your post is loony.
No, your position is being correctly and factually condemned as devoid of merit, foundation, and evidence in support; it's an unwarranted fantasy predicated on a errant perception of what constitutes a 'gun fight.'
What defies logic is the wrongheaded notion that armed, untrained civilians would be able to 'stop' the terrorist attack.

The terrorists weren't wearing special 'terrorist uniforms,' you'd have everyone with a gun shooting at anyone with a gun, in addition to innocent bystanders being injured and killed by errant shots from untrained nitwits who have little experience shooting handguns.
Civilians with guns stop armed criminals every day. When you see the guy with a bomb vest and a AK-47 yelling "Allahu Akbar", you point your gun at him and pull the trigger. This isnt rocket science, for most of us anyway. You seem like you are easilly confused, so yeah, maybe YOU shouldnt have a gun, but the rest of us would do just fine.

And the thing is....it is better to shoot them at a distance...possibly making them detonate their bomb before they planned on it, rather than letting them get closer to you....

With bombs...being farther away is better than being closer......and guns allow you that chance.
If people had guns in there, theres a good chance they would have never been able to detonate their bombs. Since their hands were shooting AKs, the bombs werent on a dead mans switch.They only detonated their bombs when the cops came storming in and the end was upon them. One guy with a pistol could have dramatically reduced the loss of life inside that concert hall.

Look Rambo.... first shot every one will be a massive panic and confusion. People will running all over the place. Do you expect a person who brought a gun start charging firing at the crowd? Let say 3 of these Rambo red neck start firing inside a crowd. How do they know who is the good guy or the bad guy.

The evidence from victims of mass shootings is exactly the opposite of what you claim. The fact that you're a coward and incapable of thinking clearly when the shit hits the fan is on you. The facts are the victims of our mass shootings have not panicked, have in fact acted heroically, and have died, because morons like you deny them the ability to defend themselves.

Sure Rambo. In a scenario like you have clear shot just like in the movie. If 2 or 3 people brought their gun with them and start firing in a panic crowd who do you know which is the good guy or the bad guy? We are not talking about coward here. I'm telling the reality. When you hear the first shot sure you are tough and start firing at the crowd. That's an idiot thinking. Don't you think?
Sure the victims did not panicked because they were caught surprise and they are hero indeed. Aside from that I like your sad and foul language expressing your opinion.
Where is your evidence? Show me something that demonstrates most shooters choose gun free zones. Not just that a lot of shootings happen in very public venues that are also gun free.

Show us three mass shootings that have occurred in non gun free zones. I can show you loads that were in those areas but I can only think of one that wasn't.

Jared Laughner, Don Spirit and Pedro Alberto Vargas

Family killers don't count as mass shootings (those are mass killings, yes, but a mass shooting is where the shooter doesn't know the victims) Nice try but try and stick with the definition.

No, they count. Mass shootings usually have a motive, to discount it because they are aiming at family members doesn't change that.

REgardless, would you rather be defenseless?

People talk tough because it's Internet. In real life when people hear the first shot people will running. I seriously doubt any of these people talk tough will stand there and fight but save themselves and run. That's the reality.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?

What chance? You probably run over by people in panic. Sure you are going to stay there and wait for a clear shot.
You are accusing us of wanting to "play dress-up". What sort of response did you expect? Your post is loony.
No, your position is being correctly and factually condemned as devoid of merit, foundation, and evidence in support; it's an unwarranted fantasy predicated on a errant perception of what constitutes a 'gun fight.'
Civilians with guns stop armed criminals every day. When you see the guy with a bomb vest and a AK-47 yelling "Allahu Akbar", you point your gun at him and pull the trigger. This isnt rocket science, for most of us anyway. You seem like you are easilly confused, so yeah, maybe YOU shouldnt have a gun, but the rest of us would do just fine.

And the thing is....it is better to shoot them at a distance...possibly making them detonate their bomb before they planned on it, rather than letting them get closer to you....

With bombs...being farther away is better than being closer......and guns allow you that chance.
If people had guns in there, theres a good chance they would have never been able to detonate their bombs. Since their hands were shooting AKs, the bombs werent on a dead mans switch.They only detonated their bombs when the cops came storming in and the end was upon them. One guy with a pistol could have dramatically reduced the loss of life inside that concert hall.

