If you were President?

I'd declare martial law. Probably have anyone who disagreed with me assassinated. Then I'd declare myself Emperor. Then I'd nuke Nebraska. Just for shits and giggles. Because do we really need Nebraska? Fuck Nebraska.
I'd declare martial law. Probably have anyone who disagreed with me assassinated. Then I'd declare myself Emperor. Then I'd nuke Nebraska. Just for shits and giggles. Because do we really need Nebraska? Fuck Nebraska.
Lol what is Nebraska anyways?
I'd shutter the Dept of Ed and any agency that is redundant. Congress can allocate money, that doesn't mean the executive branch must spend it.

I wouldn't be a mere "President". I would be a warlord and would have an army of Amish, armed with FAL's. They would do my bidding because I would be the Supreme Warlord of the United States.

I would probably invade Mexico, kick out all the Mexicans, and claim it for the US,
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How would you run this country?

I would create an Executive Order to disband Congress.

I might as well, they serve no functional use other than jerking off to the camera and chasing down teen girls.

My approval ratings would skyrocket.

It's where we are headed anyway. Federalism died a long time ago.

Notice how you are looking to one man to solve all of our problems. That sir is the problem and the problem with collectivists known as Progressives.
I'd declare martial law. Probably have anyone who disagreed with me assassinated. Then I'd declare myself Emperor. Then I'd nuke Nebraska. Just for shits and giggles. Because do we really need Nebraska? Fuck Nebraska.
Lol what is Nebraska anyways?

It's a large landing pad for the aliens to use when they beam up unsuspecting farmers for a good old fashioned anal probing.

The most impressive thing I've noticed with Trump is, all that power and he has none. Judges strike down his Executive Orders, even when the mirror Obama's, and Congress won't pass anything for him to sign.

Here we have the most powerful man in the world neutered by the establishment. It really is a site to behold.

Once another Obama clone gets in there they will be free to start wars with impunity and to pretty much as they like no matter how unconstitutional, just like Obama did. The GOP won't make a peep.

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