IG report is rumored NO political bias,, BULL SHAIT!

Comey didn’t leak anything classified to the press.
Every time you attempt to post something intelligent you FAIL.

1. You post your own opinion, .not something factual, and your easily emotionally-manipulated, parroted, common core opinions are meaningless...and wrong 99% of the time.

2. Point 1 is proven because you NEVER post any link / info to back what you claim.

3. Do you realize 'Confidential' Information is considered 'Classified' information, that there are many different levels of classification for information? Apparently NOT.

4. The President's Director of the FBI admitted that he thought the country was in danger and only he could save it by giving his friend information with the intent of his friend giving it to the press, the press reporting it, and a Special Counsel being appointed based on the information that HE initially provided.

- Comey did not go straight to the Press - he gave it to a friend who gave it to the press - THAT IS CALLED 'LEAKING' INFO!

- Comey, instead of going to the President with his concern, admitted to intentionally releasing information to the press through a friend with the intent of undermining and possibly having the President of the United States removed from office. I am sure you have dozens of delicate, traitor-defending adjectives / nouns to describe and justify what Comey did, but this is TREASON.

There is this thing called a 'proper chain of command'. At no point is the MSM in that chain that existed between President Trump and FBI Director Comey. He violated the chain of command by leaking information to harm the President of the United States in an attempt to have him removed from office. Comey abused the rights and freedoms we have in this country - thanks to the Constitution and Rule of Law we have - in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected President.

The last time one of his only family members attempted to affect the overthrow of the leader of North Korea, the NK leader tied the guy to a stake down in a pit and allowed half-starved wild dogs tear him apart and eat him for doing so.

("Kim Jong-Un's uncle stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as tyrant watched. The ruthless North Korean leader ordered the execution of Jang Song-Thaek as a traitor last month, with state ...")

Traitors should be put to death....were he in NK, China, Russia...he would not be so smug about his part in the Obama coup attempt.

The memo that Comey sent to his friend to leak to the press was labeled Memo 4 by the IG. After review of all the documents, they classified portions of Memo 2, Memo 3 and Memo 7.

Memo 4, the one that Comey leaked to the press, was never classified under any level of classification.

The report is here:

Relevant portions of the report begin on page 42 where they discuss FBI classification review.

Were Comey in NK, China or Russia, Comey would indeed be in trouble. Good thing he's in the USA where we respect freedom of speech and we don't execute people for speaking out against our elected leaders.
Poor babies. There you stand, with premature ejaculate on your faces, having anticipate Strzok, Comey, Hillary, Mueller, Obama were going to jail.

Your Ministry of Propaganda manufactured a big ol' pile of bullshit, and you ate it with gusto.

You have no one to blame but yourselves for your bellyache.
Poor babies. There you stand, with premature ejaculate on your faces, having anticipate Strzok, Comey, Hillary, Mueller, Obama were going to jail.

Your Ministry of Propaganda manufactured a big ol' pile of bullshit, and you ate it with gusto.

You have no one to blame but yourselves for your bellyache.
It’s from a year and a half ago, if you missed it. ;)
They are all repeating what the NYT is reporting.

Wait for the report. The NYT are proven liars.
Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

Don’t you find it ironic that Trump acts like a contemptible jerk and holds it against people for not liking him all that much.

Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.
Don’t you find it ironic that Trump acts like a contemptible jerk and holds it against people for not liking him all that much.

Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.
It is what he actually did.
Don’t you find it ironic that Trump acts like a contemptible jerk and holds it against people for not liking him all that much.

Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.
Yes, Trump is a buffoon. However, that is not impeachable.

Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.
Not specifically, but he’s dumb enough to do something that is impeachable, which certainly seems to be the case now.

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Trump and Giuliani have been harping on Ukraine for these investigations for months. Then the Ukrainians get word their aid is held up by the president. Do you think they’re idiots and can’t figure it out?
Comey didn’t leak anything classified to the press.
Every time you attempt to post something intelligent you FAIL.

1. You post your own opinion, .not something factual, and your easily emotionally-manipulated, parroted, common core opinions are meaningless...and wrong 99% of the time.

