Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’

" That she would liken 9/11 to “some people did something” tells you all you need to know about her and what she thinks of America. As an American and a New Yorker I couldn’t be more offended by this bullshit, but of course Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their band of liberal clowns will do nothing, and the media will try to make her some sort of hero to cover her hatred of this great country and it’s people." - Trump
Is Trump Great Or What?

Dems Insist Criticism Is Violence, and Also Violence Is Good.


Over the past week I've learned two important things from our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left:
  1. Free speech that criticizes a Democrat is tantamount to violence, and
  2. Actual violence committed by a Democrat is a form of free speech.

David Duke really likes Ilhan Omar.

If it's okay to punch Duke, and Duke finds common cause with Omar, but we're not even supposed to criticize Omar because it's inciting violence... That's kind of confusing, right?

It's almost as if these guys are just making up this nonsense as they go along. It's almost as if they don't care that their rationalizations for silencing people they don't like are self-contradictory, as long as they get the job done.
" That she would liken 9/11 to “some people did something” tells you all you need to know about her and what she thinks of America. As an American and a New Yorker I couldn’t be more offended by this bullshit, but of course Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their band of liberal clowns will do nothing, and the media will try to make her some sort of hero to cover her hatred of this great country and it’s people." - Trump
Is Trump Great Or What?

Dems Insist Criticism Is Violence, and Also Violence Is Good.


Over the past week I've learned two important things from our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left:
  1. Free speech that criticizes a Democrat is tantamount to violence, and
  2. Actual violence committed by a Democrat is a form of free speech.

David Duke really likes Ilhan Omar.

If it's okay to punch Duke, and Duke finds common cause with Omar, but we're not even supposed to criticize Omar because it's inciting violence... That's kind of confusing, right?

It's almost as if these guys are just making up this nonsense as they go along. It's almost as if they don't care that their rationalizations for silencing people they don't like are self-contradictory, as long as they get the job done.

The current Democrat Party is extremely Orwellian! (eg. : DISAGREEMENT IS VIOLENCE )
Seeing this person in US governance.... multi-cultism works folks.

Bring in more of those lovely immigrants! Their choices are super-American.
Dear Rep Omar:

F you.
New York
Ilhan Omar: A Hostage Situation.

The Democrats are in a political pickle. They would very much prefer that the Jew-hating caucus shut up, and they are not crazy about the fact that the public face of the Democratic party is, at the moment, risible and demented amateurs such as Representative Omar and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, i.e., the people who are even crazier than Senator Sanders. But intersectionality is a jealous god, and they cannot simply tell Representative Omar et al. to sit down and clam up. All they can really do is to try to raise the price of criticizing the nut cutlets on the Democrats’ menu by insisting that criticism of Representative Omar is an attack on Muslims as such, that criticism of Representative Ocasio-Cortez is an attack on Latinas who don’t know how a bill becomes a law, that criticism of Robert Francis O’Rourke is an attack on . . . whatever it is that “Beto” is pretending to be this week. The New York Times et al. are reliable allies on that front.

This is, incidentally, what all those fake hate crimes are really about: Redefining criticism of Democratic politicians and constituencies as violence. When there isn’t enough violence to make that case in a sufficiently dramatic fashion, then violence can simply be invented — and, if the case of Jussie Smollett is anything to go by, the cost of doing so is pretty low. When’s the last time you heard of a prosecutor dropping a 16-felony indictment in exchange for a firm handshake?

That’s a neat trick, really: to be the hostage and the hostage-taker at the same time.

All is proceeding exactly as Mel Brooks has foreseen.

" That she would liken 9/11 to “some people did something” tells you all you need to know about her and what she thinks of America. As an American and a New Yorker I couldn’t be more offended by this bullshit, but of course Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their band of liberal clowns will do nothing, and the media will try to make her some sort of hero to cover her hatred of this great country and it’s people." - Trump
Is Trump Great Or What?

Dems Insist Criticism Is Violence, and Also Violence Is Good.


Over the past week I've learned two important things from our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left:
  1. Free speech that criticizes a Democrat is tantamount to violence, and
  2. Actual violence committed by a Democrat is a form of free speech.

David Duke really likes Ilhan Omar.

If it's okay to punch Duke, and Duke finds common cause with Omar, but we're not even supposed to criticize Omar because it's inciting violence... That's kind of confusing, right?

It's almost as if these guys are just making up this nonsense as they go along. It's almost as if they don't care that their rationalizations for silencing people they don't like are self-contradictory, as long as they get the job done.

The current Democrat Party is extremely Orwellian! (eg. : DISAGREEMENT IS VIOLENCE )
Leftists Demand That All Criticisms Of Trump Cease Until He Stops Getting Death Threats.
See what happens when Democrats obtain a little power?

Threats and retaliation for quoting them.

Straight out of their socialist tyranny handbook.

Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’.

It's because the media won't put it out there when she says something radical. When a few in the media actually report, people don't like what she's saying. People get upset and she blames those who quote her. The left has been spoiled and protected by the media and they freak out when that doesn't happen.

She angers people with her radical ideas. She can't blame the messenger. If she doesn't want people upset with her outrageous comments, she should shut up. Or better yet, step down since she is about as un-American as they come. She has made it crystal clear where her loyalties lay. She supports radical and dangerous Muslim organizations, like Hamas. She clearly hates Jews. She didn't run for office to help fellow Americans. She has a radical agenda and she is here to help destroy us from within.
Overrated Omar is on a crusade to destroy the West and its "decadent" culture. we must stop her.


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