If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Hate to burst your bubble, dude, but ain't going to happen. Not with about a 2% population that is "queer". Now, if you want to preach tolerance, then I humbly suggest you refocus your message from one of emotional antagonism to one of reason and Constitutional rights.

However, if you just want to spend the rest of your life in anger and doing your best to make assholes as angry as you are, that's your choice. It's a selfish choice since you are doing more harm to than good to the cause you are seeking....which I presume is to be left the fuck alone by government and free to live your life as you please with all the same rights and benefits as every other American citizen.
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)
First of all....servant and slave.....two drastically separate things. A servant is an individual who is paid and there of their own free will.

Second...this is what is known as a "parable". It is stating that if God gives you gifts - He expects you to develop those gifts and use them for His glory.

"Patriot" who never served, that's one out of a half dozen bible quotes I provided. The bible is very specific in its teaching on how to treat slaves.
You do understand, don't you, that the Hebrews had "slavery" under strict circumstances, and it was not to be permanent?

Basically, every 7 years, all debt was forgiven and all slaves were freed. It's not quite like what the Africans faced on the plantation.

Just for accuracy's sake, you know.
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)
First of all....servant and slave.....two drastically separate things. A servant is an individual who is paid and there of their own free will.

Second...this is what is known as a "parable". It is stating that if God gives you gifts - He expects you to develop those gifts and use them for His glory.

"Patriot" who never served, that's one out of a half dozen bible quotes I provided. The bible is very specific in its teaching on how to treat slaves.
You do understand, don't you, that the Hebrews had "slavery" under strict circumstances, and it was not to be permanent?

Basically, every 7 years, all debt was forgiven and all slaves were freed. It's not quite like what the Africans faced on the plantation.

Just for accuracy's sake, you know.
Correct, but it was still slavery. Maybe they learned from the Egyptians that there should be limits, eh?

If anyone here saying slavery hasn't existed for all of human history? If so, please speak up.

Here's some easy reading: A top 10 list of famous slaves.

Top 10 Famous Slaves - Listverse
You Probably Missed The Troubling Thing Sean Spicer Said About LGBTQ Rights | The Huffington Post

At Monday’s briefing, the Washington Blade asked Spicer if President Donald Trump had plans to roll back the executive order. His response was troubling:

“I have to get back to you on that. I don’t know that we’ve gotten that far in the list of executive orders, but I’d be glad to get back to you... I just don’t know the answer.”

In the eyes of the Human Rights Campaign, there was only one correct response Spicer should have given to this question:

“Let’s be clear: The Trump administration was unable to answer whether or not they would maintain basic protections for LGBTQ workers,” JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement. “The only good answer to that question is ‘yes, of course we will.’ And while Mr. Spicer is asking the president for his answer, we’d also like to know if he’ll appoint a pro-equality Supreme Court Justice? Or will he maintain protections for transgender students? Will his nominee for attorney general, who voted against expanding federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation and gender identity, actually enforce hate crimes protections? Will his State Department commit to advancing LGBTQ equality abroad? We still don’t know the answers to these questions. ”
You Probably Missed The Troubling Thing Sean Spicer Said About LGBTQ Rights | The Huffington Post

At Monday’s briefing, the Washington Blade asked Spicer if President Donald Trump had plans to roll back the executive order. His response was troubling:

“I have to get back to you on that. I don’t know that we’ve gotten that far in the list of executive orders, but I’d be glad to get back to you... I just don’t know the answer.”

In the eyes of the Human Rights Campaign, there was only one correct response Spicer should have given to this question:

“Let’s be clear: The Trump administration was unable to answer whether or not they would maintain basic protections for LGBTQ workers,” JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement. “The only good answer to that question is ‘yes, of course we will.’ And while Mr. Spicer is asking the president for his answer, we’d also like to know if he’ll appoint a pro-equality Supreme Court Justice? Or will he maintain protections for transgender students? Will his nominee for attorney general, who voted against expanding federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation and gender identity, actually enforce hate crimes protections? Will his State Department commit to advancing LGBTQ equality abroad? We still don’t know the answers to these questions. ”
In Orwell's classic book "Animal Farm", the character Napolean alters the Seven Commandants, including the one that stated "All Animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". Do you believe some Americans are "more equal" than others?

What special protections are you advocating for married, straight white males? Or do you one favor special protections for yourself and others nearly identical to your own beliefs and lifestyle?

What special protections would you offer a straight male who was fired or even denied a job at a gay business such gay bar, hair salon or even travel office because a manager preferred "gay males" as employees?
You Probably Missed The Troubling Thing Sean Spicer Said About LGBTQ Rights | The Huffington Post

At Monday’s briefing, the Washington Blade asked Spicer if President Donald Trump had plans to roll back the executive order. His response was troubling:

“I have to get back to you on that. I don’t know that we’ve gotten that far in the list of executive orders, but I’d be glad to get back to you... I just don’t know the answer.”

