If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
You put your mouth on another guy’s penis. You have no moral high ground to cast aspersions on anyone.
What's so weird about you is you have some aspiration to HW but none of his decency
Last great President of the United States. Also, do not question my decency.
You have none. You support a thief, a liar, an adulterer, and a hypocrite.

You don't have a decent bone in your body.

Your soul is dead.
Bush 92 is a trumpbot but the real HW despised the orange cretin. It's a mystery to me.
Low energy Jeb got his fragile ass beat.
Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
You put your mouth on another guy’s penis. You have no moral high ground to cast aspersions on anyone.
What's so weird about you is you have some aspiration to HW but none of his decency
Last great President of the United States. Also, do not question my decency.
You have none. You support a thief, a liar, an adulterer, and a hypocrite.

You don't have a decent bone in your body.

Your soul is dead.
Bush 92 is a trumpbot but the real HW despised the orange cretin. It's a mystery to me.
I feel sorry for the pseudocons. I honestly do.

In the same way you feel sorry for any mentally handicapped kid.

Except this particular mental illness is self-inflicted.

Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
No TRUE believer would ever pretend to know what Jesus would do. You are as bad as the rest of them.
A bunch of gullible tools.
If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

If You Work Hard, then you are likely autonomous and don't need any of the Liberal's government programs.

If You Pay Taxes, then you are obviously not a very good big liberal government dependent.

If You Defend Your Country, then you are likely one of those loony patriots they fear so very much.

And If You Go to Church on Sunday, you must obviously be one of those uncontrollable crazy people who puts faith in an Almighty above the Almighty Government Social Worker! Damn! You are a grave danger to all!
Your gay. Nuff said.

Now is that what Jesus would say?

How ironic. Righties start thread on how they are great Christians, and then proceed to post vile evil Crap. Jesus would spit in your face .
Jesus was not a liberal Unitarian.

What’d Jesus ever say about the gays ?
What did he ever say in support of them?

Jesus didn’t say anything in support of guns either . Guess guns are a sin !

Guns are a sin...

You need to take your meds...
If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

If You Work Hard, then you are likely autonomous and don't need any of the Liberal's government programs.

If You Pay Taxes, then you are obviously not a very good big liberal government dependent.

If You Defend Your Country, then you are likely one of those loony patriots they fear so very much.

And If You Go to Church on Sunday, you must obviously be one of those uncontrollable crazy people who puts faith in an Almighty above the Almighty Government Social Worker! Damn! You are a grave danger to all!
You lie like the rest...Nothing to see here folks..
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
No TRUE believer would ever pretend to know what Jesus would do. You are as bad as the rest of them.
A bunch of gullible tools.

Lol! All “Christian’s” ever do is leacture us on what Jesus would think.
Bull. In all my time on this website the only people I ever see making these comments are leftists trying to troll the right. I' sure some idiots on the right do it too but by & large it is almost always a leftist. Same with the party of family values rhetoric.
Your gay. Nuff said.

Now is that what Jesus would say?

How ironic. Righties start thread on how they are great Christians, and then proceed to post vile evil Crap. Jesus would spit in your face .
Jesus was not a liberal Unitarian.

What’d Jesus ever say about the gays ?
What did he ever say in support of them?

Jesus didn’t say anything in support of guns either . Guess guns are a sin !

My guess is you ain't got a clue...
No party can claim ownership to Christian values. I don't base my vote on my Christianity and in America those politicians that exclaim their devout Christianity are generally the furthest from. Aka Moore.
Now is that what Jesus would say?

How ironic. Righties start thread on how they are great Christians, and then proceed to post vile evil Crap. Jesus would spit in your face .
Jesus was not a liberal Unitarian.

What’d Jesus ever say about the gays ?
What did he ever say in support of them?
Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone!
I can at least pick one up. Democrats can’t even stand on stones.
Say what? what the fuck you talking about Willis. Answer a truth with a lie, what a great American you are!
Trump is a man close to God. Here he is with some vestal virgins and a high priest:


It does appear that God has blessed him...
With sins of the flesh?

Just how deep does your willful stupidity go?

Hey you are the liberal....

You guys are the willfully stupid.

Cons always turn to name calling when they have no argument . Which is often .
My argument is legit. Why should anyone care what a mentally ill rainbow warrior has to say?
So you claiming to be fairy?
This is so true....

I say we hate them back...

There is more power in love. I say we love them with the truth and pray for them that perhaps some day God will change their heart
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