If you're pissed off, vote Trump....

don't think Trump has near the temperament nor maturity to lead free world. I feel like no candidate representing me.

That's because you're to concerned about yourself and not the country. Your values and principles matter but we need a winner for the GOP party, not a Messiah to lead us to Heaven.


Just as Churchill was needed for war at his time but was unpopular with his government party officials and public opinion, Trump is needed for war on handling the illegals situation, war on the economy, war on terror, war on China trade, war on getting jobs back to US. This make America Great Again

Bernie can only take care of the poor by giving them handouts, but what about the rest of the country and etc.

Hillary will only take care of her own self interest and be a puppet to the establishments. Vote 4 a sell out then.

I am concerned about my country when the poor little rich guy needs to be surrounded by yes men and sulks when somebody refuses to bow down and kiss his ass. That's not the one I want leading the country. But you feel free to bow down all you wish.
No rational informed person would vote for EITHER Trump or Cruz. They're both immature pathological liars who would have zero political capital to get anything done. Neither has even come close to earning the right to be the President Of The United States.
Twitter fights amongst men who want to lead the free world should be just one of many clues.

Amazing, another brain dead commie scumbag!

I am concerned about my country when the poor little rich guy needs to be surrounded by yes men and sulks when somebody refuses to bow down and kiss his ass. That's not the one I want leading the country. But you feel free to bow down all you wish.


You're concerned about the little rich guy and not your country because you're whining about his success and the lack of yours. That's called pity party victim. That's why I don't have to bow down to the rich man by whining to him like a bitch and begging for anything because I create my own success as a self reliant American.

Trump will probably be fine as president. He is certainly preferable to Clinton, by far. I prefer Cruz to Trump, but I have no problem voting for Trump in the general election.

The fact is that Trump has been an incredibly successful businessman. He is obviously intelligent amid is not a career politician. I suspect that as president he will act as a manager and delegate much oversight duties to specialists while Trump oversees macro policy and implementation. In other words, he will run it like a business.

The left has no sense of humor and zero imagination. The left's perception of Trump is similar to their impression of Rush Limbaugh. They take everything they both say literally and lack the depth to recognize when they are speaking with tongue in cheek.

Trump will not institute a coup and take over as a dictator in an extra constitution reign. This is completely absurd. It is also absurd that Trump is constantly maligned as a racist. Where does this come from? All he wants to do is enforce our existing immigration laws. Is he racist because he kicks BLM troublemakers out of his private campaign events? Either way, the allegation of racism is embarrassingly stupid.

President Trump will, I believe, be vastly different than Campaigning Trump. He has even acknowledged this.

Despite what you see on TV, Trump is not a madman, he is not crazy, he is not xenophobic, and he is certainly not racist. The problem is that the media and people have been conditioned to expect certain things from a presidential candidate. Trump does not fit the mold. It is nothing more than that.
The public and media do not know what to make of him, and the Republican establishment is nervous because they see Trump as an existential threat.

Perhaps what people need to do is actually sit down and listen to what Trump says, keeping in mind that all of the brash bravado and personal insults do not disqualify him for the job . It's just stuff he says for political purposes. He plays his audience.
Trump will probably be fine as president. He is certainly preferable to Clinton, by far. I prefer Cruz to Trump, but I have no problem voting for Trump in the general election.

The fact is that Trump has been an incredibly successful businessman. He is obviously intelligent amid is not a career politician. I suspect that as president he will act as a manager and delegate much oversight duties to specialists while Trump oversees macro policy and implementation. In other words, he will run it like a business.

The left has no sense of humor and zero imagination. The left's perception of Trump is similar to their impression of Rush Limbaugh. They take everything they both say literally and lack the depth to recognize when they are speaking with tongue in cheek.

Trump will not institute a coup and take over as a dictator in an extra constitution reign. This is completely absurd. It is also absurd that Trump is constantly maligned as a racist. Where does this come from? All he wants to do is enforce our existing immigration laws. Is he racist because he kicks BLM troublemakers out of his private campaign events? Either way, the allegation of racism is embarrassingly stupid.

