If your daughter was at that San Bernadino Christmas party, would you want her to have a gun?

Would you want your daughter to have had a concealed pistol at the San Bernadino attack?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 83.9%
  • No

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters

She would have been dead with a gun because of what they were wearing was BODY ARMOR, so how would she have been able to stop the killers?

It is like the retards screaming after the Oregon Campus shooting about had the students and staff been armed they could have stopped the lone gunman ( which was a terroristic act ) but failed to understand that the Campus was actually not a Gun Free Zone under Oregon law and one student was carrying at the time outside the halls and did not get involved because of the fact he was afraid of being shot by the police.

So as you dream of the day arming every citizen across this nation the fact still remains her having a gun would have done very little except get her killed, and she most likely would have not engaged anyway seeing the fact they ( the shooters ) were in body armor which meant she would had to be trained to be a sniper to take them out and had the proper weapon on her to do so, and I know for a fact her gun most likely would have been a .25 caliber and nothing larger!
The chances of someone with enough training, skill, and calm in a full-on fucking panic to kill either of these two assholes is off the charts. It's the same for the Paris theater. Could they get off a shot or two, maybe, before they were absolutely dead instead of maybe dead, yeah. Great solution. Hey, heavily armed people in body-armor, look at me playing John Wayne, the last thing they ever did.

The more likely outcome of this will be they jerk in Texas who shot the carjacking victim in the head, did not render assistance, grabbed the evidence, and fled before the cops arrived.

I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

No, and yes. The primary thing she should have done if she was armed is remain in the bathroom......and only engaged the shooters if they found her.....

Second, if she had been in the room and not killed with the first burst of fire, yes....her returning fire very well could have saved lives......one thing we know for certain, no one had a gun in that room and 14 people were killed.

And we know from other mass shootings in crowded places.....that lives are saved.....

And then there is this guy...not a SEAL, a cop, or a Swat member......

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

“We believe that after he killed the caseworker, and after he tried to kill Dr. Silverman, he was not going to stop there,” he said.

She would have been dead with a gun because of what they were wearing was BODY ARMOR, so how would she have been able to stop the killers?

It is like the retards screaming after the Oregon Campus shooting about had the students and staff been armed they could have stopped the lone gunman ( which was a terroristic act ) but failed to understand that the Campus was actually not a Gun Free Zone under Oregon law and one student was carrying at the time outside the halls and did not get involved because of the fact he was afraid of being shot by the police.

So as you dream of the day arming every citizen across this nation the fact still remains her having a gun would have done very little except get her killed, and she most likely would have not engaged anyway seeing the fact they ( the shooters ) were in body armor which meant she would had to be trained to be a sniper to take them out and had the proper weapon on her to do so, and I know for a fact her gun most likely would have been a .25 caliber and nothing larger!
The chances of someone with enough training, skill, and calm in a full-on fucking panic to kill either of these two assholes is off the charts. It's the same for the Paris theater. Could they get off a shot or two, maybe, before they were absolutely dead instead of maybe dead, yeah. Great solution. Hey, heavily armed people in body-armor, look at me playing John Wayne, the last thing they ever did.

The more likely outcome of this will be they jerk in Texas who shot the carjacking victim in the head, did not render assistance, grabbed the evidence, and fled before the cops arrived.

I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

I have studied these shootings.....obviously you haven't...outside of movies and select stories on anti gun news shows......

Here you go...more mass shootings in progress stopped by armed citizens...compared to gun free shootings...

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told FoxNews.com. “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”
The chances of someone with enough training, skill, and calm in a full-on fucking panic to kill either of these two assholes is off the charts. It's the same for the Paris theater. Could they get off a shot or two, maybe, before they were absolutely dead instead of maybe dead, yeah. Great solution. Hey, heavily armed people in body-armor, look at me playing John Wayne, the last thing they ever did.

The more likely outcome of this will be they jerk in Texas who shot the carjacking victim in the head, did not render assistance, grabbed the evidence, and fled before the cops arrived.

I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

No, and yes. The primary thing she should have done if she was armed is remain in the bathroom......and only engaged the shooters if they found her.....