2. Point 1 is proven because you NEVER post any link / info to back what you claim.

3. Do you realize 'Confidential' Information is considered 'Classified' information, that there are many different levels of classification for information? Apparently NOT.

4. The President's Director of the FBI admitted that he thought the country was in danger and only he could save it by giving his friend information with the intent of his friend giving it to the press, the press reporting it, and a Special Counsel being appointed based on the information that HE initially provided.

- Comey did not go straight to the Press - he gave it to a friend who gave it to the press - THAT IS CALLED 'LEAKING' INFO!

- Comey, instead of going to the President with his concern, admitted to intentionally releasing information to the press through a friend with the intent of undermining and possibly having the President of the United States removed from office. I am sure you have dozens of delicate, traitor-defending adjectives / nouns to describe and justify what Comey did, but this is TREASON.

There is this thing called a 'proper chain of command'. At no point is the MSM in that chain that existed between President Trump and FBI Director Comey. He violated the chain of command by leaking information to harm the President of the United States in an attempt to have him removed from office. Comey abused the rights and freedoms we have in this country - thanks to the Constitution and Rule of Law we have - in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected President.

The last time one of his only family members attempted to affect the overthrow of the leader of North Korea, the NK leader tied the guy to a stake down in a pit and allowed half-starved wild dogs tear him apart and eat him for doing so.

("Kim Jong-Un's uncle stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as tyrant watched. The ruthless North Korean leader ordered the execution of Jang Song-Thaek as a traitor last month, with state ...")

Traitors should be put to death....were he in NK, China, Russia...he would not be so smug about his part in the Obama coup attempt.

The memo that Comey sent to his friend to leak to the press was labeled Memo 4 by the IG. After review of all the documents, they classified portions of Memo 2, Memo 3 and Memo 7.

Memo 4, the one that Comey leaked to the press, was never classified under any level of classification.

The report is here:

Relevant portions of the report begin on page 42 where they discuss FBI classification review.

Were Comey in NK, China or Russia, Comey would indeed be in trouble. Good thing he's in the USA where we respect freedom of speech and we don't execute people for speaking out against our elected leaders.

'In his testimony under oath to a U.S. Senate committee, Comey admitted to leaking at least one of those memos about his confidential and privileged deliberative conversations with the President.

Their classified status was not ambiguous. According to
reports[1], these memos “had markings making clear they contained information classified at the ‘secret’ or ‘confidential’ level, according to officials directly familiar with the matter.”

The consequences for Comey are weighty. Leaking, or even mishandling, classified information is a crime. It also violates Executive Order rules and FBI regulations and policies.'

So in your attempted Defense of admitted Leaker and former Director of the FBI James Comey you seek to agree that Comey leaked classified memos, just not THAT time?!


By releasing contents of the confidential, private conversation he had with the President with a friend who then leaked that information to the press, not only did Comey perpetrate Conspiracy but he also violated the Espionage Act:

'In fact, the Espionage Act specifically makes it a crime to conspire with another in leaking classified information.'

"According to his testimony, Comey did what he did quite knowingly. He even described his intent behind the leak – influencing the appointment of a Special Counsel. He succeeded.

Next, Comey lacked the authority to disclose the information to the recipients he chose and in the manner he chose. His leak was contrary to Privacy Act provisions, Executive Order rules, and FBI procedures. It also violated the President’s Executive Privilege and the rules that govern that privilege."


New Shocking Report: Infamous Comey Memos Contained Classified Information – Leaks May Be in Violation of Federal Law | American Center for Law and Justice

I have yet to see it.

I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Yes, he does have to spell it out if you want to charge him with anything. Democrats interpretation of the call is not evidence for impeachment. Like I said, it's a lie. If you're going to accuse the President of giving an ultimatum, then you have to show where that ultimatum is.
Y’all better start working on the excuse for when Horowitz’s report doesn’t say what you want it to say.

Horowitz’s last report on the Midyear investigation blew up a lot of the Right wing conspiracy theories. This one seems lined up to do the same.
Your going to be sorely disappointed. People I know in the agencies tell me this report is going to decimate several agencies exposing high level corruption. The NYT article is designed to get people to discredit the findings before it is even known what is actually said and documented.

