If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
and yet another post full of made up situations that there is no proof to back up.
None of this is an issue and you know it.

Equine excrement!! Can you discuss you family and spouse at work without having to be careful to use gender neutral terms? Are you just playing games or are you really this obtuse

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yep, and Ive worked with gay people that do the same thing.
So, you are full of it and I think you actually know it.

So that's the best response you can come up with? You're a perfect example of the ignorance that is dragging this country down into the gutter.

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and you have yet to show any real proof (and Im not talking about from some gay rights website or the huffington post)
So, you are a perfect example of someone that is fighting to keep something alive that just does not exist.
Good work.
While they have won on marriage, they are still facing discrimination is employment, housing and public accommodation.
What a typical idiot comment by PP here. How could they face "discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation" when nobody could possibly know a person's sexual orientation?!? Stop with you dramatic sob story lies.

View attachment 108055
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk?
If you have a picture of your gay partner on your desk - then you already have the job. So much for you "discrimination in employment" false narrative.

Furthemore - you're there to work. You don't need a picture of your partner. Keep that shit at home where it belongs. I've my never had a single picture of my wife at work.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.

The fact is that you can't deal with what Im saying in a rational and intelligent way so you have to dumb it down to what people do in the bedroom. That is not what this is about but you don't seem to be bright enough to get that.

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How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.

The fact is that you can't deal with what Im saying in a rational and intelligent way so you have to dumb it down to what people do in the bedroom. That is not what this is about but you don't seem to be bright enough to get that.

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I think the problem is that you are trying to pretend that something exists that does not exist.
there is no discrimination and you know it, its why you have been unable to provide any proof.
come out and say exactly what you want, special treatment just like the minorities get.
Equal isn't good enough for a liberal, they want to have more than everyone else. Same thing with the people upset that we have a real President for a change. They arent worried about losing any rights, they are worried about having to be treated as equals.
So come up with solid current relevant proof or just admit that you have no basis for your weak argument.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.

The fact is that you can't deal with what Im saying in a rational and intelligent way so you have to dumb it down to what people do in the bedroom. That is not what this is about but you don't seem to be bright enough to get that.

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Actually why do you have to announce your sexual preference to ANYONE? The only reason is to FORCE them to say they accept you and your lifestyle, That is not a sexual thing, that is a CONTROL thing, and proves you are seriously deranged. You post the idea that you get fired for something that is legal, it is legal to use the (N) word all liberals seem to be able to use it at will, but they call all others racist for even though it is not only LEGAL, but CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED. Now try to explain the liberal version of why that is just great while being fired for being something that is not constitutionally protected is not just fine. I don't think anyone should be fired because of who they sleep with, but IF the employer is suffering a loss because of a person pressing an agenda of any type. HE HAS A RIGHT and a DUTY to his other employees to do whatever is needed to fix the problem.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.

The fact is that you can't deal with what Im saying in a rational and intelligent way so you have to dumb it down to what people do in the bedroom. That is not what this is about but you don't seem to be bright enough to get that.
Uh....sexuality (as in homosexuality) isn't about what people do in the bedroom? Bwahahahahaha! Dude...you just got owned and you know it. You have no response. Stop while you're ahead.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Here's the simple reality drama queen - your sexual tastes have no business in the public domain. Keep it in your bedroom where it belongs and there will never be an issue.

The fact is that you can't deal with what Im saying in a rational and intelligent way so you have to dumb it down to what people do in the bedroom. That is not what this is about but you don't seem to be bright enough to get that.
Uh....sexuality (as in homosexuality) isn't about what people do in the bedroom? Bwahahahahaha! Dude...you just got owned and you know it. You have no response. Stop while you're ahead.
Homosexual: (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. It sort of sounds like it is.
The filth are the bigots in the White House. They are the real threat to our children.
The real threat to our children is the hatred and bigotry of people who can't stay out of other people's business.
It is not hatred nor bigotry to echo and adhere to 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition which teaches that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wicked.
1) Why aren't you supporting executing adulterers just like the Bible says?

2) What happened to those good ol' days when a man could have several wives, concubines and slaves just like the Bible teaches?
Pretty damned weak mojo there, little one...

Answer the question' !

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Your flawed 'You support A so you must support B' so-called "questions" are idiotic LibTard-Think, and I don't feel like answering them, child.
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Not much of a reader, are you? I'm asking why you don't condemn adultery and adulterers since it is clearly in the Ten Commandments. Are you an adulterer? Have you committed a mortal sin?
I do condemn adultery. And I have never cheated on my wife. Any other really stupid comments you'd like to make?
Good Lord! It took you long enough. That was like pulling teeth for you to admit Adultery is a sin and part of the Ten Commandments. Why did it take you so many posts and insults to answer my initial question?
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.

They will melt any alt right snowflake resistance.


Yeah, people stop giving a shit about queers 20 years ago. No one of any significance has been upset by that.

Then you have bed wetters like fakey who want everyone to believe pogroms are right around the corner.

Just kill yourself.

