"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment"? Donald Trump

That doesn't mean he should be allowed to break the law.

in yer mind ...what are the odds he didn't?

If the AG has a case she should bring it to trial but you cannot condemn someone for following our laws and the 5th is allowed under our laws.

taking the fifth in a criminal proceeding is different than in a civil case. the former cannot be used against you - but the latter, a judge can tell the jury that trump took the 5th & can be considered he is culpable. his lawyer told him to stfu as a last resort cause it could stll harm him.
i'm not triggered. if donny is proven to be a thief, either by james, SDNY, the DOJ - or all 3 ... will you stop supporting him, then?
If Donny ran in 2024 I am not sure I would still vote for him. So yes. I prefer other candidates at this time. However, no one triggers leftists more than he does so that warms my heart.
bank & insurance fraud can bring prison time.
It can but should it? Pay a fine and move on. Leftists are freeing murderers and rapists. Financial criminals are less dangerous. Trump isn't pushing people into oncoming trains.
in yer mind ...what are the odds he didn't?

taking the fifth in a criminal proceeding is different than in a civil case. the former cannot be used against you - but the latter, a judge can tell the jury that trump took the 5th & can be considered he is culpable. his lawyer told him to stfu as a last resort cause it could stll harm him.
I doubt Trump knows tax code. He likely trusts his accountants. This will be in the courts for years. It is red meat to leftists and the leftist news sources. Just like HRC's email was red meat to the conservative news sources.
'cause only little people pay taxes?
Trump pays a shitload of taxes. Property tax, payroll tax, etc. I pay like 50% in taxes and for that I get Markey and Warren. So I understand being frustrated with how ones tax dollars are spent.
James’s office noted that Eric Trump and Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg each invoked the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times.

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

4 big points from the N.Y. attorney general’s Trump allegations

I suppose this is related to other threads noting Trump being investigated but you have to get a special chuckle over this.

Trump made the statements concerning Hillary associated taking the fifth. I have to imagine he was correct and for the most part I see this as verification that Trump and Hillary are pretty much the same where corruption is concerned.
After 6 years of:
- Non-stop desperate attempts to 'get Trump
- A proven failed coup attempt perpetrated by a Democrat President & his criminal administration
- A proven treasonous failed Russian Collusion scam initiated by a proven criminal former 1st Lady / Senator / Sect of State
- 2 proven failed Impeachment coup attempts based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses
- 2 failed Impeachment coup attempts and 1 1/6 scam investigation in which Democrats were caught each time criminally manufacturing false evidence
- A bogus 1/6 setup and riot incited by the sane FBI that participated in Barry's failed coup attempt AND same FBI that publicly declared Hillary broke laws, to include espionage, but protected her from prosecution...

There is no reason to willingly partucipate in the Democrats continuous, exposed criminal

James’s office noted that Eric Trump and Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg each invoked the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times.

Eric Trump did so during an Oct. 5, 2020, interview: “Eric Trump then invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to more than 500 questions over six hours.”

4 big points from the N.Y. attorney general’s Trump allegations

I suppose this is related to other threads noting Trump being investigated but you have to get a special chuckle over this.

Trump made the statements concerning Hillary associated taking the fifth. I have to imagine he was correct and for the most part I see this as verification that Trump and Hillary are pretty much the same where corruption is concerned.
After 6 years of exposed failed coup attempts, Impeachments based on zero crime/evidence/witnesses, Democrats caught in 2 Impeachments and 1 1/6 scam illegally manufacturing false evidence, etc... there is no reason to willingly participate in the proven treasonous Democrats continued illegal assault on this country, the Constitution, Rule of Law, and any American who opposes their criminal Marxist agenda and ideology.

....not to mention that claiming you must have something to hide if you exercise your Constitutional Right to withhold comment is one of the dumbest fucking false claims that can be made, which is why no one is surprised it constantly comes from Democrats and snowflakes.

One more thing, before saying something so stupid in a feeble, childish attack against others snowflakes should ask themselves why Pelosi, the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms, and FBI who waned them in advance of the 1/6 riots and who incited the riots are all refusing to testify before the q/6 bullshit committee.

Hilarious - another case where Democrats accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY constantly do...

