If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

This thread is stupid.
Agreed. A better thread would be "Name that MILF"

Where in the Bible does it condemn slavery?
A better question would be - "where does it teach it"? This is a golden opportunity for you to read God's work and learn for yourself. I think we both can agree that I have done enough of your homework for you for one night.
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.
There is something seriously wrong with you.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.

So that's the best response you can come up with? You're a perfect example of the ignorance that is dragging this country down into the gutter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and you have yet to show any real proof (and Im not talking about from some gay rights website or the huffington post)
So, you are a perfect example of someone that is fighting to keep something alive that just does not exist.
Good work.

Now tell me this is all fake news ..........

“Today it is legal to fire, refuse housing, or deny service to Americans because of their sexual orientation and gender identity in 29 states. In most states, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, Americans currently lack explicit protections against discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit, and public accommodations. LGBT individuals and families report unacceptable levels of discrimination in the workplace, when seeking goods or services in their community’s places of public accommodation, at school, or when seeking housing. This discrimination leads to disproportionate rates of unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and negative health outcomes for LGBT people and their families.”
State of LGBT Rights: Married on Sunday, but Fired on Monday

ENDA was never passed...

Today, employers can fire employees on the basis of being openly gay, marrying a person of the same-sex, or even associating with a LGBT organization, without violating Title VII. If the alleged reason behind the termination is the employee’s sexual orientation, court after court states that Title VII does not apply. But to the EEOC, whether Title VII includes the term “sexual orientation” is of no consequence. As a corollary, the agency believes courts needn’t wait for Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (“ENDA”), which first went up for a vote in 1994, or to add sexual orientation to the race, color, religion, sex and national origin class roster of Title VII Married on Saturday … Fired on Monday

The Supreme Court's ruling Friday that gay couples have a constitutional right to marry is undoubtedly a historic victory for the LGBT rights movement. But marriage equality is not the same as full equality. As Adam Talbot of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) puts it: “[Gays] can get married at 10, post those photos on Facebook, their boss can fire them at noon on the basis of their sexual orientation, and at 2 PM, their landlord can evict them.”

That, most likely, is the movement's next big fight: Most states don't prohibit workplace and housing discrimination against LGBT people.Gay Couples Can Marry Now, But They Can Still Be Fired for Being Gay

Tell me again that I'm making this shit up!!
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Let's flip that around. Can a married straight white guy be fired for being a married straight white guy? The short answer is yes, just like the gay person in your example.
What?? Common, what is your point.?? Do you know of any straight guys who are married to another guy??
The filth are the bigots in the White House. They are the real threat to our children.
The real threat to our children is the hatred and bigotry of people who can't stay out of other people's business.
It is not hatred nor bigotry to echo and adhere to 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition which teaches that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wicked.
1) Why aren't you supporting executing adulterers just like the Bible says?

2) What happened to those good ol' days when a man could have several wives, concubines and slaves just like the Bible teaches?
Pretty damned weak mojo there, little one...
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you, lightweight...
These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.[/QUOTE]
/--- So what's your point, Snowflake?
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!

So you want us to stay out of your ass, we get it. Are you always this picky?
My ass??
Where in the Bible does it condemn slavery?
A better question would be - "where does it teach it"? This is a golden opportunity for you to read God's work and learn for yourself. I think we both can agree that I have done enough of your homework for you for one night.

The bible gives some pretty specific lessons on the best way to purchase and treat your slaves. That's an awful lot like teaching it...

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

You think that's something wait till he brings back his old time KKK and starts murdering Blacks.

You'll be waiting a long time...
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
No one gives a rodent's hind parts what you believe, but the fact is that homosexuality has been "normalized" and gender is in fact irrelevant. Deal with it.
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
No one gives a rodent's hind parts what you believe, but the fact is that homosexuality has been "normalized" and gender is in fact irrelevant. Deal with it.
You responded to tell me you don't care what I think? You're a retard, you just proved it. Again. Gender is irrelevant to YOU, not normal people. We still understand the birds and bees thing that throws you for a loop. Once someone is as brainwashed as you they'll believe anything.
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.

So that's the best response you can come up with? You're a perfect example of the ignorance that is dragging this country down into the gutter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and you have yet to show any real proof (and Im not talking about from some gay rights website or the huffington post)
So, you are a perfect example of someone that is fighting to keep something alive that just does not exist.
Good work.

Now tell me this is all fake news ..........

“Today it is legal to fire, refuse housing, or deny service to Americans because of their sexual orientation and gender identity in 29 states. In most states, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, Americans currently lack explicit protections against discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit, and public accommodations. LGBT individuals and families report unacceptable levels of discrimination in the workplace, when seeking goods or services in their community’s places of public accommodation, at school, or when seeking housing. This discrimination leads to disproportionate rates of unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and negative health outcomes for LGBT people and their families.”
State of LGBT Rights: Married on Sunday, but Fired on Monday

ENDA was never passed...

Today, employers can fire employees on the basis of being openly gay, marrying a person of the same-sex, or even associating with a LGBT organization, without violating Title VII. If the alleged reason behind the termination is the employee’s sexual orientation, court after court states that Title VII does not apply. But to the EEOC, whether Title VII includes the term “sexual orientation” is of no consequence. As a corollary, the agency believes courts needn’t wait for Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (“ENDA”), which first went up for a vote in 1994, or to add sexual orientation to the race, color, religion, sex and national origin class roster of Title VII Married on Saturday … Fired on Monday

The Supreme Court's ruling Friday that gay couples have a constitutional right to marry is undoubtedly a historic victory for the LGBT rights movement. But marriage equality is not the same as full equality. As Adam Talbot of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) puts it: “[Gays] can get married at 10, post those photos on Facebook, their boss can fire them at noon on the basis of their sexual orientation, and at 2 PM, their landlord can evict them.”