No, no, they will only kill themselves once they have killed off the rest of us.
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...
The filth are the bigots in the White House. They are the real threat to our children.
The real threat to our children is the hatred and bigotry of people who can't stay out of other people's business.
It is not hatred nor bigotry to echo and adhere to 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition which teaches that sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is wicked.
1) Why aren't you supporting executing adulterers just like the Bible says?

2) What happened to those good ol' days when a man could have several wives, concubines and slaves just like the Bible teaches?
Pretty damned weak mojo there, little one...
Nice dodge. Lemme guess, technically, you're an adulterer....maybe even a flatout one. Am I close?

Should I have the right to kick out all adulterers from my business? I think so, but asshole authoritarians won't allow it.
How? Are you able to put a picture of your spouse and family on your desk? Can you place a wedding announcement in the paper without fear? Can you go house hunting with your partner and apply for a mortgage without any questions about your sexual orientation? Can you and your partner go to a wedding planner without fear of rejection and humiliation.? People can still get fired from their jobs for being married to someone of the same sex even though same sex marriage is legal . What part of that does your dim witted brain not understand? Give me a fucking break!
Let's flip that around. Can a married straight white guy be fired for being a married straight white guy? The short answer is yes, just like the gay person in your example.
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Not much of a reader, are you? I'm asking why you don't condemn adultery and adulterers since it is clearly in the Ten Commandments. Are you an adulterer? Have you committed a mortal sin?
I do condemn adultery. And I have never cheated on my wife. Any other really stupid comments you'd like to make?
Good Lord! It took you long enough. That was like pulling teeth for you to admit Adultery is a sin and part of the Ten Commandments. Why did it take you so many posts and insults to answer my initial question?
First of all - why didn't you just ask that? :dunno:

Second - I clearly said above (quote) "having never read the Bible you think it 'teaches adultery' when, in fact, it condemns it". So...I already "admitted" that. Slight reading comprehension issue, my friend?

Third - what does any of this have to do with your astounding ignorance of the Bible and false accusations about it? The Bible does not "teach" slavery, adultery, etc. It condemns all of that and more.
Translation: you're dumb as shit and your posts are getting more desperate by the moment. Adultery occurs today. Adultery occurred back then. The difference is that because you are ignorant (having never read the Bible) you think it "teaches adultery" when, in fact, it condemns it. SMH...
Not much of a reader, are you? I'm asking why you don't condemn adultery and adulterers since it is clearly in the Ten Commandments. Are you an adulterer? Have you committed a mortal sin?
I do condemn adultery. And I have never cheated on my wife. Any other really stupid comments you'd like to make?
Good Lord! It took you long enough. That was like pulling teeth for you to admit Adultery is a sin and part of the Ten Commandments. Why did it take you so many posts and insults to answer my initial question?
First of all - why didn't you just ask that? :dunno:

Second - I clearly said above (quote) "having never read the Bible you think it 'teaches adultery' when, in fact, it condemns it". So...I already "admitted" that. Slight reading comprehension issue, my friend?

Third - what does any of this have to do with your astounding ignorance of the Bible and false accusations about it? The Bible does not "teach" slavery, adultery, etc. It condemns all of that and more.
Where in the Bible does it condemn slavery?
Trump Appoints Lawyer Who Defended HB2 to Civil Rights Position | Human Rights Campaign

President Donald Trump has selected John Gore for a key role in the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. Gore is the lawyer who defended the University of North Carolina in a suit challenging the school’s enforcement of the discriminatory HB2.

President Trump just appointed someone who defended one of the most discriminatory laws in the land to a key role in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. This is shameful,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. If these reports are true, anybody who cares about civil rights should be gravely concerned. Among other things, HB2 places transgender North Carolinians in harm's way and bans cities from passing non-discrimination protections, which has cost the state more than $600 million. President Trump appears to be assembling an anti-LGBTQ team to lead the very agency charged with ensuring every American is protected from discrimination.” Trump Appoints Lawyer Who Defended HB2 to Civil Rights Position | Human Rights Campaign
A good lawyer will be ready to represent either side of any issue. The same way hillary represented a child rapist.

If every American is supposed to be protected, who is protecting the Christians from gays intent on destroying them?
Yea, Christians.

These aren't traditional Christians. Traditional Christians are known for helping the poor. Helping the sick. Worshiping Jesus and not money. Marrying only once. Being honest.

None of that sounds anything like today's Republicans. Does that sound like Trump?

The tea party sounds more like what Satan would organize.

When was the last time you read the bible?
What does that matter.

Like I said:

Traditional Christians are known for helping the poor. Helping the sick. Worshiping Jesus and not money. Marrying only once. Being honest.

You can't call them Republicans. Those are not GOP values. Not today.
Gays are out and about, and nothing can but them in the closet again.

They will melt any alt right snowflake resistance.


Yeah, people stop giving a shit about queers 20 years ago. No one of any significance has been upset by that.

Then you have bed wetters like fakey who want everyone to believe pogroms are right around the corner.

Just kill yourself.

No, no, they will only kill themselves once they have killed off the rest of us.
How they gonna kill you off? You gonna fuck Charlie Sheen. Don't do it. You'll be OK.

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