If zimmerman gets off ima go kill a white boy.

?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

LOL anonymous threads? how do you know it wasn't Glenn Beck making his own story? Beck has no credibility, The Blaze is just another Stormfront.

Tinfoil hats are on isle 9. Don't trip over the who shot JR signs or your own stupidity on the way there.
?If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy?: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | TheBlaze.com

Ah TNB! Good thing I live in such a nice white area...blacks around here are an unwelcome rarity.

LOL anonymous threads? how do you know it wasn't Glenn Beck making his own story? Beck has no credibility, The Blaze is just another Stormfront.

Tinfoil hats are on isle 9. Don't trip over the who shot JR signs or your own stupidity on the way there.

I live about 45 minutes away from Sanford and I do believe there will be riots.

I live 15 miles away, in South Orlando. I say bring it.

This neighborhood is also heavily populated by hispanics. Might be interesting.

I live far out enough that there won't be much of a ripple here but I hate to think of any violence due to this case. Are Hispanics in general in support of Zimmerman? Why does everything have to be about race anyway? I don't get it.
I live about 45 minutes away from Sanford and I do believe there will be riots.

I live 15 miles away, in South Orlando. I say bring it.

This neighborhood is also heavily populated by hispanics. Might be interesting.

I live far out enough that there won't be much of a ripple here but I hate to think of any violence due to this case. Are Hispanics in general in support of Zimmerman? Why does everything have to be about race anyway? I don't get it.

Ask MSNBC, Al Sharpton and some guy named Crump. Whydon'tchya?
I live about 45 minutes away from Sanford and I do believe there will be riots.

I live 15 miles away, in South Orlando. I say bring it.

This neighborhood is also heavily populated by hispanics. Might be interesting.

I live far out enough that there won't be much of a ripple here but I hate to think of any violence due to this case. Are Hispanics in general in support of Zimmerman? Why does everything have to be about race anyway? I don't get it.

You ask some questions that don't have simple answers. The hispanics here in my part of town don't seem to be paying the case any attention at all. I say it "might" be interesting if the people who decide to riot choose to attack hispanics instaed of whites.

Why does race have anything to do with it? Man, that's a whole 'nother thread in itself.
:lol: Grampa, you are dealing in the reactionary nutters a radical agenda that will pull the GOP apart next year if they are not suppressed in the primaries.

When you, above, make such comments, you support their racist agenda.

I trust the jury and will accept its verdict.

If GZ is convicted, the white racists will go nuts.

If TM is convicted, the black racists will go nuts.
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Well, if there is a killing on account of this trial, they have a real good list of suspects to start with.
We can send them a list from here, for that matter. Several are within easy driving distance of Sanford.

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