That, most likely, is the movement's next big fight: Most states don't prohibit workplace and housing discrimination against LGBT people.Gay Couples Can Marry Now, But They Can Still Be Fired for Being Gay

Tell me again that I'm making this shit up!!
show me where they got fired for being homos.
all that shows is states that dont have specific laws protecting them. Guess what those states also dont have specific wording protecting straight married couples.
admit it, gays want to be considered special class citizens just like blacks, whats next (because its never going to end) are we going to have to show a certain percentage of homosexuals in the work place? are they going to be demanding preference in hiring over straight people?
Suck it up buttercup, straight people have no greater protection than homosexuals so deal with it.
and your list does not show actual discrimination.
Come up with something that is not written in a far left publication by a lesbian or gay guy.
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
No one gives a rodent's hind parts what you believe, but the fact is that homosexuality has been "normalized" and gender is in fact irrelevant. Deal with it.
only to a warped mind has gender become irrelevant.
you are certainly a bitter homosexual. let me guess, you got fired for making passes at the straight guys at work.
Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.

So that's the best response you can come up with? You're a perfect example of the ignorance that is dragging this country down into the gutter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and you have yet to show any real proof (and Im not talking about from some gay rights website or the huffington post)
So, you are a perfect example of someone that is fighting to keep something alive that just does not exist.
Good work.

Now tell me this is all fake news ..........

“Today it is legal to fire, refuse housing, or deny service to Americans because of their sexual orientation and gender identity in 29 states. In most states, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, Americans currently lack explicit protections against discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit, and public accommodations. LGBT individuals and families report unacceptable levels of discrimination in the workplace, when seeking goods or services in their community’s places of public accommodation, at school, or when seeking housing. This discrimination leads to disproportionate rates of unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and negative health outcomes for LGBT people and their families.”
State of LGBT Rights: Married on Sunday, but Fired on Monday

ENDA was never passed...

Today, employers can fire employees on the basis of being openly gay, marrying a person of the same-sex, or even associating with a LGBT organization, without violating Title VII. If the alleged reason behind the termination is the employee’s sexual orientation, court after court states that Title VII does not apply. But to the EEOC, whether Title VII includes the term “sexual orientation” is of no consequence. As a corollary, the agency believes courts needn’t wait for Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (“ENDA”), which first went up for a vote in 1994, or to add sexual orientation to the race, color, religion, sex and national origin class roster of Title VII Married on Saturday … Fired on Monday

The Supreme Court's ruling Friday that gay couples have a constitutional right to marry is undoubtedly a historic victory for the LGBT rights movement. But marriage equality is not the same as full equality. As Adam Talbot of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) puts it: “[Gays] can get married at 10, post those photos on Facebook, their boss can fire them at noon on the basis of their sexual orientation, and at 2 PM, their landlord can evict them.”

That, most likely, is the movement's next big fight: Most states don't prohibit workplace and housing discrimination against LGBT people.Gay Couples Can Marry Now, But They Can Still Be Fired for Being Gay

Tell me again that I'm making this shit up!!
show me where they got fired for being homos.
all that shows is states that dont have specific laws protecting them. Guess what those states also dont have specific wording protecting straight married couples.
admit it, gays want to be considered special class citizens just like blacks, whats next (because its never going to end) are we going to have to show a certain percentage of homosexuals in the work place? are they going to be demanding preference in hiring over straight people?
Suck it up buttercup, straight people have no greater protection than homosexuals so deal with it.
and your list does not show actual discrimination.
Come up with something that is not written in a far left publication by a lesbian or gay guy.
I can't make you believe what you refuse to believe, Nor I can't make you admit that you are full of shit, which I believe is more likely the case but it's right here none the less 37 Shocking LGBT Discrimination Statistics | BrandonGaille.com

Here is more:

Gay and Transgender People Face High Rates of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment – Center for American Progress

LGBT Workplace Discrimination Statistics

Second of all, you pointing out that there are no protections for straight people is just as stupid as stupid gets. Laws against discrimination do not reference a sexual orientation or gender identity any more they reference a particular race or religion. The laws prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation etc. Please give me a sign that you are at least smart enough to have known that! Everyone is equally protected but when was the last time that you heard of someone being fired for being straight?? Cut the crap please!
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
No one gives a rodent's hind parts what you believe, but the fact is that homosexuality has been "normalized" and gender is in fact irrelevant. Deal with it.
only to a warped mind has gender become irrelevant.
you are certainly a bitter homosexual. let me guess, you got fired for making passes at the straight guys at work.
As stupid as some of the shit being said here has been, the stupidity of making an assumption about someone's sexuality based on their politics far exceeds it all. It destroys an modicum of credibility that you may have had, which isn't much
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
It should indeed be the business of the business owner, not the government. But this is all an attempt to normalize homosexuality and pretend gender is no longer relevant. It is for most people and always will be. Trying to force people to embrace beliefs never works out well.
No one gives a rodent's hind parts what you believe, but the fact is that homosexuality has been "normalized" and gender is in fact irrelevant. Deal with it.
only to a warped mind has gender become irrelevant.
you are certainly a bitter homosexual. let me guess, you got fired for making passes at the straight guys at work.
As stupid as some of the shit being said here has been, the stupidity of making an assumption about someone's sexuality based on their politics far exceeds it all. It destroys an modicum of credibility that you may have had, which isn't much
Well, your avatar DOES say commie infested queer loving liberal. Plus your posts reek of it.

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