ROTFLMAO.... You are going to be so upset when the thing you thought was candy bar was chocolate covered shit...

Janitors do not qualify as anyone I'd put any stock in what they say about the report.
Does anyone on this website think that the government will actually hold itself to account?
Comey didn’t leak anything classified to the press.
Every time you attempt to post something intelligent you FAIL.

1. You post your own opinion, .not something factual, and your easily emotionally-manipulated, parroted, common core opinions are meaningless...and wrong 99% of the time.

2. Point 1 is proven because you NEVER post any link / info to back what you claim.

3. Do you realize 'Confidential' Information is considered 'Classified' information, that there are many different levels of classification for information? Apparently NOT.

4. The President's Director of the FBI admitted that he thought the country was in danger and only he could save it by giving his friend information with the intent of his friend giving it to the press, the press reporting it, and a Special Counsel being appointed based on the information that HE initially provided.

- Comey did not go straight to the Press - he gave it to a friend who gave it to the press - THAT IS CALLED 'LEAKING' INFO!

- Comey, instead of going to the President with his concern, admitted to intentionally releasing information to the press through a friend with the intent of undermining and possibly having the President of the United States removed from office. I am sure you have dozens of delicate, traitor-defending adjectives / nouns to describe and justify what Comey did, but this is TREASON.

There is this thing called a 'proper chain of command'. At no point is the MSM in that chain that existed between President Trump and FBI Director Comey. He violated the chain of command by leaking information to harm the President of the United States in an attempt to have him removed from office. Comey abused the rights and freedoms we have in this country - thanks to the Constitution and Rule of Law we have - in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected President.

The last time one of his only family members attempted to affect the overthrow of the leader of North Korea, the NK leader tied the guy to a stake down in a pit and allowed half-starved wild dogs tear him apart and eat him for doing so.

("Kim Jong-Un's uncle stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as tyrant watched. The ruthless North Korean leader ordered the execution of Jang Song-Thaek as a traitor last month, with state ...")

Traitors should be put to death....were he in NK, China, Russia...he would not be so smug about his part in the Obama coup attempt.

The memo that Comey sent to his friend to leak to the press was labeled Memo 4 by the IG. After review of all the documents, they classified portions of Memo 2, Memo 3 and Memo 7.

Memo 4, the one that Comey leaked to the press, was never classified under any level of classification.

The report is here:

Relevant portions of the report begin on page 42 where they discuss FBI classification review.

Were Comey in NK, China or Russia, Comey would indeed be in trouble. Good thing he's in the USA where we respect freedom of speech and we don't execute people for speaking out against our elected leaders.

'In his testimony under oath to a U.S. Senate committee, Comey admitted to leaking at least one of those memos about his confidential and privileged deliberative conversations with the President.

Their classified status was not ambiguous. According to
reports[1], these memos “had markings making clear they contained information classified at the ‘secret’ or ‘confidential’ level, according to officials directly familiar with the matter.”

The consequences for Comey are weighty. Leaking, or even mishandling, classified information is a crime. It also violates Executive Order rules and FBI regulations and policies.'

So in your attempted Defense of admitted Leaker and former Director of the FBI James Comey you seek to agree that Comey leaked classified memos, just not THAT time?!


By releasing contents of the confidential, private conversation he had with the President with a friend who then leaked that information to the press, not only did Comey perpetrate Conspiracy but he also violated the Espionage Act:

'In fact, the Espionage Act specifically makes it a crime to conspire with another in leaking classified information.'

"According to his testimony, Comey did what he did quite knowingly. He even described his intent behind the leak – influencing the appointment of a Special Counsel. He succeeded.

Next, Comey lacked the authority to disclose the information to the recipients he chose and in the manner he chose. His leak was contrary to Privacy Act provisions, Executive Order rules, and FBI procedures. It also violated the President’s Executive Privilege and the rules that govern that privilege."


