Illegal alien crime.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama has deported a record number of Illegal Aliens after they have committed crimes. They could have been deported before they killed 12 Americans and raped 8 children daily. Do Obama want us to believe those criminal Illegal Aliens deported did not have families they left behind? And he don’t want to separate families.
Those 12 Americans murdered daily will be separated from their families forever.
MS13 gangs gang members need to be rounded up and deported. They are terrorist terrorizing Americans.
There is a war raging by Illegal Aliens. Especially in border states.
The cost of housing illegal alien criminal is billion a year. And it could be prevented with deportation before they become criminals.
A record number of deportations and border secure than ever is just a drop in the bucket and not enough.
If Obama don’t want sheriff Joe Arpaio to do his job then he need to get off his duff and do it himself.
Read the crime reports in border states. My 2 brothers that live in Tucson has to wear guns and bar their window and doors. And it is way too dangerous for me to even visit them. Obama do your job and move over and let someone who has the guts do it. But there is really no one else, is there?
How many of those Illegal Aliens who were given amnesty in 1986 and legalized have committed violent crime against American citizens? Legalizing Illegal Aliens do not stop crimes.
Homeland security onna lookout for terrorists comin' across the border...
Napolitano: DHS Is Working with Mexico on ‘Special Interest Aliens’ Threat Along U.S.- Mexican Border
January 17, 2012 : Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said her agency is working with Mexican officials on the threat posed by individuals from countries with terrorist links or “special interest aliens.’
Napolitano’s remarks came during a panel discussion on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., about the global role of DHS in the ongoing effort to fight terrorist threats to the United States, including efforts to stop threats abroad before they arrive at U.S. airports or seaports. asked the secretary about the threat posed by individuals linked to terrorist groups in countries like Somalia and Yemen that might enter the U.S. through its borders with Canada and Mexico and how the DHS is tracking that threat.

Napolitano said DHS is addressing that issue “recognizing that there are many things that could transit these huge land borders that we have.” “With respect to Mexico, we’ve been working very closely with them – there’s a whole category called SIAs – Special Interest Aliens is what it stands for,” Napolitano said, adding that DHS watches that “category” “very carefully.” Napolitano also said DHS is pursuing the Special Interest Aliens strategy in Central American countries.

Napolitano also cited an announcement the White House made in December 2011 about an agreement between Canada and the United States dubbed “Beyond the Border” that reflects the Obama administration’s idea to prioritize “perimeter” security based on strategies based on cooperation between the two countries on a wide range of security and other issues. The discussion was held at the Woodrow Wilson Center in cooperation with The Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group. Other panelists included John McLaughlin, former deputy and acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and James Jones, former national security advisor.

In remarks leading up to the discussion, Napolitano emphasized the Obama administration's emphasis on identifying threats around the world, including having DHS personnel stationed in 75 countries -- making it the federal agency with the third largest presence abroad. “It recognizes that in today’s world, domestic security and international security are inextricably intertwined,” Napolitano said. “A security decision made in one part of the globe can rapidly impact security half a world away. “And that means that we have to look at our physical borders as our last line of defense and not as our first,” Napolitano said.

Do any of these special interest aliens include the guys who have spread beheadings across the border into the US?

Obama has deported a record number of Illegal Aliens after they have committed crimes. They could have been deported before they killed 12 Americans and raped 8 children daily. Do Obama want us to believe those criminal Illegal Aliens deported did not have families they left behind? And he don’t want to separate families.
Those 12 Americans murdered daily will be separated from their families forever.
MS13 gangs gang members need to be rounded up and deported. They are terrorist terrorizing Americans.
There is a war raging by Illegal Aliens. Especially in border states.
The cost of housing illegal alien criminal is billion a year. And it could be prevented with deportation before they become criminals.
A record number of deportations and border secure than ever is just a drop in the bucket and not enough.
If Obama don’t want sheriff Joe Arpaio to do his job then he need to get off his duff and do it himself.
Read the crime reports in border states. My 2 brothers that live in Tucson has to wear guns and bar their window and doors. And it is way too dangerous for me to even visit them. Obama do your job and move over and let someone who has the guts do it. But there is really no one else, is there?
How many of those Illegal Aliens who were given amnesty in 1986 and legalized have committed violent crime against American citizens? Legalizing Illegal Aliens do not stop crimes. have hundreds of thousands of meatheads that swore to defend the US and the constitution who are derelict in duty. They need to tell Blackwater, Exxon-Mobil and KBR-Bechtel-Halliburton to fuck off, come home, and take care of business. Problem is, they aren't even capable of reading the oath they swore to uphold.
Mission accomplished.
Tuba theft is up, too. No kidding. In Texas and California, the theft of tubas due to the increase in popularity in Mariachi music, in turn due to the increase of "Hispanic immigrants". Not making this up, folks. They can't buy them? Must be a cultural thing I don’t get.

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