If your kids turn out gay, would you kill them as Bible/Islam imply?



Now what the topic?

don't wear black masks and burn stuff up because we don't like free speech.

A god damn Berkeley kid,.
We love free speech....more than Christians do, as I don't see free speech in THEIR 10 Commandments, but they are indeed in our 10 "Commandments":

Center for Scientific Humanism: The Ten Commandments of Scientific Humanism
1. Believe in freedom:
a. Political (secular democracy)
b. Religious
c. Freedom of speech

Jesus was not about free speech, but we are. He was about intellectual submission.

We love free speech....more than Christians do,

So where's this magical country at ?
Sorry to repost, but I think you might have missed this:

Center for Scientific Humanism: The Ten Commandments of Scientific Humanism
1. Believe in freedom:
a. Political (secular democracy)
b. Religious
c. Freedom of speech
There are only four 'items' here, and only one looks like a 'command' - and how can you 'command 'free' people to believe in freedom, or anything else? Isn't it rather absurd for scientific humanists to have commands anyway?
Agreed. OTOH, there are true "scientific humanists" then there's the cult blog linked by young Joy. As it is, Joy is violating Commandments #3, #4 and #9 by his multiple posts attacking Christians and other theists plus by his constant distortions of the truth through outright lying or omission.
Center for Scientific Humanism: The Ten Commandments of Scientific Humanism
3. Increase the overall happiness of society, by being very ethical, legal, and being good for the sake of being good.

4. Have love and compassion for everyone in the world brother/sisterhood, even people of different religious/political/societal beliefs, and your “enemies”. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

9. Work for peace and harmony

Just because "Scientology" uses the word science in it's religion doesn't mean it's truly scientific. Since the only reference to this religion is a blog, it's veracity is suspect. Any of us can use blogger.com to fabricate a "religion" with three or four pages. Heck, I'm thinking of starting one called "The Center for the Great Turtle". Why? "I like turtles". :p

Blogger: User Profile: Center For Scientific Humanism

I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
No, he created people. Gay is a psychosis created by Satan.

You people are creepy as hell. Hey, if there is a hell, you are IN it, bud. :D
Says a psychotic nutcase.
Translation: I'm a troll, not really a "Scientific Humanist", a Christian or anything else. I just like to hate Gays.

Awesome. It's always interesting to see people preach one thing then do another. Very revealing.
No, he created people. Gay is a psychosis created by Satan.
1) Incorrect. God wouldn't let that happen. I'm always fascinated how people can claim to be Christians, yet have very little faith in God and a lot of faith in the power of Satan, one of God's creations.

2) ChrisL is correct, we're all God's creations.

3) Being Gay or Straight isn't a psychosis. Although sexual preference isn't fully understood and, despite being less than about 2% of the population, why people are gay largely remains a mystery. There are some genetic components, but twin studies have proved it's not purely genetic. There appear to be some environmental factors involved as well such as birth order and/or biochemical reactions between mother and the fetus in the womb.
Ack! This junk is one of the reasons why I could never be a religious person. If there is a God, he must be totally disgusted that mere mortals use him to justify their hatred towards their fellow man.
As more of a Deist, I believe God is more interested in the final results, not the actions people take to get there.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
No, he created people. Gay is a psychosis created by Satan.

You people are creepy as hell. Hey, if there is a hell, you are IN it, bud. :D
Says a psychotic nutcase.

The psychotic nutcase is the one who is okay with killing other people because they are different! Your sense of reality is totally skewed because of your religious preoccupations.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.

No kidding. Do you think I haven't heard all of this a bajillion times? No offense, but you are certainly not going to make a believer out of me using even more religious mumbo jumbo. Lol!
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
No, he created people. Gay is a psychosis created by Satan.

You people are creepy as hell. Hey, if there is a hell, you are IN it, bud. :D
Says a psychotic nutcase.

The psychotic nutcase is the one who is okay with killing other people because they are different! Your sense of reality is totally skewed because of your religious preoccupations.
Yep, Muslims and liberals are psychotic. My sense of reality is the correct option. Good luck.
Question: If your children turn out to eventually be gay, would you kill them as the Bible/Islamic texts imply, or are the Bible/Islamic texts wrong? Which is it?

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If you reply "I don't follow the OT", that's great - then admit that it's wrong (or else you'd follow it).

I believe in loving gays, so of course I think we can move beyond the morality in the Bible/Islamic texts since they got it wrong.

Your opinion?
There's no death penalty with a sanhendran and it's almost impossible to get a guilty verdict.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.

No kidding. Do you think I haven't heard all of this a bajillion times? No offense, but you are certainly not going to make a believer out of me using even more religious mumbo jumbo. Lol!
Sorry, sweetie. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if you believe or not. That's your choice, not mine. What I am doing it correcting a fucked up view that atheists often present such as "If God existed why does he allow children to die?" The answer could easily be as I stated.