Second, if she had been in the room and not killed with the first burst of fire, yes....her returning fire very well could have saved lives......one thing we know for certain, no one had a gun in that room and 14 people were killed.

And we know from other mass shootings in crowded places.....that lives are saved.....

And then there is this guy...not a SEAL, a cop, or a Swat member......

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

“We believe that after he killed the caseworker, and after he tried to kill Dr. Silverman, he was not going to stop there,” he said.

I am going to put it as simple as possible for you and i am sure you are going to keep on arguing apples versus oranges with me!

The individuals that did the terroristic act in California were wearing Body Armor and her firing back would have done nothing. Also her firing back could have caused her to hit a innocent individual in the crossfire.

You keep on posting stuff that is about individuals that were not in body armor, and were not carrying out a terrorist attack.

You keep on writing if those people did this then she could have stopped those two fully armed killers that were wear BODY ARMOR!

What part about the Body Armor are you having trouble with?

Are you completely daft in the head that you are wrong on this issue, and the best thing she could do is hide her ass and pray she is not killed!
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll


She would have been dead with a gun because of what they were wearing was BODY ARMOR, so how would she have been able to stop the killers?

It is like the retards screaming after the Oregon Campus shooting about had the students and staff been armed they could have stopped the lone gunman ( which was a terroristic act ) but failed to understand that the Campus was actually not a Gun Free Zone under Oregon law and one student was carrying at the time outside the halls and did not get involved because of the fact he was afraid of being shot by the police.

So as you dream of the day arming every citizen across this nation the fact still remains her having a gun would have done very little except get her killed, and she most likely would have not engaged anyway seeing the fact they ( the shooters ) were in body armor which meant she would had to be trained to be a sniper to take them out and had the proper weapon on her to do so, and I know for a fact her gun most likely would have been a .25 caliber and nothing larger!
The chances of someone with enough training, skill, and calm in a full-on fucking panic to kill either of these two assholes is off the charts. It's the same for the Paris theater. Could they get off a shot or two, maybe, before they were absolutely dead instead of maybe dead, yeah. Great solution. Hey, heavily armed people in body-armor, look at me playing John Wayne, the last thing they ever did.

The more likely outcome of this will be they jerk in Texas who shot the carjacking victim in the head, did not render assistance, grabbed the evidence, and fled before the cops arrived.

I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.

Look....in the cases,where a mass shooter stupidly attacks a place where there is a concealed carry permit holder, the gun owner stopped the attack and saved lives...you guys all think you know what other people would be capable of and you just don't.....

in most situations people will do what you say...get out......but in those actual cases where a shooter has run into a concealed carrier...they have either shot the killer or capture them for police.....

you should do some research into the actual events....your idea is not based on reality


A young lady sitting on the toilet calling her father in panic because of two armed killers rush in with body armor was going to stop those killers?




What movie did you see that in?

In real life that same young girl lack the training to stop those two individuals and would have gotten herself killed instead. In the real world that young lady would have most likely been carrying a .25 caliber firearm ( a purse gun ) and not the type of firearm needed to kill the individuals that stormed that building in California.

So yeah tell me to study something when the reality is against your moronic assertion had she been armed those killers would have never done those killings because the reality is they were wearing body armor and would have killed her in a split second.

Better yet try your theory the next time someone is attacking in full body gear, and you pull out your firearm and I bet you end up dead before you get one damn round off.

Damn why is it the Gung-Ho idiots believe if they walk into a fire fight and pull their guns everything will work as they envision?

One...they did not have body armor. And you obviously do not understand guns....from your post on a purse gun. Do some research....they have whole lines of clothing for women now devoted to carrying concealed guns....not to mention just your usual methods of concealing 9mm sub compact guns....or .38 revolvers........

And these mass shooters train to kill other people...they do not train on how to react to taking fire coming back at them.......having to deal with incoming fire takes attention away from shooing unarmed people.....please...study actual self defense encounters by civilians with guns.....then we can have more productive discussions...
I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

No, and yes. The primary thing she should have done if she was armed is remain in the bathroom......and only engaged the shooters if they found her.....

Second, if she had been in the room and not killed with the first burst of fire, yes....her returning fire very well could have saved lives......one thing we know for certain, no one had a gun in that room and 14 people were killed.