....and these assclown snowflakes don't question for a second or bat an eyelash at the comedic treasonous hypocrisy.

After 6 years of:
- Non-stop desperate attempts to 'get Trump
- A proven failed coup attempt perpetrated by a Democrat President & his criminal administration
- A proven treasonous failed Russian Collusion scam initiated by a proven criminal former 1st Lady / Senator / Sect of State
- 2 proven failed Impeachment coup attempts based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses
- 2 failed Impeachment coup attempts and 1 1/6 scam investigation in which Democrats were caught each time criminally manufacturing false evidence
- A bogus 1/6 setup and riot incited by the sane FBI that participated in Barry's failed coup attempt AND same FBI that publicly declared Hillary broke laws, to include espionage, but protected her from prosecution...

There is no reason to willingly partucipate in the Democrats continuous, exposed criminal

After 6 years of exposed failed coup attempts, Impeachments based on zero crime/evidence/witnesses, Democrats caught in 2 Impeachments and 1 1/6 scam illegally manufacturing false evidence, etc... there is no reason to willingly participate in the proven treasonous Democrats continued illegal assault on this country, the Constitution, Rule of Law, and any American who opposes their criminal Marxist agenda and ideology.

....not to mention that claiming you must have something to hide if you exercise your Constitutional Right to withhold comment is one of the dumbest fucking false claims that can be made, which is why no one is surprised it constantly comes from Democrats and snowflakes.

One more thing, before saying something so stupid in a feeble, childish attack against others snowflakes should ask themselves why Pelosi, the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms, and FBI who waned them in advance of the 1/6 riots and who incited the riots are all refusing to testify before the q/6 bullshit committee.

Hilarious - another case where Democrats accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY constantly do...

....and these assclown snowflakes don't question for a second or bat an eyelash at the comedic treasonous hypocrisy.


WHat I noted has nothing to do with the Democrats. This thread is about Trump's words.
ummmm.... no. as a co equal branch of gov'ment AND if private citizens planned - funded - or literally acted as domestic terrorists within the walls of congress, then congress has a co equal right to investigate.

to legislate changes. not to mention a whole shitload of them thar private citizens were also friendlies going up to the top of the treasonous food chain; so there's that.
That's what the DoJ and the FBI are for. That's literally why they exist. If we dont trust them to investigate these things why do they exist? If Congress wants to investigate the DoJ/FBI because they feel there is something amiss then by all means do that. Or disband them and create a new structure through legislation. Cool Im all for it. But if we are just going to have Congress investigate things that the DoJ/FBI didnt come back with the right finding on then that's not trying to find the truth that's political.
The point of the 5th amendment is that the prosecutor is trying to make you look bad.
For example, the impeachment of Bill Clinton was over testimony about Lewinsky, in the Paula Jones case.
But since Lewinski had absolutely nothing to do with the alleged sexual assault of Paula Jones by Bill Clinton, he should have just plead the 5th amendment.
The Lewinsky situation was not relevant and was private.
You don't have to be guilty to plead the 5th amendment.
It may or may not make you look good, but it does not really matter.
You can and should always plead the 5th amendment if you simply want to maintain your privacy.

As far as Hillary, I do not believe she ever invoked the 5th amendment.
Instead she pretended to not know much about computers, why Stevens in was in Benghazi, that no one else was given the debate questions, etc.
She is much too good of a liar to risk taking the 5th.

But any lawyer will always tell you to invoke the 5th until they given you immunity.
Sad that these morons think your explanation is “funny”. The 5th Amendment was designed to protect innocent people as well as guilty. If you know the prosecution has no case, you are under NO obligation to help them.
Eric Trump plead the fifth 500 times;

What's that got to do with your imaginary witch hunt? LOL! This is what your imaginary witch hunt is looking like; Eric Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment 500 times, NY AG says

How do you support a liar? Is it because you are one?
Hey dumbfuck, Trump is under no obligation to help a floundering prosecutor with no case. Period. End of arguments. You lose. Again.
Not because I dislike him. I do not but I think he will be old and seeing dementia Joe at the helm, I just don't trust old people. I'd want someone younger.

oh i know you like him .... you realllllllly like him. i thought maybe somewhere in that zogginess, on some level - you know he's a criminal.

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