I'm not a proselytizer nor a conventional Christian. Believe if you want, do not believe if you don't want to do so. My only concern is to correct fucked up logic as far as those who believe and those who don't goes.
Yep, Muslims and liberals are psychotic. My sense of reality is the correct option. Good luck.
So, you're not a Christian who believes in love thy neighbor and turning the other cheek, so what are you? Someone who wears Christianity as a mask to justify hurting others?
If you take the bible that seriously you should be reading the Koran instead
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.

No kidding. Do you think I haven't heard all of this a bajillion times? No offense, but you are certainly not going to make a believer out of me using even more religious mumbo jumbo. Lol!
Sorry, sweetie. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if you believe or not. That's your choice, not mine. What I am doing it correcting a fucked up view that atheists often present such as "If God existed why does he allow children to die?" The answer could easily be as I stated.

I'm not a proselytizer nor a conventional Christian. Believe if you want, do not believe if you don't want to do so. My only concern is to correct fucked up logic as far as those who believe and those who don't goes.

Good because I've heard it all before. :) It's not a matter of "want to believe." Believe me, it would be nicer to be able to believe like most other people. I'm a realist and I require hard evidence to believe in something, and the stories! . . . . :dunno: Of course, no one knows for sure, but I am VERY skeptical to say the least.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.

No kidding. Do you think I haven't heard all of this a bajillion times? No offense, but you are certainly not going to make a believer out of me using even more religious mumbo jumbo. Lol!
Sorry, sweetie. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if you believe or not. That's your choice, not mine. What I am doing it correcting a fucked up view that atheists often present such as "If God existed why does he allow children to die?" The answer could easily be as I stated.

I'm not a proselytizer nor a conventional Christian. Believe if you want, do not believe if you don't want to do so. My only concern is to correct fucked up logic as far as those who believe and those who don't goes.

Good because I've heard it all before. :) It's not a matter of "want to believe." Believe me, it would be nicer to be able to believe like most other people. I'm a realist and I require hard evidence to believe in something, and the stories! . . . . :dunno: Of course, no one knows for sure, but I am VERY skeptical to say the least.
Great. I'm a realist too. OTOH, I don't ask stupid questions in order to undermine the beliefs of others then bitch at them when they give an answer that fits with their beliefs.
Question: If your children turn out to eventually be gay, would you kill them as the Bible/Islamic texts imply, or are the Bible/Islamic texts wrong? Which is it?

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If you reply "I don't follow the OT", that's great - then admit that it's wrong (or else you'd follow it).

I believe in loving gays, so of course I think we can move beyond the morality in the Bible/Islamic texts since they got it wrong.

Your opinion?

The New Testament also says homosexuality is a sin...all through out the Bible it's a sin
Let's not tolerate intolerance.
Yet when disagreed with, you won't tolerate it, will you?
I find the hypocrisy of using the Bible to selectively condemn homosexuality, while not condemning divorce & remarriage, to be hilarious.

Mark 10:11-12
"11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.
12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

And adultery is specifically spoken against in the 10 Commandments.
I remember being just a little tiny girl and wondering why would our god be SO mean and cruel? It just didn't make any sense to me then, and it doesn't now. IF he is the creator of all things, then HE created gay people too!
God isn't mean or cruel. In comparison, kindergartners may think their teacher is mean by giving them a timeout or restricting fingerpainting time, but it's the long run results which should be considered.

In the case of God, the short term is mortal life. The long term is an eternal existence that transcends mortal life.

No kidding. Do you think I haven't heard all of this a bajillion times? No offense, but you are certainly not going to make a believer out of me using even more religious mumbo jumbo. Lol!
Sorry, sweetie. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if you believe or not. That's your choice, not mine. What I am doing it correcting a fucked up view that atheists often present such as "If God existed why does he allow children to die?" The answer could easily be as I stated.

I'm not a proselytizer nor a conventional Christian. Believe if you want, do not believe if you don't want to do so. My only concern is to correct fucked up logic as far as those who believe and those who don't goes.

Good because I've heard it all before. :) It's not a matter of "want to believe." Believe me, it would be nicer to be able to believe like most other people. I'm a realist and I require hard evidence to believe in something, and the stories! . . . . :dunno: Of course, no one knows for sure, but I am VERY skeptical to say the least.
Great. I'm a realist too. OTOH, I don't ask stupid questions in order to undermine the beliefs of others then bitch at them when they give an answer that fits with their beliefs.

Hey, I'm not the OP. I'm just sharing my thoughts and opinions on the matter.
I think one of my kids is gay. I don't know how it is with other people with children, but his behavior is nothing short of bizarre. He didn't used to be like that.

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