1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...


From 2006 - 2013, I worked professionally in electoral politics. I worked for Obama in 2008, too. Also 8-10 New York State Senate campaigns, 3 NYC Mayoral campaigns, 2 Congressional campaigns, 4 Governorship campaigns, and one San Francisco Board of Supervisors campaign. There's more that I'm forgetting at the moment, as well.
Paid shrill lemming......................I always kinda thought you might but didn't know for sure until today.........Your posts show it.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct and Criminal Acts in The FBI & DOJ!

It goes further to say Comey was willfully Insubordinate.

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”
I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...


From 2006 - 2013, I worked professionally in electoral politics. I worked for Obama in 2008, too. Also 8-10 New York State Senate campaigns, 3 NYC Mayoral campaigns, 2 Congressional campaigns, 4 Governorship campaigns, and one San Francisco Board of Supervisors campaign. There's more that I'm forgetting at the moment, as well.
Paid shrill lemming......................I always kinda thought you might but didn't know for sure until today.........Your posts show it.

Yeah no bias my ass.....white wash of the day brought to you by the swamp.....
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.
1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?

it really doesn't matter since they were taken off the investigation about a year ago, but hang onto those fox news talking points.

i'm sure the ig is covering up for him.
I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...


From 2006 - 2013, I worked professionally in electoral politics. I worked for Obama in 2008, too. Also 8-10 New York State Senate campaigns, 3 NYC Mayoral campaigns, 2 Congressional campaigns, 4 Governorship campaigns, and one San Francisco Board of Supervisors campaign. There's more that I'm forgetting at the moment, as well.
Paid shrill lemming......................I always kinda thought you might but didn't know for sure until today.........Your posts show it.

Please continue your argument to the jury of deflection and diversion.............It's all you have..........And with Clinton there is no excuse to ignorance of the law. It is now known her illegal server was compromised ..................And the deflection is She didn't know they were classified.........lol............She's been in and around gov't for a very long time.............A lawyer..................She knew exactly what she was doing.........

But with the system in your pocket.............she is above the law.
1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.
I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2007, for one week - and yes, I never got paid for it.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought Fury was joking...


From 2006 - 2013, I worked professionally in electoral politics. I worked for Obama in 2008, too. Also 8-10 New York State Senate campaigns, 3 NYC Mayoral campaigns, 2 Congressional campaigns, 4 Governorship campaigns, and one San Francisco Board of Supervisors campaign. There's more that I'm forgetting at the moment, as well.
Paid shrill lemming......................I always kinda thought you might but didn't know for sure until today.........Your posts show it.

Please continue your argument to the jury of deflection and diversion.............It's all you have..........And with Clinton there is no excuse to ignorance of the law. It is now known her illegal server was compromised ..................And the deflection is She didn't know they were classified.........lol............She's been in and around gov't for a very long time.............A lawyer..................She knew exactly what she was doing.........

But with the system in your pocket.............she is above the law.


Did you know that the IG report came out today?

It has a lot to say about about why Clinton wasn't charged - and it doesn't jive with your claims.
This IG report is a huge nothing burger. Comey has an ego and 5 whole people said something insulting about Trump well big whoop di do. :icon_rolleyes:
No moron, they recommended 5 Criminal referrals and disciplinary action for 5 staff members for Bias, misconduct and criminal conduct.

The IG doesn’t make criminal referrals which is proof that a Special Prosecutor, not an IG should have been appointed to Investigate this!

So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.
1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.
Just top dogs in the FBI community emails showing a hell of a lot of bias............

White Wash.............................watered down ...................a few heads will roll...............even after what they did...................Senior FBI officials were trying to influence an election......................In our Country..........will the left spin that to Russia somehow.........Tomorrow we'll see Page was really an KGB agent from Russia....

1. Condescension does not play well. I know damn well blood comes from the heart.

2. What I have asked for is your opinion, not based on your feelings but based on what you know at this point.

3. If you don't want to offer your opinion, that's fine. Personally, I think there's enough data to form an opinion with the proviso that opinions can change as new information presents itself.

4. My opinion about this investigation is pretty much the same as the ones I have about the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, and the Clinton unsecured email server scandal, and others. Democrats have become VERY good at destroying the evidence so they can then say "nothing to see here, let's move on". But I see the emails, I see who said and did what, and what actually happened, so even though they've done so well at covering their tracks, I've lost whatever trust I used to have in some of our most important institutions. And there are quite a few other people who in the same boat. You can talk about evidence all you want, but I've seen enough; time after time, it's the same shit.

good on you for not letting the facts of the case sway your opinion.

The actual facts of the case are few and far between. You saw the emails between Strozk and Page, right? That's evidence of an existing bias, and fairly extreme too. It blows me away that people like you can see that and assume there was no wrong-doing cuz the IG found no hard evidence of it. You really think people like that, feeling the way they did, went ahead anyway and did their jobs in a fair and impartial manner?
The IG investigated every aspect of the investigations process, every point where a decision by the investigators had to be made, and the IG found no bias, in those decisions.

Its great news to hear there isn't rampant political bias infesting the FBI, just a select few idiots.
No moron, they recommended 5 Criminal referrals and disciplinary action for 5 staff members for Bias, misconduct t and criminal conduct.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.


No, they didn't. You can read the report for yourself, it's been posted on the thread.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Fox is NOW reporting that FIVE criminal referals HAVE been made moments ago!
No moron, they recommended 5 Criminal referrals and disciplinary action for 5 staff members for Bias, misconduct t and criminal conduct.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Correct no criminal referrals, they got kicked back to the FBI for a slap on the wrist internal discipline.
So The OIG report states they found No evidence of Bias in the FBI & DOJ but then recommends 5 Criminal Referrals for 5 Staff Members for Bias and Misconduct!

Paige: “Trump is never going to be President, Right, Right?”

Strozk: “No we’ll stop it!”


The IG report did not make any "criminal referrals".

But the truth has never stood in your way before.

Fox is NOW reporting that FIVE criminal referals HAVE been made moments ago!

Fox is wrong.

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