"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment"? Donald Trump

Politically Motivated Witch Hunts should be illegal and prosecutors that engage in them should be fired. This is all about a fishing expedition to find some kind of leverage for the unpopular Democrat party to find a way to tilt the playing field in their classic cheating ways to their favor.
Politically Motivated Witch Hunts should be illegal and prosecutors that engage in them should be fired. This is all about a fishing expedition to find some kind of leverage for the unpopular Democrat party to find a way to tilt the playing field in their classic cheating ways to their favor.
When Dems lose elections they use witch hunts to obstruct the will of the people.
So, his words are what this thread is about. But you know that.
Ok. So why do you think it has any bearing on what Jr. does?

You really think something a candidate says on the campaign trail is something lawyers for an individual should use as legal advice in a preceding 5 year later?
Is that what you are trying to sell, cuz it really makes you look like a TDS afflicted Dimtard.
Ok. So why do you think it has any bearing on what Jr. does?

You really think something a candidate says on the campaign trail is something lawyers for an individual should use as legal advice in a preceding 5 year later?
Is that what you are trying to sell, cuz it really makes you look like a TDS afflicted Dimtard.

The thread has nothing to do with his lawyers. You can deflect all you want but it's kinda funny how you note that you shouldn't pay attention to what a politician says but yet people still cling to every word Trump says.

ArtI.S8.C18.4.1.2 Implied Power of Congress to Conduct Investigations and Oversight: Doctrine and Practice
Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Implied Power of Congress to Conduct Investigations and Oversight: Doctrine and Practice

they have a constitutional mandate to do so in their quest to legislate that this never happens again.

they, being the legislative branch, are a co equal branch of gov'ment.

seems the SC disagrees with you.

Congress’s ability to hold individuals in contempt who interfere with its duties is considered an implied power of the legislature. The U.S. Supreme Court summarized this principle in the 1917 case Marshall v. Gordon, stating, “in virtue of the grant of legislative authority, there would be a power implied to deal with contempt insofar as that authority was necessary to preserve and carry out the legislative authority given.” That is, although the Federal Constitution does not explicitly provide for Congressional power to hold individuals in contempt, such power is considered implied because without it, Congress could not effectively carry out its duties.
Contempt of Congress
I think you must have chased him off for some reason. :laughing0301:
:auiqs.jpg:Back in the old days it would have been.
The thread has nothing to do with his lawyers. You can deflect all you want but it's kinda funny how you note that you shouldn't pay attention to what a politician says but yet people still cling to every word Trump says.
Has nothing to do with his lawyers? This is in YOUR OP, Dumbass:

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

Do you think Eric wasn't following the advice of his attorneys, Dipshit? And people like you still cling to every word Trump says because he lives rent free in your vacuous noggin.

I said nothing about paying attention to what a politician says, I asked you if what a politician says in a campaign should bind what an attorney does in a proceeding 5 years later. Should it?
Has nothing to do with his lawyers? This is in YOUR OP, Dumbass:

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

Do you think Eric wasn't following the advice of his attorneys, Dipshit? And people like you still cling to every word Trump says because he lives rent free in your vacuous noggin.

I said nothing about paying attention to what a politician says, I asked you if what a politician says in a campaign should bind what an attorney does in a proceeding 5 years later. Should it?

The thread is about the two faces of Trump, not his kids attorney.
This witch hunt has been going on for years. Nobody has to participate in it. If the prosecutor thinks she have a case, make it. Nothing under the law says anyone must cooperate.

Sorry Dimwingers, no amount of whining and crying about Jr. not cooperating will change the fact it is a witch hunt.
And you know this how? Certainly not with documented evidence of course? Oh that's right, you get your information from your mentally unstable, self induced, psychotic disorder.
And you know this how? Certainly not with documented evidence of course? Oh that's right, you get your information from your mentally unstable, self induced, psychotic disorder.
Feel free to show us where he law forces you to cooperate with someone claiming they are going to lock you up.

Has nothing to do with his lawyers? This is in YOUR OP, Dumbass:

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

Do you think Eric wasn't following the advice of his attorneys, Dipshit? And people like you still cling to every word Trump says because he lives rent free in your vacuous noggin.

I said nothing about paying attention to what a politician says, I asked you if what a politician says in a campaign should bind what an attorney does in a proceeding 5 years later. Should it?
Eric Trump plead the fifth 500 times;
Feel free to show us where he law forces you to cooperate with someone claiming they are going to lock you up.

What's that got to do with your imaginary witch hunt? LOL! This is what your imaginary witch hunt is looking like; Eric Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment 500 times, NY AG says

How do you support a liar? Is it because you are one?

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