Yes. This report getting Hillary locked up has been a dumb claim all along
She lost in November 2016...and she lost again today...and we are happy as hell to see it....and Trump is still president....LMAO...
Yes. This report getting Hillary locked up has been a dumb claim all along
She lost in November 2016...and she lost again today...and we are happy as hell to see it....and Trump is still president....LMAO...


How did Clinton "lose" today?

If anything, the IG report vindicates her.
OK. I've been hearing that this report would be what finally gets Hillary locked up. Are they on the way to pick her up now?
No one has been saying that...we aren't stupid...we know the swamp would never prosecute and jail Hillary...but we do want her misdeeds exposed and the IG report helps with that....Her political career is over for good today...dead and buried...

It sure will give TRUMP reason to hand out a few more pardons starting with Manafort and Flynn. Since Manafort is being charged with things from past investigation, unless the same is going to be done with regard to Hillary, seems a pardon is justified.
How did Clinton "lose" today?

If anything, the IG report vindicates her
It puts her misdeeds on the front pages of the peoples shows how she was treated in relation to how Trump is being treated...She couldn't win a dog catchers race in the heart of the big apple after today...
Yep, the report was just what I said it would be, a nothing burger.

You rubes had the football pulled away once again.

When will you fools learn?
How did Clinton "lose" today?

If anything, the IG report vindicates her
It puts her misdeeds on the front pages of the peoples shows how she was treated in relation to how Trump is being treated...She couldn't win a dog catchers race in the heart of the big apple after today...


You should actually take the time to read the report.
Did I miss something by reading the Conclusion/Recommendations? It seems to be all recommendations for the FBI to tighten up its texting protocols and not allowing for another Comey Moment of going around the AG to announce findings and decisions on prosecution.

I didn't see any suggestions for anything other than FBI policies.

Did I miss something?


The FBI is going to do some spring cleaning, institute some political bias checks on investigators. I.E. check out who they (and spouse) are making political donations to.

That's my takeaway.

4-5 people's careers are over, though.

All in all, it's a step forward for integrity, that's a good thing.
I didn't catch the "checking out who they and spouse are making political donations to" Are you sure that would be legal/ethical? Are we not a free country where we choose who to support?

If you're investigating a campaign, it might would taint your findings either way. I don't make political donations, someone that does may be heavily invested in a particular candidate.
The inspector general has referred five employees for investigation into whether their messages violated the FBI’s Offense Codes and Penalty Guidelines...That is a big deal that no one is talking about...
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement that the report “reveals a number of significant errors by the senior leadership of the Department of Justice and the FBI during the previous administration.”

In an interview with The Hill’s new web show “Rising” on Wednesday, Sessions said the option of “termination” is on the table for those accused of serious wrongdoing. Some of the key figures, though, have already been fired or left the government

IG report on Clinton email probe reveals FBI agent's 'stop'-Trump text, calls Comey 'insubordinate'
IMHO The IG report strengthens Trump against obstruction when it comes to firing Comey. There were many reasons Comey needed to be fired.

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