IG report is rumored NO political bias,, BULL SHAIT!

Is it leaking? Or is the NYT pre-writing a story?

There's a paywall. You could post some pertinent quotes.
Mother fucka! Everyone is reporting it left right in between! It’s leaking! GTFO with your wait. I’m not waiting I want pressure on his arrest

They are all repeating what the NYT is reporting.

Wait for the report. The NYT are proven liars.
Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..

Every one of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories are falling apart under scrutiny and the usual 1000 post a month posters are now decrying the corruption of the Trump appointees who fail to confirm his lies. Maybe you'd like to investigate the Inspector General who failed to find the bias.

Trump has fired and investigated the leaders of every security agency in the US government and he still has NOTHING. This is just like the Clinton investigations. Start rumours. Investigate the rumours. Find nothing. Claim the investigation is WRONG, and the rumours are true.

The text messages are NOT proof of some vast conspiracy. They're two friends expressing distaste for the lying asshole that Trump really is.

Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

Don’t you find it ironic that Trump acts like a contemptible jerk and holds it against people for not liking him all that much.

Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.
The so called leaks are coming from people who testified as witnesses...

Last week these witnesses were being called in to read the portions of the IG report that pertained to them, to correct any issues they may have....
You find him contemptible because he is using your party as a whittle stick.

I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great.

It just seems that way because you don't.

I don’t what?

Follow the thread.

Seems like you were accusing me of something but don’t want to admit it.

YOURS: "I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great."

MINE: "It just seems that way because you don't."

Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..
IGs are swamp.

Donald Trump appointed the Inspector General. He is not swamp, he is one of Trump's hand picked people.

All of the people who lead the investigations of Donald Trump, are Republicans. As are all of the witnesses. The Republicans are impeaching Donald Trump, not the Democrats. Rosenstein, Wray, Mueller, Comey, Pompeo, Bolton - all Republicans. Bolton was the guy who told all of his staffers "Tell the lawyers". Trump fired him.

Trump is a criminal President. Even the Republicans know it but they're too gutless to actually remove him. They're leaving that to the Democrats.
Yea like trump had time to hand pick all these people lol they were recommended by the deep state. You idiot
Mother fucka! Everyone is reporting it left right in between! It’s leaking! GTFO with your wait. I’m not waiting I want pressure on his arrest

They are all repeating what the NYT is reporting.

Wait for the report. The NYT are proven liars.
Every one of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories are falling apart under scrutiny and the usual 1000 post a month posters are now decrying the corruption of the Trump appointees who fail to confirm his lies. Maybe you'd like to investigate the Inspector General who failed to find the bias.

Trump has fired and investigated the leaders of every security agency in the US government and he still has NOTHING. This is just like the Clinton investigations. Start rumours. Investigate the rumours. Find nothing. Claim the investigation is WRONG, and the rumours are true.

The text messages are NOT proof of some vast conspiracy. They're two friends expressing distaste for the lying asshole that Trump really is.

Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

Don’t you find it ironic that Trump acts like a contemptible jerk and holds it against people for not liking him all that much.

Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.
I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great.

It just seems that way because you don't.

I don’t what?

Follow the thread.

Seems like you were accusing me of something but don’t want to admit it.

YOURS: "I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great."

MINE: "It just seems that way because you don't."


Do I know you?
Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..

This is expected.

Clapper admitted that the acts they took to illegally spy on Trump and his associates were directed by Barak Obama.
** Strzok texts confirm this, stating the POTUS demands to be kept updated on all details.

Evidence proves Hillary Clinton purchased Counter-Intel propaganda from a foreign spy working fort the FBI

The US IG just slammed the FBI for criminal negligence by failing to validate / update reliability of foreign informants / operatives
** The FBI knew Steele was no longer a credible source of information but used his known false info anyway

Former FBI Director Comey admitted to leaking classified information to a fried with the intent of it reaching the press, being reported, and aiding in the goal of getting a pre-planned / pre-coordinated Special Counsel appointed to carry out a political coup

Among the many crimes exposed by their own investigations / failed coup attempts were the ones the US IG cited when he recommended the former FBI Deputy Director (McCabe) and a former FBI Agent (Strzok) for indictment. Former FBI Director Comey is currently under investigation by the US IG for Felony Perjury for 'discrepancies' in his testimony under oath before Congress.

These coup / Impeachment attempts were called for before the President even entered the WH, but we are supposed to believe there is no 'Political Bias' involved in the last 4 years of coup attempt after coup attempt?




a lot of this post is straight up fiction.
It just seems that way because you don't.

I don’t what?

Follow the thread.

Seems like you were accusing me of something but don’t want to admit it.

YOURS: "I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great."

MINE: "It just seems that way because you don't."


Do I know you?

Not a chance, nor I you.

I know your posts.
I don’t what?

Follow the thread.

Seems like you were accusing me of something but don’t want to admit it.

YOURS: "I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great."

MINE: "It just seems that way because you don't."


Do I know you?

Not a chance, nor I you.

I know your posts.

Then how could you accuse me of not understanding what makes our form of government so great?
Follow the thread.

Seems like you were accusing me of something but don’t want to admit it.