Look Rambo.... first shot every one will be a massive panic and confusion. People will running all over the place. Do you expect a person who brought a gun start charging firing at the crowd? Let say 3 of these Rambo red neck start firing inside a crowd. How do they know who is the good guy or the bad guy.

The evidence from victims of mass shootings is exactly the opposite of what you claim. The fact that you're a coward and incapable of thinking clearly when the shit hits the fan is on you. The facts are the victims of our mass shootings have not panicked, have in fact acted heroically, and have died, because morons like you deny them the ability to defend themselves.

Sure Rambo. In a scenario like you have clear shot just like in the movie. If 2 or 3 people brought their gun with them and start firing in a panic crowd who do you know which is the good guy or the bad guy? We are not talking about coward here. I'm telling the reality. When you hear the first shot sure you are tough and start firing at the crowd. That's an idiot thinking. Don't you think?
Sure the victims did not panicked because they were caught surprise and they are hero indeed. Aside from that I like your sad and foul language expressing your opinion.
You are accusing us of wanting to "play dress-up". What sort of response did you expect? Your post is loony.
No, your position is being correctly and factually condemned as devoid of merit, foundation, and evidence in support; it's an unwarranted fantasy predicated on a errant perception of what constitutes a 'gun fight.'
Civilians with guns stop armed criminals every day. When you see the guy with a bomb vest and a AK-47 yelling "Allahu Akbar", you point your gun at him and pull the trigger. This isnt rocket science, for most of us anyway. You seem like you are easilly confused, so yeah, maybe YOU shouldnt have a gun, but the rest of us would do just fine.

And the thing is....it is better to shoot them at a distance...possibly making them detonate their bomb before they planned on it, rather than letting them get closer to you....

With bombs...being farther away is better than being closer......and guns allow you that chance.
If people had guns in there, theres a good chance they would have never been able to detonate their bombs. Since their hands were shooting AKs, the bombs werent on a dead mans switch.They only detonated their bombs when the cops came storming in and the end was upon them. One guy with a pistol could have dramatically reduced the loss of life inside that concert hall.

Look Rambo.... first shot every one will be a massive panic and confusion. People will running all over the place. Do you expect a person who brought a gun start charging firing at the crowd? Let say 3 of these Rambo red neck start firing inside a crowd. How do they know who is the good guy or the bad guy.

The evidence from victims of mass shootings is exactly the opposite of what you claim. The fact that you're a coward and incapable of thinking clearly when the shit hits the fan is on you. The facts are the victims of our mass shootings have not panicked, have in fact acted heroically, and have died, because morons like you deny them the ability to defend themselves.

Sure Rambo. In a scenario like you have clear shot just like in the movie. If 2 or 3 people brought their gun with them and start firing in a panic crowd who do you know which is the good guy or the bad guy? We are not talking about coward here. I'm telling the reality. When you hear the first shot sure you are tough and start firing at the crowd. That's an idiot thinking. Don't you think?
Sure the victims did not panicked because they were caught surprise and they are hero indeed. Aside from that I like your sad and foul language expressing your opinion.

I'm not rambo, nor am I a silly person like yourself. You have watched too many movies and have allowed yourself to be persuaded by too much propaganda. No one who carries concealed is going to randomly shoot into a crowd. That is simply retarded and relegates you to moron status. You clearly have no ability to think beyond your pathetic skills....or lack thereof.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?

What chance? You probably run over by people in panic. Sure you are going to stay there and wait for a clear shot.

If the people were running they would have run over the shooters in the theatre stupid. The normal response for people is to drop to the ground. Before you open your trap I suggest you actually research the subject just a little bit. You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. None.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

No....you and your people move to escape...if you run into a guy yelling allah ahkbar and shooting people you now have a tool that might deal with him....if you can't find an exit and leave you hole up in a bathroom, or a closet or an office...and wait for the police...if any of them approach your location you can shoot and try to keep them from pressing their attack on you and your people and possibly leave to find unarmed victims.....

When the police come in and start clearing the place you identify yourself and come out with your hands in the air......

It isn't rocket science................and you don't have to be rambo.......
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?

think your right, they had the people rounded up and cowering

What chance? You probably run over by people in panic. Sure you are going to stay there and wait for a clear shot.

If the people were running they would have run over the shooters in the theatre stupid. The normal response for people is to drop to the ground. Before you open your trap I suggest you actually research the subject just a little bit. You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. None.
In the various places of the attacks in France...if you were there...and had the option...would you want to have had a concealed pistol...or would you have preferred to be unarmed....?
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?

