What the Texts Between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Show - The Atlantic

Across the months of texts, Strzok and Page dismiss nearly everyone in politics who comes to their attention. Strzok complains that former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson pushes “a wildly liberal interpretation of immigration responsibilities.” Page “hope Paul Ryan fails and crashes in a blaze of glory” and says former top counterterrorism official Richard Clarke “is an uninformed douche.” Strzok finds it “wildly offensive” that former Attorney General Eric Holder’s portrait is hung next to one of Elliot Richardson, who resigned in the Saturday Night Massacre. Later, when Holder speaks at the Democratic National Convention, he urges Page, “Oh God, Holder! Turn it off turn it off turn it off!!!!” Strzok tells Page, “i LOATHE Congress.” A month later, she says, “God i hate Congress. So utterly worthless.” Strzok replies, “Less than worthless. Contemptible.” They aren’t fans of Ted Cruz. The veteran political trickster Roger Stone “is horrible,” he says. At one point, the two fiercely debate Dreamers.

Strzok and Page especially detested Trump, who they call an “utter idiot” and complain about in many texts. “Trump is a disaster. l have no idea how destabilizing his Presidency would be,” Strzok says. But that doesn’t translate into much affection for Hillary Clinton. Strzok calls himself a “conservative Dem,” and grudgingly acknowledges in March 2016 that he’d vote for Clinton over Trump. (A colleague had him pegged as a John Kasich voter, he said.) But Strzok also says, “I’m worried about what happens if HRC is elected.” He complains that a fact-checker dismissed Bernie Sanders’s criticism of Clinton as too close to fossil-fuel lobbyists even though “everything Sanders said about Clinton is true … This is clear and utter bias by the media especially the NYTIMES, WAPO, and CNN who if you look at all of them have large donors for Clinton. The fact citing source they used is owed by a newspaper which publically endorsed Clinton.”
OK. I've been hearing that this report would be what finally gets Hillary locked up. Are they on the way to pick her up now?

Nope, we are after bigger fish-) IG Report Shows Obama Lied About Hillary's Secret E-mail Scheme

Oh goodie. You gonna get Obama any day now? After all this time claiming Hillary would go to jail after this report, it's kind of a dissapointment that you got nothing on her. What happened?
Say goodbye to 2018, this just changed EVERYTHING!

Yep. It changed all the silly claims the right has been making. I guess you have to come up with diferent ones now, huh?
To say there was NO POLITICAL BIAS..................is utter BS................those officials should be tarred and feathered and put on a raft in the Pacific.............

But that is just my opinion.................choose your own..............

Dems have a lot of Damage Control to do before the next election...........Perhaps they can scream increase taxes.....should help them.
Did you know that the IG report came out today?
Okay I read the entire thing Doc...it shows a real dislike by top officials at the FBI and the DOJ for Trump...they hated him and their emails and text show it...heads will roll..I don't care what Wray or anyone else says...people are in big trouble....the media says no evidence of bias? they are lying or they didn't read the whole report...anti Trump bias is all over that report....I can't wait to see what Trump does with that...
Did you know that the IG report came out today?
Okay I read the entire thing Doc...it shows a real dislike by top officials at the FBI and the DOJ for Trump...they hated him and their emails and text show it...heads will roll..I don't care what Wray or anyone else says...people are in big trouble....the media says no evidence of bias? they are lying or they didn't read the whole report...anti Trump bias is all over that report....I can't wait to see what Trump does with that...

You read the whole report?

All 568 pages?
Did you know that the IG report came out today?
Okay I read the entire thing Doc...it shows a real dislike by top officials at the FBI and the DOJ for Trump...they hated him and their emails and text show it...heads will roll..I don't care what Wray or anyone else says...people are in big trouble....the media says no evidence of bias? they are lying or they didn't read the whole report...anti Trump bias is all over that report....I can't wait to see what Trump does with that...
Crystal clear.......but we already knew it.............report just puts more clarity to it...............
And the only conclusion you've been able to come to is that several FBI agents didn't like Trump?
No...Lynch could find herself in trouble and Comey and McCabe have real perjury problems...but after reading the whole thing it shows that our top law enforcement agency was trying to dictate who our next president was going to be...thank God they failed...
And the only conclusion you've been able to come to is that several FBI agents didn't like Trump?
No...Lynch could find herself in trouble and Comey and McCabe have real perjury problems...but after reading the whole thing it shows that our top law enforcement agency was trying to dictate who our next president was going to be...thank God they failed...
But it is all about Russia..........and their influence.............when top dogs in the FBI were attempting to find ways to alter the election.........

Corrupt as hell...............They will NOT WHITE WASH this away.................but only a few will be fed to the Lions.............
The FBI tried to erase any Clinton wrong doing with a phony investigation...They took it upon themselves to let her walk....compare that to the Russia/Trump investigation...I don't care what the libs in the media say...this is huge...and people will be prosecuted...READ THE WHOLE THING....and get back to me...
You read the whole report?

All 568 pages?
yes what the hell do you think I've been doing?

And the only conclusion you've been able to come to is that several FBI agents didn't like Trump?
How about they ACTIVILY COLLUDED on DUTY to DEFEAT Trump?
where is THAT in their job description?

Well, that would be quite a scandal. If it had actually happened.

It didn't, so it's irrelevant.
And the only conclusion you've been able to come to is that several FBI agents didn't like Trump?
No...Lynch could find herself in trouble and Comey and McCabe have real perjury problems...but after reading the whole thing it shows that our top law enforcement agency was trying to dictate who our next president was going to be...thank God they failed...

Okay theDoctorisIn, I take that back. THAT'S speed reading. ^^^^^
The FBI tried to erase any Clinton wrong doing with a phony investigation...They took it upon themselves to let her walk....compare that to the Russia/Trump investigation...I don't care what the libs in the media say...this is huge...and people will be prosecuted...READ THE WHOLE THING....and get back to me...


This statement makes me doubt your claim of reading the whole report.
You read the whole report?

All 568 pages?
yes what the hell do you think I've been doing?

And the only conclusion you've been able to come to is that several FBI agents didn't like Trump?
How about they ACTIVILY COLLUDED on DUTY to DEFEAT Trump?
where is THAT in their job description?

Well, that would be quite a scandal. If it had actually happened.

It didn't, so it's irrelevant.
Their FBI issued cell phones say different. I bet they have another rule just on that.

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