In the eyes of the Human Rights Campaign, there was only one correct response Spicer should have given to this question:

“Let’s be clear: The Trump administration was unable to answer whether or not they would maintain basic protections for LGBTQ workers,” JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement. “The only good answer to that question is ‘yes, of course we will.’ And while Mr. Spicer is asking the president for his answer, we’d also like to know if he’ll appoint a pro-equality Supreme Court Justice? Or will he maintain protections for transgender students? Will his nominee for attorney general, who voted against expanding federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation and gender identity, actually enforce hate crimes protections? Will his State Department commit to advancing LGBTQ equality abroad? We still don’t know the answers to these questions. ”
In Orwell's classic book "Animal Farm", the character Napolean alters the Seven Commandants, including the one that stated "All Animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". Do you believe some Americans are "more equal" than others?

What special protections are you advocating for married, straight white males? Or do you one favor special protections for yourself and others nearly identical to your own beliefs and lifestyle?

What special protections would you offer a straight male who was fired or even denied a job at a gay business such gay bar, hair salon or even travel office because a manager preferred "gay males" as employees?
Holly shit!! Are you serious?? First of all I am a straight , white , married ( to a woman) male. For you to make an assumption about my sexuality based on my support for LGBT people casts considerable doubt on your intellect.

Second of all, the executive order in question ( as well as laws against discrimination) do not single out LGBT people for special protections. They prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity etc.

U.S. Department of Labor - OFCCP - Executive Order 11246, As Amended

Everyone is equal. Period! Please educate yourself about this stuff before blathering about it and embarrassing yourself further.
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...Everyone is equal. Period! Please educate yourself about this stuff before blathering about it and embarrassing yourself further.
I agree on equality for all. No need for your theatrics, drama or other emotional-based false accusations against people asking you questions.
...Everyone is equal. Period! Please educate yourself about this stuff before blathering about it and embarrassing yourself further.
I agree on equality for all. No need for your theatrics, drama or other emotional-based false accusations against people asking you questions.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You think that was "theatrical??? Actually, I had to use great restraint because I find posts like yours so damned aggravating. I have to wonder what "false accusations" your referring to. In any case, I have a feeling that you learned something here-maybe a couple of things- even if you won't admit it. :biggrin:
Latest Target of Trump's Hate Appears to Be LGBTQ People | Human Rights Campaign
HRC President Chad Griffin said:

“The leaked draft of Donald Trump's License to Discriminate order is sweeping and dangerous. It reads like a wishlist from some of the most radical anti-equality activists. If true, it seems this White House is poised to wildly expand anti-LGBTQ discrimination across all facets of the government -- even if he does maintain the Obama EO. If Donald Trump goes through with even a fraction of this order, he'll reveal himself as a true enemy to LGBTQ people. We’ve already seen that the Trump administration is willing to go after women, immigrants, people of color, and most frighteningly, people who disagree with him. If this version is true this could represent another chilling attempt to go after LGBTQ people, federal employees, employees of federal contractors, and people served by federal programs funded with taxpayer dollars. The impacts extend to anybody in the LGBTQ community, women, minority religious communities and others. Let’s make one thing clear: the Human Rights Campaign will fight tooth-and-nail to protect the LGBTQ community, and protect its members from discrimination.”
It never ceases to amaze me -- Start a butt-ranger thread and it goes into orbit......

Every time.

It's like dimocraps are all gay or something :dunno:
“The leaked draft of Donald Trump's License to Discriminate order is sweeping and dangerous. It reads like a wishlist from some of the most radical anti-equality activists. If true, it seems this White House is poised to wildly expand anti-LGBTQ discrimination across all facets of the government -- even if he does maintain the Obama EO. If Donald Trump goes through with even a fraction of this order, he'll reveal himself as a true enemy to LGBTQ people. We’ve already seen that the Trump administration is willing to go after women, immigrants, people of color, and most frighteningly, people who disagree with him. If this version is true this could represent another chilling attempt to go after LGBTQ people, federal employees, employees of federal contractors, and people served by federal programs funded with taxpayer dollars. The impacts extend to anybody in the LGBTQ community, women, minority religious communities and others. Let’s make one thing clear: the Human Rights Campaign will fight tooth-and-nail to protect the LGBTQ community, and protect its members from discrimination.”

Funny you don't seem to have a problem with gays discriminating against Christians' right to their behaviors. What makes the gay cult behaviors have a license to be Christian-haters?
Most LGBTQ groups lining up to oppose Gorsuch nomination - Metro Weekly

Sarah Warbelow, legal director for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement urging senators to vote ‘no’ on Gorsuch’s nomination. “The LGBTQ community has won important victories at the Supreme Court — from Romer to Obergefell — that affirm our rights and our liberties. We must ensure that those who serve on our highest court are willing to stand up for our community; Gorsuch has given us no indication that he will.”
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Most LGBTQ groups lining up to oppose Gorsuch nomination - Metro Weekly

Sarah Warbelow, legal director for the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement urging senators to vote ‘no’ on Gorsuch’s nomination. “The LGBTQ community has won important victories at the Supreme Court — from Romer to Obergefell — that affirm our rights and our liberties. We must ensure that those who serve on our highest court are willing to stand up for our community; Gorsuch has given us no indication that he will.”
How sad that the LGBT community opposes the U.S. Constitution and the very liberty which allows them to be deviant without being stoned, or thrown off of a roof, or beheaded, etc.
The crazy little (Soros funded?) masked thug army in the peoples republic of Berkeley rioted to prevent a Gay man from speaking on campus. Every topic the radical left wing comes up with seems to backfire.
When you're dealing with a cult, "freedom" means "the freedom to do exactly as they say...or else!"

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