President Trump will, I believe, be vastly different than Campaigning Trump. He has even acknowledged this.

Despite what you see on TV, Trump is not a madman, he is not crazy, he is not xenophobic, and he is certainly not racist. The problem is that the media and people have been conditioned to expect certain things from a presidential candidate. Trump does not fit the mold. It is nothing more than that.
The public and media do not know what to make of him, and the Republican establishment is nervous because they see Trump as an existential threat.

Perhaps what people need to do is actually sit down and listen to what Trump says, keeping in mind that all of the brash bravado and personal insults do not disqualify him for the job . It's just stuff he says for political purposes. He plays his audience.

If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. I don't believe he is the Conservative he makes himself out to be, Cruz on the other hand has proven to be.

Cruz needs 82% of the remaining delegates..............He already lost.

Trump needs %70.

It's no where near over, and if people who support Trump actually used their mother fucking brains they would realize he's nothing more than the world's richest professional clown.

Still better than the criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag, but we aren't starting with a high bar there are we?

Sorry man, Cruz looks creepy, I ain't voting for him. Screw it, put the thumb screws to Washington, vote Trump. With the new world order it won't make much of a difference but it might make you feel better to put it to the establishment.
No rational informed person would vote for EITHER Trump or Cruz. They're both immature pathological liars who would have zero political capital to get anything done. Neither has even come close to earning the right to be the President Of The United States.
Twitter fights amongst men who want to lead the free world should be just one of many clues.

Cruz isn't in any twitter fights
Trump will probably be fine as president. He is certainly preferable to Clinton, by far. I prefer Cruz to Trump, but I have no problem voting for Trump in the general election.

The fact is that Trump has been an incredibly successful businessman. He is obviously intelligent amid is not a career politician. I suspect that as president he will act as a manager and delegate much oversight duties to specialists while Trump oversees macro policy and implementation. In other words, he will run it like a business.

The left has no sense of humor and zero imagination. The left's perception of Trump is similar to their impression of Rush Limbaugh. They take everything they both say literally and lack the depth to recognize when they are speaking with tongue in cheek.

Trump will not institute a coup and take over as a dictator in an extra constitution reign. This is completely absurd. It is also absurd that Trump is constantly maligned as a racist. Where does this come from? All he wants to do is enforce our existing immigration laws. Is he racist because he kicks BLM troublemakers out of his private campaign events? Either way, the allegation of racism is embarrassingly stupid.

President Trump will, I believe, be vastly different than Campaigning Trump. He has even acknowledged this.

Despite what you see on TV, Trump is not a madman, he is not crazy, he is not xenophobic, and he is certainly not racist. The problem is that the media and people have been conditioned to expect certain things from a presidential candidate. Trump does not fit the mold. It is nothing more than that.
The public and media do not know what to make of him, and the Republican establishment is nervous because they see Trump as an existential threat.

Perhaps what people need to do is actually sit down and listen to what Trump says, keeping in mind that all of the brash bravado and personal insults do not disqualify him for the job . It's just stuff he says for political purposes. He plays his audience.

If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. I don't believe he is the Conservative he makes himself out to be, Cruz on the other hand has proven to be.

Has Trump ever defined himself as a conservative or anything else? If so I have not heard him do so.
Has Trump ever defined himself as a conservative or anything else? If so I have not heard him do so.

Good point, I don't recall him making that claim specifically. However, I don't believe he is the staunch 2nd Amendment devotee he has made himself out to be, or that he will actually do what needs to be done about illegal immigrants.

You're one of the more intelligent posters here, so I'm somewhat surprised that your decision not to support Cruz is based on how he "looks creepy" to you. Like I said though, if my guy doesn't make it, I'll still vote Trump, but I will not expect much in the way of rolling back regressive policy.

Cruz needs 82% of the remaining delegates..............He already lost.
Except for the fact of there is a brokered election and a second vote the. The delegates are free to vote for who they want and from my understanding most of Trumps delegates despise him

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