Illegal Aliens have no voice in our country's governing laws. Period

This is a well-calculated decision by the Democratic Party. It's decided to cast its lot with foreign interests. So many future Democrat Voters are at stake. The Party certainly doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. Their #1 priority now, is placating Non-Citizens. I'm actually surprised so few Americans understand that. It's time for them to wake up. Time's running out.
Citizenship status should be included on all State IDs and Driver Licenses.

If you show your ID when attempting to vote and you aren't a citizen when they scan your ID, you should be arrested, and then deported.

in addition, voting by mail should be abolished. What's to stop Mexicans already deported, from voting from Mexico ?

you voted
illegals should be viewed as if they were terrorists--which some could be
ARREST on the spot!!
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.

No one said they did.

The real problem is the ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by most on the right, this thread premise being one such example.
YOU are the problem
the LEFT are stupid, ignorant and HATEFUL!!!
what don't you understand about the word BORDERS???
so the one thing I want to know from those on the left, if you don't care if an illegal votes or not, why are you all concerned what russia did or didn't do? what's the difference?
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

I just hired a contractor who is going to build my new house. He's pretty expensive because he does high quality stuff, and I don't think any of his labor is illegal.
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We need to change the writing on the Statue of Liberty and insert-------
Only whites who are educated and speak English may enter!!!!


Oh The New Colossus, a real tear jerker...Emma wrote it in 1883...before welfare and well before millions of anchor babies were dropped in the laps of good, REAL Americans.
The free rides are over....we’re done paying Mexicans to fuck up our communities, cities and states....We’re done fostering Mexico’s not so finest.
This is a well-calculated decision by the Democratic Party. It's decided to cast its lot with foreign interests. So many future Democrat Voters are at stake. The Party certainly doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. Their #1 priority now, is placating Non-Citizens. I'm actually surprised so few Americans understand that. It's time for them to wake up. Time's running out.
It is very hard for liberals to break the brain washing they have been given during their time at public(indoctrination stations) schools. Just look a the Nazi youth, and how they were willing to die for the country even when the country was going down in flames... Liberals are the same way. Party First, even if it kills them...
View attachment 181016 Has Trump ever apologized for lying about the 3-6 million voting?
Has he even mentioned the results of his own tax payer wasting commission?

That would require honesty. Not the liar in chief’s strongest point.
he was correct. we know it. did you watch the Tucker Carlson show on Chicago? State IDs is all one needs to vote in our election process.

Clearly the Corrupt Democratic Party is systematically using non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens.
Democrats are violating people's Right to Vote.
People need to sue the states that are allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections.
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We need to change the writing on the Statue of Liberty and insert-------
Only whites who are educated and speak English may enter!!!!


Oh The New Colossus, a real tear jerker...Emma wrote it in 1883...before welfare and well before millions of anchor babies were dropped in the laps of good, REAL Americans.
The free rides are over....we’re done paying Mexicans to fuck up our communities, cities and states....We’re done fostering Mexico’s not so finest.
We were also building a new nation and desperately needed as much labor as we could get.
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.


I know this may sound off topic, but I have a question and then after I have the answer, I have follow up questions, just so I understand this thread better. Please don't get defensive as this is an attempt at understanding.

Do you, by any chance, believe in a Christian God?
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.


Illegals are taking over the U.S. senate. California threw Feinstein under the bus for the anchor baby of an illegal who said half his family is at risk of deportation. He's running for the U.S. senate and based on his statements he's loyal to Mexico not the U.S.
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...

The answer was an obvious no
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...

The answer was an obvious no

Not really, no. How do you check the immigration status of those you hire?
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.


Illegals are taking over the U.S. senate. California threw Feinstein under the bus for the anchor baby of an illegal who said half his family is at risk of deportation. He's running for the U.S. senate and based on his statements he's loyal to Mexico not the U.S.

Uh, when was the election? I'm going to be in trouble at my job in a California election office for missing an entire election.
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...

The answer was an obvious no

Not really, no. How do you check the immigration status of those you hire?
The same way every other business is SUPPOSED TO but many don't.
In your business, do you compete and/or hire illegal immigrants?

Just curious because I know you are a tradesman.
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...

The answer was an obvious no

Not really, no. How do you check the immigration status of those you hire?
The same way every other business is SUPPOSED TO but many don't.

That's not an answer. What system do you use to verify the immigration status of those you allegedly employ?
A lot of the competition hires them and some of them compete directly with absurdly low bids on some jobs.
Some Home Depot locations are flooded with them hanging out outside the doors begging for work and Home Depot does nothing.
Shit pisses me off.

I want them out of my City and out of my country.

Point of order...You never said "no"...

The answer was an obvious no

Not really, no. How do you check the immigration status of those you hire?
The same way every other business is SUPPOSED TO but many don't.

That's not an answer. What system do you use to verify the immigration status of those you allegedly employ?

If one can’t articulate the English language...I will not hire him/her...I’ve kicked many off my jobs for not being able to communicate.

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