YOURS: "I find him contemptible because he doesn’t seem to understand what makes our form of government so great."

MINE: "It just seems that way because you don't."


Do I know you?

Not a chance, nor I you.

I know your posts.

Then how could you accuse me of not understanding what makes our form of government so great?

Oh, the density ...

Your posts.
The so called leaks are coming from people who testified as witnesses...

Last week these witnesses were being called in to read the portions of the IG report that pertained to them, to correct any issues they may have....
You know what? I really enjoyed the old days when we found out what a report said when it came out. It was kind of exciting to actually anticipate a report and watch to see what the person was going to say. Not anymore. Now we know weeks in advance so we can argue over it a little longer.
a lot of this post is straight up fiction.



Comey didn’t leak anything classified to the press.
Strzok wasn’t referred for criminal prosecution by the IG.
McCabe was referred for criminal prosecution but for a case that had nothing to do with Trump, and actually demonstrate bias against Clinton.
Strzok wasn’t keeping the president up to date on anything relating to Trump.
Comey isn’t under investigation by the DoJ.
You know what? I really enjoyed the old days when we found out what a report said when it came out. It was kind of exciting to actually anticipate a report and watch to see what the person was going to say.
...then the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats began catching on that the American people aren't as stupid as they believed, that left to read reports for themselves Americans actually walk away understanding how corrupt, criminal, and traitorous Democrats are, thus the need to lie and spin.....

...such as telling voters not to bother even going out to vote because Hillary was going to win in a landslide in 2016...or such as Schiff and his committee authoring a 'Summary' of the day's testimony, a summary that equates to more Schiff-authored 'parodies' which the MSM used / uses to write their anti-Trump articles instead of reading for themselves what the actual Transcripts say.

As far as the upcoming FISA Abuse report will say, people can go off Horowitz's previous reports in guessing what to expect.

Horowitz's job is the same as the FBI's when they faux-investigated Hillary: Investigate and report FACTS. PERIOD.

There is no way a person / agency can give a definitive decision on someone's MOTIVE anymore than they can on what the individual was thinking at the moment they did what they did. The question of 'BIAS' is SUBJECTIVE.

In this case, we have seen the record-setting, off-the-chart level of hatred for this President from the left who, again, declared 'The Impeachment of Donald Trump Begins Now' minutes after he took his oath of office...yet brilliant idiots who have no common sense, it seems, like Horowitz can not see how this is bias and how it has poisoned everything the Democrats have done for 4 years.

Again, crimes were committed by Democrats and Obama officials in the last 4 years, crimes that are punishable by indictment, sentencing, and imprisonment. Who cares why Democrats committed these crimes? THEY DID IT! Whether the DOJ decides the motives are political or not does not matter as long as they hold the people who committed those crimes accountable.
Comey didn’t leak anything classified to the press.
Every time you attempt to post something intelligent you FAIL.

1. You post your own opinion, .not something factual, and your easily emotionally-manipulated, parroted, common core opinions are meaningless...and wrong 99% of the time.

2. Point 1 is proven because you NEVER post any link / info to back what you claim.

3. Do you realize 'Confidential' Information is considered 'Classified' information, that there are many different levels of classification for information? Apparently NOT.

4. The President's Director of the FBI admitted that he thought the country was in danger and only he could save it by giving his friend information with the intent of his friend giving it to the press, the press reporting it, and a Special Counsel being appointed based on the information that HE initially provided.

- Comey did not go straight to the Press - he gave it to a friend who gave it to the press - THAT IS CALLED 'LEAKING' INFO!

- Comey, instead of going to the President with his concern, admitted to intentionally releasing information to the press through a friend with the intent of undermining and possibly having the President of the United States removed from office. I am sure you have dozens of delicate, traitor-defending adjectives / nouns to describe and justify what Comey did, but this is TREASON.

There is this thing called a 'proper chain of command'. At no point is the MSM in that chain that existed between President Trump and FBI Director Comey. He violated the chain of command by leaking information to harm the President of the United States in an attempt to have him removed from office. Comey abused the rights and freedoms we have in this country - thanks to the Constitution and Rule of Law we have - in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected President.

The last time one of his only family members attempted to affect the overthrow of the leader of North Korea, the NK leader tied the guy to a stake down in a pit and allowed half-starved wild dogs tear him apart and eat him for doing so.

("Kim Jong-Un's uncle stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as tyrant watched. The ruthless North Korean leader ordered the execution of Jang Song-Thaek as a traitor last month, with state ...")

Traitors should be put to death....were he in NK, China, Russia...he would not be so smug about his part in the Obama coup attempt.
Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..
This story is over a year old.

Fun fact: when you haven't used up your monthly free NYT articles the link leads to a completely different story.

The Deep State can not allow their attempt to affect a political criminal coup of a newly elected President, especially when that coup was ordered by the 1st Black President / President Barak Obama.
You do realize the article is from June of 2018, right? They are talking about a report that came out in 2018.
It is NOT referring to the upcoming report.
An inspector general reportedly finds that FBI employee altered a document in Russia investigation
The articles I googled are all from the past couple of days. Here's one with no paywall.

It's really interesting that the 2019 NYT link swaps to a story from 2018 when you run out of free monthly articles.

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