IG report is rumored NO political bias,, BULL SHAIT!

Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..

we also need to get Rid of IDIOTIC people that make threats to “ Burn down the Government “.
Like democrats are actually doing? Lol
Equality before the law. Isn’t that an American value?
civil rights movement has been past everybody has equal rights.. wtf you blabbering about. If you get your ass kicked you probably deserved it and if you didn’t god will pay the person back. Go to church

Youre advocating mob rule. That’s not the American way. You don’t get away with corruption because you’re popular.
You’re saying citizens are mobs? You’re saying citizens can’t make good judgments? Lol
You retard

It’s exactly what the founders were saying too.
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
civil rights movement has been past everybody has equal rights.. wtf you blabbering about. If you get your ass kicked you probably deserved it and if you didn’t god will pay the person back. Go to church

Youre advocating mob rule. That’s not the American way. You don’t get away with corruption because you’re popular.
You’re saying citizens are mobs? You’re saying citizens can’t make good judgments? Lol
You retard

It’s exactly what the founders were saying too.
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol
Youre advocating mob rule. That’s not the American way. You don’t get away with corruption because you’re popular.
You’re saying citizens are mobs? You’re saying citizens can’t make good judgments? Lol
You retard

It’s exactly what the founders were saying too.
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
You’re saying citizens are mobs? You’re saying citizens can’t make good judgments? Lol
You retard

It’s exactly what the founders were saying too.
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol
It’s exactly what the founders were saying too.
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol

That’s idiotic. Did the mob meet for the constitutional convention? Did the mob write the constitution. Did the mob debate it? Did the mob ratify it?

Equality before the law. Don’t you agree?
We the people is say we don’t trust the people? Lol

They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol

That’s idiotic. Did the mob meet for the constitutional convention? Did the mob write the constitution. Did the mob debate it? Did the mob ratify it?

Equality before the law. Don’t you agree?
Yes after the mob won we did all that
They don’t. Read the federalist papers. Why do you think the electoral college exists?
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol

That’s idiotic. Did the mob meet for the constitutional convention? Did the mob write the constitution. Did the mob debate it? Did the mob ratify it?

Equality before the law. Don’t you agree?
Yes after the mob won we did all that

No, we didn’t. Our representatives did. That’s a Republic.

If you can keep it.

You have no respect for our founders.
We are taking about making judgments in the streets now mob elections lol

our founding fathers created a mob that turned out pretty good lol

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol

That’s idiotic. Did the mob meet for the constitutional convention? Did the mob write the constitution. Did the mob debate it? Did the mob ratify it?

Equality before the law. Don’t you agree?
Yes after the mob won we did all that

No, we didn’t. Our representatives did. That’s a Republic.

If you can keep it.

You have no respect for our founders.
Idiot we won the war in Lexington because of a mob you fucking retard,, If we lost that we would’ve lost the fucking Revolution you dumb fuck
Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..

Every one of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories are falling apart under scrutiny and the usual 1000 post a month posters are now decrying the corruption of the Trump appointees who fail to confirm his lies. Maybe you'd like to investigate the Inspector General who failed to find the bias.

Trump has fired and investigated the leaders of every security agency in the US government and he still has NOTHING. This is just like the Clinton investigations. Start rumours. Investigate the rumours. Find nothing. Claim the investigation is WRONG, and the rumours are true.

The text messages are NOT proof of some vast conspiracy. They're two friends expressing distaste for the lying asshole that Trump really is.

Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

You've been saying that for hree years now. Everything I've said has come true. Republicans make up shit and then investigate the rumours. Democrats see a crime being committed and investigate the crimes. Republicans find nothing because there was never anything there in the first place. Democrats get convictions because they're investigate things that actually happened.

You mean like the Muller investigation, or the Kavanaugh investigation?
Didn't you know and read about the Kavanaugh investigation?

The FBI investigating was Told To Stand Down, and NOT investigate him or Dr.Ford accusations....

The Mueller report spelled out, clear as daylight, the collusion between the Trump camp and Russians, and the 12 cases of obstruction of Justice that the President committed.

YOU just never took interest in what the investigation actually found and never read it, and relied on what the Liar n Chief told you.... like all the other Trumpettes.... :( y'all are Lock Steppers with that kind of stuff. Ostriches with their heads in the ground too! Imo.
Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..
This report was supposed to be a godsend to you rightards. It's not even out yet and you're already bashing it??

Our founding fathers didn’t create a mob. They created a republic. There’s an important difference.

Didn’t they teach this to you in school?
They got a republic because of the fucking mob they created you moron lol

That’s idiotic. Did the mob meet for the constitutional convention? Did the mob write the constitution. Did the mob debate it? Did the mob ratify it?

Equality before the law. Don’t you agree?
Yes after the mob won we did all that

No, we didn’t. Our representatives did. That’s a Republic.

If you can keep it.

You have no respect for our founders.
Idiot we won the war in Lexington because of a mob you fucking retard,, If we lost that we would’ve lost the fucking Revolution you dumb fuck

Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..

Every one of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories are falling apart under scrutiny and the usual 1000 post a month posters are now decrying the corruption of the Trump appointees who fail to confirm his lies. Maybe you'd like to investigate the Inspector General who failed to find the bias.

Trump has fired and investigated the leaders of every security agency in the US government and he still has NOTHING. This is just like the Clinton investigations. Start rumours. Investigate the rumours. Find nothing. Claim the investigation is WRONG, and the rumours are true.

The text messages are NOT proof of some vast conspiracy. They're two friends expressing distaste for the lying asshole that Trump really is.

Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

You've been saying that for hree years now. Everything I've said has come true. Republicans make up shit and then investigate the rumours. Democrats see a crime being committed and investigate the crimes. Republicans find nothing because there was never anything there in the first place. Democrats get convictions because they're investigate things that actually happened.

You mean like the Muller investigation, or the Kavanaugh investigation?
Didn't you know and read about the Kavanaugh investigation?

The FBI investigating was Told To Stand Down, and NOT investigate him or Dr.Ford accusations....

The Mueller report spelled out, clear as daylight, the collusion between the Trump camp and Russians, and the 12 cases of obstruction of Justice that the President committed.

YOU just never took interest in what the investigation actually found and never read it, and relied on what the Liar n Chief told you.... like all the other Trumpettes.... :( y'all are Lock Steppers with that kind of stuff. Ostriches with their heads in the ground too! Imo.

No, wrong. The FBI wouldn't' look into the Kavanaugh thing because it's not their department. Furthermore what would you have wanted them to do? Go to a house that nobody knew where it's at, ask witnesses questions that nobody knows who they were, about a claim of an attack that happened over 30 years ago? Yeah.....they'll get right on that.

Barr looked at the "possible" obstruction accusations. He didn't find any credible ones.
Trump is having his 5th Avenue moment and his follows don’t care who he shot.

Dangerous times.
Yea you should probably hide lol

We used to be admired for our commitment to the law. Was it worth it?
My neighborhood was safe because the threat of getting your ass kicked by fellow citizens..

And what if those citizens decided that someone was no longer going to be held accountable?
America is we the people not we the government...

It's "government of the people, by the people, for the people" you hopeless dipshit. The people ARE the government. That's the whole point of America, idiot. If you hadn't dropped out of the third grade you might have learned that.
Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Horowitz should be arrest for filing a false report! Or we need to burn the government down and restart with competent people..

We need to rid this government of these political hacks! Who owe each other favors..
This report was supposed to be a godsend to you rightards. It's not even out yet and you're already bashing it??

We have the text messages
Yea you should probably hide lol

We used to be admired for our commitment to the law. Was it worth it?
My neighborhood was safe because the threat of getting your ass kicked by fellow citizens..

And what if those citizens decided that someone was no longer going to be held accountable?
America is we the people not we the government...

It's "government of the people, by the people, for the people" you hopeless dipshit. The people ARE the government. That's the whole point of America, idiot. If you hadn't dropped out of the third grade you might have learned that.
The United States Constitution begins with we the people dumb ass
We used to be admired for our commitment to the law. Was it worth it?
My neighborhood was safe because the threat of getting your ass kicked by fellow citizens..

And what if those citizens decided that someone was no longer going to be held accountable?
America is we the people not we the government...

It's "government of the people, by the people, for the people" you hopeless dipshit. The people ARE the government. That's the whole point of America, idiot. If you hadn't dropped out of the third grade you might have learned that.
The United States Constitution begins with we the people......

And you clearly don't understand what it means, brainless.
Every one of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories are falling apart under scrutiny and the usual 1000 post a month posters are now decrying the corruption of the Trump appointees who fail to confirm his lies. Maybe you'd like to investigate the Inspector General who failed to find the bias.

Trump has fired and investigated the leaders of every security agency in the US government and he still has NOTHING. This is just like the Clinton investigations. Start rumours. Investigate the rumours. Find nothing. Claim the investigation is WRONG, and the rumours are true.

The text messages are NOT proof of some vast conspiracy. They're two friends expressing distaste for the lying asshole that Trump really is.

Ummm, you are batshit crazy...right? Cause what you just said is the opposite of reality.

You've been saying that for hree years now. Everything I've said has come true. Republicans make up shit and then investigate the rumours. Democrats see a crime being committed and investigate the crimes. Republicans find nothing because there was never anything there in the first place. Democrats get convictions because they're investigate things that actually happened.

You mean like the Muller investigation, or the Kavanaugh investigation?
Didn't you know and read about the Kavanaugh investigation?

The FBI investigating was Told To Stand Down, and NOT investigate him or Dr.Ford accusations....

The Mueller report spelled out, clear as daylight, the collusion between the Trump camp and Russians, and the 12 cases of obstruction of Justice that the President committed.

YOU just never took interest in what the investigation actually found and never read it, and relied on what the Liar n Chief told you.... like all the other Trumpettes.... :( y'all are Lock Steppers with that kind of stuff. Ostriches with their heads in the ground too! Imo.

No, wrong. The FBI wouldn't' look into the Kavanaugh thing because it's not their department. Furthermore what would you have wanted them to do? Go to a house that nobody knew where it's at, ask witnesses questions that nobody knows who they were, about a claim of an attack that happened over 30 years ago? Yeah.....they'll get right on that.

Barr looked at the "possible" obstruction accusations. He didn't find any credible ones.
Grassley, the head of the com.ittee, to get Republican Senators like Collins, Merkowsky, Flake to vote for him, he would have the FBI investigate. But behind the curtain, he tied their hands and wouldn't let them investigate.... That was scummy, corrupt.

They knew the House, it came out in the hearing, from his famous Callender notes, they even know the day of the party... Kavanaugh made a note of it, on his calendar....

If the House had not gone through any major renovations, her description of he inside of the house could have been confirmed, in the least. The stairs heading up from the living room, the bathroom at the top of the stairs, the bedroom right next to it.... That kind of stuff....

NOT That Kavanaugh should be charged or anything.... I think he was just a dumb drunk teen.... That wanted to get in her pants..... it did scare her, obviously, but chalk it up to lessons to be learned as a teen girl.

What bothers me, is the way the FBI was used by Grassly, just to give them the faux results that they needed to give the RINO Senators cover in the public, with their constituents who wanted to the truth....

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