New Shocking Report: Infamous Comey Memos Contained Classified Information – Leaks May Be in Violation of Federal Law | American Center for Law and Justice

You’ve been misled. These are reports based on anonymous sources who got their facts wrong. Although some of the memos were classified (after the fact, nothing was classified before the IG report), the memo (number 4) that was publicly leaked was not classified at any point in time. The source of the allegation in the article you linked is a John Solomon op-ed (who else?) and Solomon does not state that Comey leaked any classified information. As Solomon wrote:
This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton over in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

Well John, worry no more. We have the actual report (not anonymous accounts of people familiar) and lo and behold Comey did not leak anything classified.
I’m not that complicated but it seems to me that holding up military aid approved by Congress to convince Ukraine to announce a baseless investigation into your chief political opponent in an upcoming election might be a pretty serious abuse of power.

And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Yes, he does have to spell it out if you want to charge him with anything. Democrats interpretation of the call is not evidence for impeachment. Like I said, it's a lie. If you're going to accuse the President of giving an ultimatum, then you have to show where that ultimatum is.

People all over the country have been tried and found guilty for making implicit threats. Do we hold Trump to the same standards as everyone else?
i've never seen such hatred for a man who works for free to improve his beloved country. its pathological. you people are sick
You’ve been misled. These are reports based on anonymous sources......
Sounds like D-Schiff's non-existent faux 'whistle blower'....and every Democrat 'witness' who never witnessed anything.....
You’ve been misled. These are reports based on anonymous sources......
Sounds like D-Schiff's non-existent faux 'whistle blower'....and every Democrat 'witness' who never witnessed anything.....

I posted the actual IG report. You posted articles of people who talked to people who had seen parts of the IG report.

So which one of us is relying on second or third hand information and which one is using actual concrete on the record information?
And if that's what he actually did, you would be correct.

It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Yes, he does have to spell it out if you want to charge him with anything. Democrats interpretation of the call is not evidence for impeachment. Like I said, it's a lie. If you're going to accuse the President of giving an ultimatum, then you have to show where that ultimatum is.

People all over the country have been tried and found guilty for making implicit threats. Do we hold Trump to the same standards as everyone else?

Do we hold them accountable by the determinations of other people and their assumptions?

What this is about is what other people thought. It's not about what Trump actually said. Words have meanings to them. The word "favor" means an act of kindness, without remunerations.

Trump said X.
Democrats: He must have meant Y.
It’s exactly what he attempted to do.

Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Yes, he does have to spell it out if you want to charge him with anything. Democrats interpretation of the call is not evidence for impeachment. Like I said, it's a lie. If you're going to accuse the President of giving an ultimatum, then you have to show where that ultimatum is.

People all over the country have been tried and found guilty for making implicit threats. Do we hold Trump to the same standards as everyone else?

Do we hold them accountable by the determinations of other people and their assumptions?

What this is about is what other people thought. It's not about what Trump actually said. Words have meanings to them. The word "favor" means an act of kindness, without remunerations.

Trump said X.
Democrats: He must have meant Y.

Words do have meanings but they’re not always used the way the dictionary says.

“Nice place you got here. Shame if something were to happen to it. Now please do us a favor and give us the money”.

There’s no threat there. Right?
Yet none of you on the left can point to the exact words, that Trump said no US aid unless......

It never happened. It's all made up lies by the commies.

Are you under the impression that he has to spell it out?

Threats that are implicit are still very much threats.

Yes, he does have to spell it out if you want to charge him with anything. Democrats interpretation of the call is not evidence for impeachment. Like I said, it's a lie. If you're going to accuse the President of giving an ultimatum, then you have to show where that ultimatum is.

People all over the country have been tried and found guilty for making implicit threats. Do we hold Trump to the same standards as everyone else?

Do we hold them accountable by the determinations of other people and their assumptions?

What this is about is what other people thought. It's not about what Trump actually said. Words have meanings to them. The word "favor" means an act of kindness, without remunerations.

Trump said X.
Democrats: He must have meant Y.

Words do have meanings but they’re not always used the way the dictionary says.

“Nice place you got here. Shame if something were to happen to it. Now please do us a favor and give us the money”.

There’s no threat there. Right?

And you think Trump said anything like that? Ridiculous.

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