I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...

Diane Feistein just released a statement to FOX blasting James Comey. Thus starts the finger pointing! Just as I predicted. Now we just wait for the rats.
Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Paige

And if there was a Special Prosecutor it would have lead to Obama and Clinton’s criminal behavior as well as Clapper’s and Rosenstein’s

The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.

Its great news to hear there isn't rampant political bias infesting the FBI, just a select few idiots.

Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

You appear to have missed some salient points from the report released today.

Hmm... I don't mean to sound rude, but I assume you're about to educate me? I didn't have time today to sit down and read 568 pages of IG report, I had much more important things to do. And I don't necessarily care for people debating points they cherrypicked out of it.
I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...

Diane Feistein just released a statement to FOX blasting James Comey. Thus starts the finger pointing! Just as I predicted. Now we just wait for the rats.
They love him..........they love him not..........they love him........they love him not..........Believe we are now getting the Not side.


Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Paige

And if there was a Special Prosecutor it would have lead to Obama and Clinton’s criminal behavior as well as Clapper’s and Rosenstein’s

Its great news to hear there isn't rampant political bias infesting the FBI, just a select few idiots.

Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

You appear to have missed some salient points from the report released today.

Hmm... and I assume you're about to educate me? I didn't have time to sit down and read 568 pages of IG report, I had much more important things to do. And I don't necessarily care for people debating points they cherrypicked out of it.

The report has a handy executive summary of its conclusions. It's only about 15 pages long, right at the top of the document.

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read.
Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Paige

And if there was a Special Prosecutor it would have lead to Obama and Clinton’s criminal behavior as well as Clapper’s and Rosenstein’s

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.

Its great news to hear there isn't rampant political bias infesting the FBI, just a select few idiots.

Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

While the top was not held accountable, as usual, this investigation by the IG puts the top on notice.
That is my position too. If Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, Comey McCabe, anyone in the FBI and DOJ or The President committed crimes (Obama or Trump) it should not be swept under the rug and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Paige

And if there was a Special Prosecutor it would have lead to Obama and Clinton’s criminal behavior as well as Clapper’s and Rosenstein’s

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.

Its great news to hear there isn't rampant political bias infesting the FBI, just a select few idiots.

Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.
Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Paige

And if there was a Special Prosecutor it would have lead to Obama and Clinton’s criminal behavior as well as Clapper’s and Rosenstein’s

Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

You appear to have missed some salient points from the report released today.

Hmm... and I assume you're about to educate me? I didn't have time to sit down and read 568 pages of IG report, I had much more important things to do. And I don't necessarily care for people debating points they cherrypicked out of it.

The report has a handy executive summary of its conclusions. It's only about 15 pages long, right at the top of the document.

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read.

You must be a speed reader.
Oh I'm pretty sure the top is corrupt, I'm just glad this hasn't infested the rank and file.

Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

You appear to have missed some salient points from the report released today.

Hmm... and I assume you're about to educate me? I didn't have time to sit down and read 568 pages of IG report, I had much more important things to do. And I don't necessarily care for people debating points they cherrypicked out of it.

The report has a handy executive summary of its conclusions. It's only about 15 pages long, right at the top of the document.

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read.

You must be a speed reader.

I don't know if I'd claim to be a "speed reader", but it took me less than 10 minutes to read the executive summary.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Better check again... The redacted one most certainly did and left it to the internal affairs/OPM to do so..
Even still, such corruption all but handicaps the rank and file from doing their duty. So, you can say the entire FBI has been/is compromised. Ever since the election, my position has changed regarding the ethics of our justice system. No matter who it is, Hillary or Trump, this kind of crap should not be going on. Until you weed out the corrupt entities at the top, you will never get a fair shake in this system. Until that time, we cannot trust the FBI whose corrupt elements control (perhaps forcibly) the honest elements.

You appear to have missed some salient points from the report released today.

Hmm... and I assume you're about to educate me? I didn't have time to sit down and read 568 pages of IG report, I had much more important things to do. And I don't necessarily care for people debating points they cherrypicked out of it.

The report has a handy executive summary of its conclusions. It's only about 15 pages long, right at the top of the document.

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read.

You must be a speed reader.

I don't know if I'd claim to be a "speed reader", but it took me less than 10 minutes to read the executive summary.

Well now that I have time to myself for the first time all day... I'll go read the summary and jump back into this thread.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Better check again... The redacted one most certainly did and left it to the internal affairs/OPM to do so..


Ah yes. Of course. It's all in the "secret" report. How could I have forgotten?

Did your super-secret intel sources share that with you?
1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.
The IG evaluated process, not the outcome... He simply stated he understood their reasoning..
OK. I've been hearing that this report would be what finally gets Hillary locked up. Are they on the way to pick her up now?

Nope, we are after bigger fish-) IG Report Shows Obama Lied About Hillary's Secret E-mail Scheme

Oh goodie. You gonna get Obama any day now? After all this time claiming Hillary would go to jail after this report, it's kind of a dissapointment that you got nothing on her. What happened?
Say goodbye to 2018, this just changed EVERYTHING!

White Wash.......but now he's going to re train all of the FBI on never allowing this to happen again........Using the CNN narrative of no bias.............LOL

But they screwed up well enough that they are now going to Re Train the entire FBI. And the pawns will be sent to the ethics committee...........
1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.
The IG evaluated process, not the outcome... He simply stated he understood their reasoning..

Yes. That's the IG's job - to evaluate process, not outcome.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Better check again... The redacted one most certainly did and left it to the internal affairs/OPM to do so..


Ah yes. Of course. It's all in the "secret" report. How could I have forgotten?

Did your super-secret intel sources share that with you?

Wray stated he was taking appropriate actions, both internally and externally, against staff referred for inappropriate behaviors...
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Better check again... The redacted one most certainly did and left it to the internal affairs/OPM to do so..


Ah yes. Of course. It's all in the "secret" report. How could I have forgotten?

Did your super-secret intel sources share that with you?

Wray stated he was taking appropriate actions, both internally and externally, against staff referred for inappropriate behaviors...

So, you're moving the goalposts. Yet again.

When are you going to share the "Wilson-Johnson Resolution" with us?

Comey will now be discarded as a Pawn.............A few heads will roll...............and the abuses of power will remain unchecked.

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