And we know from other mass shootings in crowded places.....that lives are saved.....

And then there is this guy...not a SEAL, a cop, or a Swat member......

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

“We believe that after he killed the caseworker, and after he tried to kill Dr. Silverman, he was not going to stop there,” he said.

I am going to put it as simple as possible for you and i am sure you are going to keep on arguing apples versus oranges with me!

The individuals that did the terroristic act in California were wearing Body Armor and her firing back would have done nothing. Also her firing back could have caused her to hit a innocent individual in the crossfire.

You keep on posting stuff that is about individuals that were not in body armor, and were not carrying out a terrorist attack.

You keep on writing if those people did this then she could have stopped those two fully armed killers that were wear BODY ARMOR!

What part about the Body Armor are you having trouble with?

Are you completely daft in the head that you are wrong on this issue, and the best thing she could do is hide her ass and pray she is not killed!

Look...you are misguided.........so I will be kind.......

They were not wearing body armor.......they had load bearing vests....

The striking militarization of the San Bernardino shooters

While officials have said the shooters were not wearing body armor, pictures from the scene indicate they were wearing tactical belts with pouches meant to hold magazines.

So...you were wrong on that.....

And if they had been wearing body armor, it does not protect arms, legs, groin, or the head...and getting shot in any of those locations can put you down, and even if it doesn't put you out, it reduces your ability to move and shoot....

And if she was in the room? Did hiding save those 14 people.....?

If she had been able to return fire....or if more than just her had had guns...and been able to return fire, the shooters ability to murder 14 people would have been reduced and they would have been forced to retreat....

They did not go somewhere for a gun fight.....if they wanted a gun fight they would have attacked the San Bernadino police department or driven go a military facility....they wanted to murder, not have a shoot out...any armed resistance would have saved lives...as the D.C. police chief just said last week.......you have 5-10 minutes after the first call is called into the 911 center......you are on your own and you need to attack the shooter......
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The chances of someone with enough training, skill, and calm in a full-on fucking panic to kill either of these two assholes is off the charts. It's the same for the Paris theater. Could they get off a shot or two, maybe, before they were absolutely dead instead of maybe dead, yeah. Great solution. Hey, heavily armed people in body-armor, look at me playing John Wayne, the last thing they ever did.

The more likely outcome of this will be they jerk in Texas who shot the carjacking victim in the head, did not render assistance, grabbed the evidence, and fled before the cops arrived.

I actually own two shotguns within my home, and one is for protection of the estate and the other is for hunting. If I am in a mass shooting scenario the reality is the only thing I can do is duck, cover, and try to get others to safety if I can.

If a shooter has me pinned in, and I have no other way to get out of the way of being shot, then yes I will fire as many rounds I can and pray that one will strike the bastard dead, but with what was going on in California the reality is I would have not killed them and just got myself killed.

Too many people wish to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard but the reality is many of them would shit and piss their pants when confronted with a actual scenario like what happen in California.

Most that call for more guns have never been in a violent confrontation when a firearm was involved, and never been shot by one, and I have had both happen to me, and damn well know the reality of it all and you have split second to think or die and I am still alive with a scar to remind me of that event daily.
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

I have studied these shootings.....obviously you haven't...outside of movies and select stories on anti gun news shows......

Here you go...more mass shootings in progress stopped by armed citizens...compared to gun free shootings...

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told FoxNews.com. “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”

You stupid mother fucker!

The fucking killer were wearing BODY ARMOR!

What the fuck is you stupid problem?

Are you that fucking stupid?

The girl could have not stopped them and you bringing up this story or that story does not fucking matter if some guy stopped a car jacking because he was not facing someone with a assault weapon while wear body armor!

What part of that is too fucking hard for you to understand?

Please go find a fire fight and get yourself kill and stop giving advice about something you have no fucking clue about!
The only thing most Americans know about guns is what they see in the movies. Bruce Willis at that party would have been dead like the rest of them, who never saw it coming if they were lucky that is.

the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

No, and yes. The primary thing she should have done if she was armed is remain in the bathroom......and only engaged the shooters if they found her.....

Second, if she had been in the room and not killed with the first burst of fire, yes....her returning fire very well could have saved lives......one thing we know for certain, no one had a gun in that room and 14 people were killed.

