If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
No TRUE believer would ever pretend to know what Jesus would do. You are as bad as the rest of them.
A bunch of gullible tools.

Lol! All “Christian’s” ever do is leacture us on what Jesus would think.
Bull. In all my time on this website the only people I ever see making these comments are leftists trying to troll the right. I' sure some idiots on the right do it too but by & large it is almost always a leftist. Same with the party of family values rhetoric.

Then you are willfully blind. Just look at this thread and in its first page as an example of a moral lecturing right wing.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
No TRUE believer would ever pretend to know what Jesus would do. You are as bad as the rest of them.
A bunch of gullible tools.

Lol! All “Christian’s” ever do is leacture us on what Jesus would think.
Bull. In all my time on this website the only people I ever see making these comments are leftists trying to troll the right. I' sure some idiots on the right do it too but by & large it is almost always a leftist. Same with the party of family values rhetoric.

Then you are willfully blind. Just look at this thread and in its first page as an example of a moral lecturing right wing.
Thread cuts to the quick...liberals cannot handle the truth.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

Since you obviously have NO Christian values, why do liberals hate you?
Liberals/ Christian....mutually exclusive.


Trump claims to be a Presbyterian, one of the most LIBERAL of the major Christian denominations in America.

You really are, literally, by every imaginable measure, a retard.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.

Have you ever read the scriptures?

Jesus is the one who instituted the death penalty in the law of Moses.

He didn’t advocate for any government program for the poor. He took care of the poor.

He praised the widow who gave her meager mite for the kingdom of God.

He didn’t advocate government programs to insure children, he healed them.

He had His disciples arm themselves.

He denounced immorality

Btw half of that list is nothing but straw men

Conservatives don’t hate gays. We aren’t anti immigration. We aren’t in favor of police brutality nor are we opposed to keeping our environment clean, in fact we clean up after ourselves far better than the left does.

Study the scriptures. Seek the Lord in study and prayer. Serve Him And stop bearing false witness against your fellow citizens
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
I've been reading your posts for some time, but I think this is somewhere in your top 10 dumbest claims. A leftist telling the rightists that Jesus would agree with the people who want to save the trees and kill the children. The party that supports murdering unborn children, stealing your hard-earned money, and strangling out the rights of the religious. The party that replaced a statue in a courthouse with one of freaking Baphomet. Of all the times I've seen leftists lacking self-awareness. Hilarious.

EDIT: Scratch that, it was in front of the capitol.
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Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.

Have you ever read the scriptures?

Jesus is the one who instituted the death penalty in the law of Moses.

He didn’t advocate for any government program for the poor. He took care of the poor.

He praised the widow who gave her meager mite for the kingdom of God.

He didn’t advocate government programs to insure children, he healed them.

He had His disciples arm themselves.

He denounced immorality

Btw half of that list is nothing but straw men

Conservatives don’t hate gays. We aren’t anti immigration. We aren’t in favor of police brutality nor are we opposed to keeping our environment clean, in fact we clean up after ourselves far better than the left does.

Study the scriptures. Seek the Lord in study and prayer. Serve Him And stop bearing false witness against your fellow citizens
I won’t turn the other cheek when under attack.
Trump just oozes small town Christian values.


I am not a real religious man but I have

heard the Lord works in mysterious ways...

Against all odds Trump was elected and

he just keeps kicking liberal ass....

Looking forward to that next Supreme Court pick...:dance:

I agree. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Trump won for a reason.

Perhaps it was to fulfill another promise of the Lord. That by the weak and foolish of the world, He will thrash the nations
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
I've been reading your posts for some time, but I think this is somewhere in your top 10 dumbest claims. A leftist telling the rightists that Jesus would agree with the people who want to save the trees and kill the children. The party that supports murdering unborn children, stealing your hard-earned money, and strangling out the rights of the religious. The party that replaced a statue in a courthouse with one of freaking Baphomet. Of all the times I've seen leftists lacking self-awareness. Hilarious.

EDIT: Scratch that, it was in front of the capitol.
What liberals want in the United States...
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

The problem with those states and one of the reason they are fly overs, even by Trump , is they are mainly Evangelicals.
Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Which gop talking point is pro constitutional? Name another right than the 2nd that they back?

Free speech
Free press
No national church
Free exercise of religion
Freedom of assembly

That enough or do you want more?
Trump just oozes small town Christian values.


I am not a real religious man but I have

heard the Lord works in mysterious ways...

Against all odds Trump was elected and

he just keeps kicking liberal ass....

Looking forward to that next Supreme Court pick...:dance:

I agree. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Trump won for a reason.

Perhaps it was to fulfill another promise of the Lord. That by the weak and foolish of the world, He will thrash the nations
So you agree with the war on Christians ?
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.

Have you ever read the scriptures?

Jesus is the one who instituted the death penalty in the law of Moses.

He didn’t advocate for any government program for the poor. He took care of the poor.

He praised the widow who gave her meager mite for the kingdom of God.

He didn’t advocate government programs to insure children, he healed them.

He had His disciples arm themselves.

He denounced immorality

Btw half of that list is nothing but straw men

Conservatives don’t hate gays. We aren’t anti immigration. We aren’t in favor of police brutality nor are we opposed to keeping our environment clean, in fact we clean up after ourselves far better than the left does.

Study the scriptures. Seek the Lord in study and prayer. Serve Him And stop bearing false witness against your fellow citizens

Oh brother . You see this is what conservatives do. They distort the Scriptures and been reality into whatever they want. Now you’re making Jesus out to be pro gun and pro death penalty? That’s ridiculous.

I went to Catholic school for eight years so I am aware of the Scriptures.

Jesus saved Mary from being stoned to death. Jesus said to give Caesar what is his. Jesus told his apostles to stand down with the Romans came for him. And that’s just the crap off the top my head.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.

Why do beautiful women always make Liberal men so angry?
That dumb liberal bigot Barry Obama made the U. of Notra Dame cover their religious statues before he would give a speech there.

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