What chance? You probably run over by people in panic. Sure you are going to stay there and wait for a clear shot.

Why do you prefer having NO chance over having a chance? Yes of course you would have a chance. you have a very defeatist attitude, do you realize this????? so your going to get run over huh? Then don't let yourself get run over!

They grouped the hostages together , they can't watch everybody's hands,
your argument is so weak

When confronted with adversity do you always throw your hands up and surrender? Can you possibly have any confidence in yourself?

Do you remember a few people who overpowered some would be terrorists not to long ago on a train? Thank God they were not you, or they would have had a massacre.

There is always a chance, if you have a gun you have a better chance in this situation
If I had my gun, I would have crouched low in combat firing position and popped off terrorists one by one.
I think I could have killed them all

I can't believe liberals
If I had my gun, I would have crouched low in combat firing position and popped off terrorists one by one.
I think I could have killed them all

I can't believe liberals

Your sarcasm is refreshing, but....... your view is off base. obviously it would be nothing like that. No body chooses to be put in that type of a horrible situation, there IS NO GOOD OUTCOME, I think we all got that. No body thinks having a gun to defend yourself with is a cure all in that situation. Anything is better than being completely helpless though. you might shoot one , maybe two, maybe it allows someone to escape who otherwise died.

Human nature is a strange thing. The terrorist had them cowering in fear, yet if one of those people had a concealed weapon and engaged them, its possible in the confusion , others in the hostage group could have helped to over power them. its about the switch being thrown (flight or fight).
This has happened before when unarmed civilians have disarmed armed assailants. Of course, the French have been trained now for so many decades not to defend themselves, that switch may be a little rusty

Of course you will laugh and say no way, I get that
If I had my gun, I would have crouched low in combat firing position and popped off terrorists one by one.
I think I could have killed them all

I can't believe liberals

Your sarcasm is refreshing, but....... your view is off base. obviously it would be nothing like that. No body chooses to be put in that type of a horrible situation, there IS NO GOOD OUTCOME, I think we all got that. No body thinks having a gun to defend yourself with is a cure all in that situation. Anything is better than being completely helpless though. you might shoot one , maybe two, maybe it allows someone to escape who otherwise died.

Human nature is a strange thing. The terrorist had them cowering in fear, yet if one of those people had a concealed weapon and engaged them, its possible in the confusion , others in the hostage group could have helped to over power them. its about the switch being thrown (flight or fight).
This has happened before when unarmed civilians have disarmed armed assailants. Of course, the French have been trained now for so many decades not to defend themselves, that switch may be a little rusty

Of course you will laugh and say no way, I get that
I am different than most

I actually play out shooting terrorists in my mind so that when the time comes, I will be ready
BAM.......there goes Akbar!
BOOM......down goes Abdul
POP...POP.....POP.......just got Mohammad, Ammad and the other Mohammad

If only I was in that concert hall
NO....Because I don't want a Rambo red neck start firing at crowd. As I previously mentioned. First shot everyone will be running a panic at massive scale. I will be running by like everyone else. Even if I brought my gun with me I do not expect myself to be charging and start firing. If 2 or 3 of these Rambo start firing how would they know who is the bad guy or good guy? That's the reality. Not a fantasy.

Doesn't matter at that point. If you don't fight back, you are going to be killed. There isn't going to be any "running by."

In real life.. It does matter. In a scenario like that how are you going to fire back? Tell people to stop running because I have a gun?

If you can't get a shot off, then you can't get a shot off. You just have to wait. But at least a have a chance. try a little deception, you have the element of surprise as they don't expect anyone to be armed. You have a brain. Its how people have fought against the odds for millennia.

Is more detail really necessary?

What chance? You probably run over by people in panic. Sure you are going to stay there and wait for a clear shot.

If the people were running they would have run over the shooters in the theatre stupid. The normal response for people is to drop to the ground. Before you open your trap I suggest you actually research the subject just a little bit. You have no clue what the hell you're talking about. None.

No dumb shit. They will be running away from the shooter. Not towards the shooter stupid. How many mass shooting you know that they drop to the ground? Cause you are such a tough stupid shit you are going towards the shooter. People did not drop to the ground they ran. The situation was they we're all caught by surprised. The concert situation was standing ovation only 89 people died.
If you want to bring your gun with you go ahead but if you are in front or next to me I will disable with my hand. How am I supposed to know you are a good guy or the bad guy?

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