If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Clearly genius here has never read the Bible. Typical. The Bible has never "taught" any of those things. That's like saying high school history books encourage Hitler. Discussing what occurred is not the same thing as encouraging it to occur. Idiot.
Leadership by example, "genius". Lots of figures in the Bible had multiple wives, concubines and slaves. Heck, David even had a woman's husband sent of to battle to die so he could fuck her. Why are you denying the truth?

The Ten Commandments speak against adultery but not against slaves or multiple wives. Why are you not against adultery and adulterers?
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

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The right wing position on gays has been for them to STFU, get on with their lives, and stop shoving your fucked up lifestyle down our throats.
Can you describe an instance where a gay person shoved something down you throat ? Was it organic? Did you swallow?
That's typical lib deflection. Can't refute the argument, make up lies.
Can't refute the "argument " ??What the fuck is the argument. What the fuck is the lie? You made a statement that gays should just shut the fuck up. That is not an argument. An argument would include a reason why they should shut the fuck up.

I will provide an argument as to why they should not just shut the fuck up. While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation. There are still forces that are trying to turn back the clock on marriage and other rights that they have won. There is still a war on Transgender rights. They should not shut the fuck up and they wont!
usually when statements are made that gays are facing employment, housing, public accommodation problems, one will provide some sort of factual evidence to support these claims.
These things do not exist, and if they do the frequency is so small that it is basically insignificant.
The reality is that there is an industry built around discrimination, people are making a good income fighting against it. Just like the bullcrap with the discrimination against minorities, when the day comes that people finally admit that there is no huge problem anymore, and that the fight is over, things like the NAACP, Jessie Jackass and Al Sharptongue are all going to be out of business, billions will be lost for this unneeded industry. Same with gay rights, as long as the money is pouring in to the industry, rights will never be realized, or more accurately they will never admit that the fight is over.
There is no discrimination that is greater than what anyone else in this country faces, including white males, the only issue is the money that this industry pulls in.
Clearly genius here has never read the Bible. Typical. The Bible has never "taught" any of those things. That's like saying high school history books encourage Hitler. Discussing what occurred is not the same thing as encouraging it to occur. Idiot.
Leadership by example, "genius". Lots of figures in the Bible had multiple wives, concubines and slaves. Heck, David even had a woman's husband sent of to battle to die so he could fuck her. Why are you denying the truth?
Again jack-stick...discussing what occurred is exponentially different from teaching it to occur. This is as idiotic as stating history books encourage students to become the next Adolf Hitler because they cover material about him.

Stop talking...you're humiliating yourself.
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
usually when statements are made that gays are facing employment, housing, public accommodation problems, one will provide some sort of factual evidence to support these claims.
Wait....what? You want little pp there to provide facts? Bwahahahahaha! Clearly you don't know little pp very well. He is the certified board....

You think that's something wait till he brings back his old time KKK and starts murdering Blacks.
The KKK was created by the Dumbocrats, nitiwit. The left is the party of racism. Republicans control the House so the African-American community is completely safe.
Again jack-stick...discussing what occurred is exponentially different from teaching it to occur. This is as idiotic as stating history books encourage students to become the next Adolf Hitler because they cover material about him.

Stop talking...you're humiliating yourself.
Translation: Fuck the Bible. Adultery is modern.

Got it. Thanks.
Again jack-stick...discussing what occurred is exponentially different from teaching it to occur. This is as idiotic as stating history books encourage students to become the next Adolf Hitler because they cover material about him.

Stop talking...you're humiliating yourself.
Translation: Fuck the Bible. Adultery is modern.

Got it. Thanks.
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Not much of a reader, are you? I'm asking why you don't condemn adultery and adulterers since it is clearly in the Ten Commandments. Are you an adulterer? Have you committed a mortal sin?
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Not much of a reader, are you? I'm asking why you don't condemn adultery and adulterers since it is clearly in the Ten Commandments. Are you an adulterer? Have you committed a mortal sin?
I do condemn adultery. And I have never cheated on my wife. Any other really stupid comments you'd like to make?
Yes and on that subject, why is it gay men overwhelmingly shop for distressed boy orphans instead of girls? I mean if you want kids without parents to have homes, I understand there's quite a child prostitution thing going in Asia. They get fed and clothes and stuff..and at least they won't be orphans anymore!
Child abuse is illegal. If that happened, the child would report it, if not when it happened, certainly as soon as they grew up.

Do you believe people can "turn" gay?

You misunderstand, Sil believes that gay people simply raising children is child abuse in and of itself. She's quite mad.
Obviously that's a misconception. While it's good for Americans to be concerned about abandoned children, to automatically rule out prospective parents out of pure bigotry is wrong.

In my experience, people who are solidly bigoted against another race, religion, whatever usually have something driving them to be so hateful. I'm always curious to find out what is driving them to hate.

Sil is deeply unhinged on the topic of gay parents. Irrational to the point that I have also wondered why.
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
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The right wing position on gays has been for them to STFU, get on with their lives, and stop shoving your fucked up lifestyle down our throats.
Can you describe an instance where a gay person shoved something down you throat ? Was it organic? Did you swallow?
That's typical lib deflection. Can't refute the argument, make up lies.
Can't refute the "argument " ??What the fuck is the argument. What the fuck is the lie? You made a statement that gays should just shut the fuck up. That is not an argument. An argument would include a reason why they should shut the fuck up.

I will provide an argument as to why they should not just shut the fuck up. While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation. There are still forces that are trying to turn back the clock on marriage and other rights that they have won. There is still a war on Transgender rights. They should not shut the fuck up and they wont!
usually when statements are made that gays are facing employment, housing, public accommodation problems, one will provide some sort of factual evidence to support these claims.
These things do not exist, and if they do the frequency is so small that it is basically insignificant.
The reality is that there is an industry built around discrimination, people are making a good income fighting against it. Just like the bullcrap with the discrimination against minorities, when the day comes that people finally admit that there is no huge problem anymore, and that the fight is over, things like the NAACP, Jessie Jackass and Al Sharptongue are all going to be out of business, billions will be lost for this unneeded industry. Same with gay rights, as long as the money is pouring in to the industry, rights will never be realized, or more accurately they will never admit that the fight is over.
There is no discrimination that is greater than what anyone else in this country faces, including white males, the only issue is the money that this industry pulls in.
Another moronic rant full of inane equine excrement!
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!

So you want us to stay out of your ass, we get it. Are you always this picky?
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...
The filth are the bigots in the White House. They are the real threat to our children.
The real threat to our children is the hatred and bigotry of people who can't stay out of other people's business.
It is not hatred nor bigotry to echo and adhere to 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition which teaches that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wicked.
1) Why aren't you supporting executing adulterers just like the Bible says?

2) What happened to those good ol' days when a man could have several wives, concubines and slaves just like the Bible teaches?
Pretty damned weak mojo there, little one...
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.

So that's the best response you can come up with? You're a perfect example of the ignorance that is dragging this country down into the gutter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...
The filth are the bigots in the White House. They are the real threat to our children.
The real threat to our children is the hatred and bigotry of people who can't stay out of other people's business.
It is not hatred nor bigotry to echo and adhere to 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition which teaches that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wicked.
1) Why aren't you supporting executing adulterers just like the Bible says?

2) What happened to those good ol' days when a man could have several wives, concubines and slaves just like the Bible teaches?
Pretty damned weak mojo there, little one...

Answer the question' !

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