And we know from other mass shootings in crowded places.....that lives are saved.....

And then there is this guy...not a SEAL, a cop, or a Swat member......

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

“We believe that after he killed the caseworker, and after he tried to kill Dr. Silverman, he was not going to stop there,” he said.

I am going to put it as simple as possible for you and i am sure you are going to keep on arguing apples versus oranges with me!

The individuals that did the terroristic act in California were wearing Body Armor and her firing back would have done nothing. Also her firing back could have caused her to hit a innocent individual in the crossfire.

You keep on posting stuff that is about individuals that were not in body armor, and were not carrying out a terrorist attack.

You keep on writing if those people did this then she could have stopped those two fully armed killers that were wear BODY ARMOR!

What part about the Body Armor are you having trouble with?

Are you completely daft in the head that you are wrong on this issue, and the best thing she could do is hide her ass and pray she is not killed!

Look...you are misguided.........so I will be kind.......

They were not wearing body armor.......they had load bearing vests....

The striking militarization of the San Bernardino shooters

no you are the one misguided because it was reported they were wearing body armor at the time of the attack.

Also go find a fucking fire fight and get yourself kill because john wayne assholes like you deserve to get killed!
the only thing most gun grabbers know about gun owners is what they dream up from their dislike of people in general...and then add to that with their basic fear of guns...

because not one thing they believe about guns and gun owners is accurate.....not from what the anti gunners here post....

So are you going to claim the young lady in question had been armed would have been able to kill those two in body armor?


If you are a gun owner then you need to educate yourself because the reality is you would have done nothing but most likely had killed more innocent people than save them.

No, and yes. The primary thing she should have done if she was armed is remain in the bathroom......and only engaged the shooters if they found her.....

Second, if she had been in the room and not killed with the first burst of fire, yes....her returning fire very well could have saved lives......one thing we know for certain, no one had a gun in that room and 14 people were killed.

And we know from other mass shootings in crowded places.....that lives are saved.....

And then there is this guy...not a SEAL, a cop, or a Swat member......

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

“We believe that after he killed the caseworker, and after he tried to kill Dr. Silverman, he was not going to stop there,” he said.

I am going to put it as simple as possible for you and i am sure you are going to keep on arguing apples versus oranges with me!

The individuals that did the terroristic act in California were wearing Body Armor and her firing back would have done nothing. Also her firing back could have caused her to hit a innocent individual in the crossfire.

You keep on posting stuff that is about individuals that were not in body armor, and were not carrying out a terrorist attack.

You keep on writing if those people did this then she could have stopped those two fully armed killers that were wear BODY ARMOR!

What part about the Body Armor are you having trouble with?

Are you completely daft in the head that you are wrong on this issue, and the best thing she could do is hide her ass and pray she is not killed!

Look...you are misguided.........so I will be kind.......

They were not wearing body armor.......they had load bearing vests....

The striking militarization of the San Bernardino shooters

no you are the one misguided because it was reported they were wearing body armor at the time of the attack.

Also go find a fucking fire fight and get yourself kill because john wayne assholes like you deserve to get killed!

And initial reports said there were 3 shooters......they did not have body armor and even if they did, body armor is not a force field........they can still be shot...and getting multiple hits to body armor from a pistol still effects you....

Grow up.
From pro gun.........that is acceptable. However you sliced it Guy.... guns are made for killing.
I'm comfortable with cops and soldiers having arms but not the entire civilization armed to the teeth walking around. As I see you are trained, disciplined and a decent person.
But how many idiot and stupid people are out there that will just make decisions on their own start shooting? Just imagine if everyone are armed with everyone walking around guns strap to their shoulder or waist just like the Wild West.........Argue at the bar, drunk, shop lifting, loud music, looking at my girl f, why are you looking at me, you are rude, road rage, I hate my professor, you ding my car, you took my spot, start race war.............BANG. BANG BANG...
I don't want to see people walking around with their guns strap at their shoulder or waist.

No...guns are made to save the life of the user...and as I have pointed out, the majority of guns are never fired at another human being...and yet they preserve not only the life of the owner but those they protect....

