If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

The problem with those states and one of the reason they are fly overs, even by Trump , is they are mainly Evangelicals.
Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Which gop talking point is pro constitutional? Name another right than the 2nd that they back?

Free speech
Free press
No national church
Free exercise of religion
Freedom of assembly

That enough or do you want more?

Lol! Are you serious ?

Speech : gop want nfl players fired for kneeling.
Press: they declare the media to be enemies to the country and coined the term “fake news”
Church : they are against any non Christians . Targeting Muslims countries for travel bans
Assembly : cons mock protesters and try to pass laws making it legal to run them over !
This is so true....

I say we hate them back...
It's the Christian thing to do.
Christian’s have always had to fight for their existence. Just like right now in flyover country.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.
Only a bigot believes calling someone gay is an insult.

The tards never seem to catch on to that. :lol:

"And I bet you are a black Jew Muslim, too, lol."

Pretty sure calling people tards is biggotted too
Your gay. Nuff said.

Now is that what Jesus would say?

How ironic. Righties start thread on how they are great Christians, and then proceed to post vile evil Crap. Jesus would spit in your face .
Jesus was not a liberal Unitarian.

What’d Jesus ever say about the gays ?
What did he ever say in support of them?
Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone!

That was not in reference to homosexuality.

And the woman he was protecting was indeed guilty. His response to her was to “Go and sin no more”

I suspect he would say the same to those participating in sodomy. He would immediately be called a homophobe for doing so
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Now is that what Jesus would say?

How ironic. Righties start thread on how they are great Christians, and then proceed to post vile evil Crap. Jesus would spit in your face .
Jesus was not a liberal Unitarian.

What’d Jesus ever say about the gays ?
What did he ever say in support of them?
Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone!

That was not in reference to homosexuality.

And the woman he was protecting was indeed guilty. His response to her was to “Go and sin no more”

I suspect he would say the same to those participating in sodomy. He would immediately be called a homophobe for doing so
I am very aware of the history behind what he said. He said with out sin that would include all sin and it was spoken to a large crowd in reference to all mpossible sins they may have committed.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.

Jesus would be opposed to the Democratic Party's hate based politics and and the slavery of left wing economics

What would senator Jesus do? Vote against Obamacare ? Vote against the chip program?

Lol. You fake Cristians are the worst .

You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.

Have you ever read the scriptures?

Jesus is the one who instituted the death penalty in the law of Moses.

He didn’t advocate for any government program for the poor. He took care of the poor.

He praised the widow who gave her meager mite for the kingdom of God.

He didn’t advocate government programs to insure children, he healed them.

He had His disciples arm themselves.

He denounced immorality

Btw half of that list is nothing but straw men

Conservatives don’t hate gays. We aren’t anti immigration. We aren’t in favor of police brutality nor are we opposed to keeping our environment clean, in fact we clean up after ourselves far better than the left does.

Study the scriptures. Seek the Lord in study and prayer. Serve Him And stop bearing false witness against your fellow citizens
I won’t turn the other cheek when under attack.

Then don’t. But don’t glorify hurting your enemies. Pray for them. Be kind to them when you can.
This is so true....

I say we hate them back...
It's the Christian thing to do.
Christian’s have always had to fight for their existence. Just like right now in flyover country.
Oh puhleese. You right wing greedy bahs-turds are spawns of Satan. Your god is Mammon, chief of the material world. If you were a true Christian you'd sell all you have and give to the poor. Instead...you worship on the altar of Capitalism....serving your material god, often at the expense of the poor.
Did Rachel tell you that?
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.

Sorry Democrats are not even close, hell they don't even know the bible, let alone how to live it

Al Gore likes John 16:3

I love it when you lefties talk religion, it's so easy
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Democrats enjoy slaughtering babies in the womb. Democrats enjoy sexual perversion. Better Christians?
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

Cons are pro death penalty. And you hate the poor . How anti Jesus of you .
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Democrats enjoy slaughtering babies in the womb. Democrats enjoy sexual perversion. Better Christians?
Don't pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

Cons are pro death penalty. And you hate the poor . How anti Jesus of you .
Eye for an eye. And I AM poor. How anti common sense of you.
Jesus was about helping the least among us and how being rich and materialism mean nothing. Of course southern evangelicals have tried to rewrite it.....epic failed on that endeavor.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.

Jesus would be opposed to the Democratic Party's hate based politics and and the slavery of left wing economics

What would senator Jesus do? Vote against Obamacare ? Vote against the chip program?

Lol. You fake Cristians are the worst .

You liberals are retarded.

obama care is a failing joke.....

Trump gave you a choice...

Jesus wouldn't vote to close down Charter Schools

to help his union thug buddies.
You are retarded. Charted schools suck. Teachers are considered thugs? How about cops, they are unionized? Obama care slowed down cost increases and insured 25 million more peo[ple than before. You conned repugs belive any thing fox news, bright bart, or your coporate masters tell you. Further more you tend to be inbreed ignoramuses. Most of you are shaking in your boots cowards that can not tell thier ass from a the Grand Canyon. You likely smell like that fish you are holding.. You would not know what a thug was if he hit you in the head. You are not even people you are nothing but parrots spouting what your coporate masters tell you to.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.

Have you ever read the scriptures?

Jesus is the one who instituted the death penalty in the law of Moses.

He didn’t advocate for any government program for the poor. He took care of the poor.

He praised the widow who gave her meager mite for the kingdom of God.

He didn’t advocate government programs to insure children, he healed them.

He had His disciples arm themselves.

He denounced immorality

Btw half of that list is nothing but straw men

Conservatives don’t hate gays. We aren’t anti immigration. We aren’t in favor of police brutality nor are we opposed to keeping our environment clean, in fact we clean up after ourselves far better than the left does.

Study the scriptures. Seek the Lord in study and prayer. Serve Him And stop bearing false witness against your fellow citizens

Oh brother . You see this is what conservatives do. They distort the Scriptures and been reality into whatever they want. Now you’re making Jesus out to be pro gun and pro death penalty? That’s ridiculous.

I went to Catholic school for eight years so I am aware of the Scriptures.

Jesus saved Mary from being stoned to death. Jesus said to give Caesar what is his. Jesus told his apostles to stand down with the Romans came for him. And that’s just the crap off the top my head.

He literally wrote the law of Moses which has a death penalty. Death was literally the consequence to the first commandment that man broke. There is literally no scripture support for blanket opposition to the death penalty

Yes Jesus told his disciples to stand down when he romans came. After commanding them to arm themselves. Why do you think Peter was armed to begin with?

There are times the Lord commands us to fight to preserve the lives of our family and friends. There are other times when the Lord commands us to submit to violence against us and turn the other cheek. That’s why we need the gift of the Holy Ghost so we may discern what the will of the Lord is.
Jesus wouldn't be for charter schools any more than public schools. Who is the Anti American who posted this utter garbage?

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