But how many idiot and stupid people are out there that will just make decisions on their own start shooting? Just imagine if everyone are armed with everyone walking around guns strap to their shoulder or waist just like the Wild West.

Look....I respect that you want to keep people safe....I just think you don't really have a clear picture of the reality of guns in the United States.

As to stupid people....

There are over 320 million guns in private hands..... and only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013....have you thought about what those numbers actually mean?

And another set of numbers....there are currently over 13 million people carrying guns for protection...and again...only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013...... those numbers are amazing.....any other activity with those numbers would be considered statistically safe....

The stupid people were already carrying guns illegally in the 90s before normal people were able to carry guns....as more normal people started to carry guns...our gun accident rate went down....way down...not up.....

Our gun murder rate has gone down, not up as more Americans own and carry guns....which shows that your belief about guns in America is not accurate...especially about gun owners...

Are there stupid people..yes.....but they are also driving cars...and they kill more people in cars than they do carrying guns.....

And the gun murder rate....8,124 gun murders in 2014.....has gone down every year since the 90s....as more Americans carry and own guns......and those gun murders...the majority of those are committed by people breaking the law with guns...violent career criminals who are murdering other career criminals....

So, you are right to be concerned...but your concerns are not based on an accurate understanding of gun ownership in the United States....

In short. This what you are telling me:
1. Ignore all these murders, crimes and deaths related to guns.
2. Sell and armed every citizens in America so NRA makes more money.
3. Ignore the gun epidemic in this country. Let just rock and roll.
4. Let people walk around in places like malls, churches, schools, sports event etc....with guns strap on their shoulder or waist. Good lord....just like the Wild West.
On the side......As I previously mentioned to you from separate thread. I have total of 28 LEO working part timers as security guards but none of them support what you're telling me.
And so are the ICE and DEA officials that I known personally. None of them. I have yet to find one person that support you except here on the Internet.

and my experience is just the opposite..the Leo's I know all support people carrying guns...they tell me they won't be there in time in almost all violent crime situations....so you are in your own until they arrive...minutes too late....

That is impossible Guy...... come on.
1. In all kinds of shooting scenarios. Last thing a LEO want to encounter is an armed civilians on top of the what is going on.
2. Just about every gun shooting scenarios there is a massive panic and confusions.
3. When cops arrive at the scene... How is the cop able to determine who is the bad guy when people start shooting all over the place? A bad guy can easily say I'm the good guy bad guy over there.
This is one of the main reason a LEO don't want to see armed civilians walking around.

Here you go...just one example...and the beauty of this one....the concealed carry permit holder is black...holding a gun on a white car jacker as the police roll up....and no one gets shot....he puts his gun down, the police shake his hand....do your research....

You actually see the camera of the cops as they walk up to the situation...and the black guy with the gun waves to them......and then at the 2:50 mark....the cop shakes the guys hand....

The cops arrive around the 2:30 mark on the video......

Your example is from a guy with concealed carrying permit. Meaning he was at least have basic training. Correct? How many illegal gun owners and criminals that do not CC permits. Do you expect them to behave the same way?[/QUOTE]

No actually. There are many states that do not require any training.....What training he had is not known. Again, read some of the stories.....there are people all over the country with little to no training using guns to stop violent criminals...and in the middle of that chaos...they act responsibly and with calm and control.

Try "Thearmedcitizen" or gunssavelives...they actually break down self defense by state...and gun type.....

If you read these stories you will get a more accurate picture of what happens....I know that Americans are constantly bombarded by the tragedies that occur...but those stories make the news because they are more interesting.....and there is footage of the crime scene...this one with the concealed carrier is rare in that video captured it.....

It would be a big help if you checked out those sites and read about actual self defense...try Massad Ayooob's sites...he is a firearm instructor and expert witness...he talks about actual crimnal cases he has been involved in....

Criminals are already carrying guns illegally with no training at all....and when they are stopped by police at traffic stops or other encounters, they need to be sent to jail for 15-20 years.....[/QUOTE]

Some states do not required training and yet you support that. Yeah right .....That makes me more comfortable....Yes I read those websites but those were made by pro guns. And I do not believe 100% more guns solve gun epidemic in this county.
My answer is: of course not. I don't view living life in fear as having much of a life worth living. And I wouldn't have made her wear a bicycle helmet when she was small either.
I would not want my daughter to feel she needs to pack a gun everywhere she goes

When the country reaches that point......it is time to ban guns completely
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll

Wow, 4 lunatics voted NO, unbelieveable. They would rather bury their kid than have her defend herself with a gun.
My answer is: of course not. I don't view living life in fear as having much of a life worth living. And I wouldn't have made her wear a bicycle helmet when she was small either.

People don't have to carry a gun out of fear, that is the misconception . If you saved someone else life because you had a gun it would have been worth it. Its about being thoughtful and responsible. Its just the Lefts preconceived notion that the majority of gun owners are neither
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll

Wow, 4 lunatics voted NO, unbelieveable. They would rather bury their kid than have her defend herself with a gun.
In order to have a gun at that Christmas Party, my daughter would have to carry a gun everywhere she goes.......church, movies, shopping, jogging, school, work.....
What a horrible vision of a civilized society
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll

Wow, 4 lunatics voted NO, unbelieveable. They would rather bury their kid than have her defend herself with a gun.
In order to have a gun at that Christmas Party, my daughter would have to carry a gun everywhere she goes.......church, movies, shopping, jogging, school, work.....
What a horrible vision of a civilized society

Sure, Its true the question is just a hypothetical, I get that and understand. Chances are if your daughter carried a gun sometimes, she probably wouldn't have one at a Christmas party. even a little 25 in her purse, BUT, in this case it sure would have been nice if someone had. There is a certain amount of terror those poor people went through as they watched each other being executed, knowing they were next. Im sure some of them may have been looking for a way to defend themselves, but there was nothing and no where to hide. At some point the radical muslims inside this country will become better connected and organized, especially as their numbers are growing. When these incidents become much more common, you will see more people carrying guns you can bet,
That someone might be armed in the event of a mass shooting incident has no bearing on how that incident transpires, as there is no objective, documented evidence in the support of the errant, wrongheaded notion that armed citizens would 'thwart' a mass shooting incident in the first place.

Citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense as recognized by the Second Amendment, not to act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll

Wow, 4 lunatics voted NO, unbelieveable. They would rather bury their kid than have her defend herself with a gun.

High percentage of Americans will tell you the other way. There is now way flooding this country with more guns will solve this problem. I know lots of LEO and other agencies they will tell you are wrong. I know lots of people with guns and they ain't no way they will engage in a gun a battle or shoot out.
I would not want my daughter to feel she needs to pack a gun everywhere she goes

When the country reaches that point......it is time to ban guns completely

She packs a cell phone and keys everywhere. Phone can call for help, recording can make is sound like police have arrived, keys can be a weapon up close.
Does not help much against a gun. She can pack one in a leg or ankle holster. She does not need a snipers rifle. if she knows what she is doing a .25, .32, .357, .38 can be more than enough. Even causing a distraction and make an attacker duck or flinch can give people a chance to escape.

I'd rather my kids go down fighting and hopefully saving others than laying down and executed. I'd rather they feel they have the courage of a lion and not a scared mouse. So far they have prove they do, which makes me happy. They are not afraid to step up and try to save or help others.

I got through war and they have used their heads during natural disasters and accidents. They are unafraid, independent, self sufficient and care about others. What more can a parent hope for?

...........other than they write or call more
It was a gun free zone and only one daughter had a gun there…..the mass shooter's wife…..

I was listening to Dan and Amy here in Chicago and they played an interview with the father of a woman at the party….he is a county employee and would have been there but it was his day off….

His grown daughter, however, was actually there, she also works for the county…

When the shooting started she was in the bathroom and she called her father about what was happening….

He broke down and cried during the interview as he said that his daughter was in deadly danger and he couldn't do anything to help her………

I know one thing he can do for the next time……..encourage her to get training and get a concealed carry permit…..she was in the bathroom, and had the killers come into the bathroom she could have fought back……if they had come into the bathroom, with her being unarmed…she would have been killed…

Answer the poll

Wow, 4 lunatics voted NO, unbelieveable. They would rather bury their kid than have her defend herself with a gun.
Shooting at a heavily armed man means she is already dead.

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