Illegal Aliens have no voice in our country's governing laws. Period

I know this may sound off topic, but I have a question and then after I have the answer, I have follow up questions, just so I understand this thread better. Please don't get defensive as this is an attempt at understanding.

Do you, by any chance, believe in a Christian God?
Christian God never said to prey upon the goodness of others....

Have you read the Rules for Radicals?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism." p.10

First off, I have not asked you anything. I asked the OP. Secondly, I asked that nothing be read into the question.

Now, to further embarrass you I've read that silly tripe about Saul Alinsky's Rules... and it don't have shit to do with what I asked. It is wholly irrelevant.

I asked the OP a question. I've not stated what side I'm on, but for your own information, to me Donald Trump is a moderate. Now, I'd appreciate it if the OP were involved in his own thread. But, thanks for doing exactly what asked NOT be done.
I didn't respond because I don't see the relevance. I do not have any faith or believe in any God. I am also not interested in side track arguments.
Enforce our laws.
Our laws are being enforced - as is the rule of law, affording those undocumented a presumption of innocence and due process.

I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.
Citizenship status should be included on all State IDs and Driver Licenses.

If you show your ID when attempting to vote and you aren't a citizen when they scan your ID, you should be arrested, and then deported.

If you are an illegal alien you shouldn't be able to get any type of ID.
Christian God never said to prey upon the goodness of others....

Have you read the Rules for Radicals?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

First off, I have not asked you anything. I asked the OP. Secondly, I asked that nothing be read into the question.

Now, to further embarrass you I've read that silly tripe about Saul Alinsky's Rules... and it don't have shit to do with what I asked. It is wholly irrelevant.

I asked the OP a question. I've not stated what side I'm on, but for your own information, to me Donald Trump is a moderate. Now, I'd appreciate it if the OP were involved in his own thread. But, thanks for doing exactly what asked NOT be done.
I didn't respond because I don't see the relevance. I do not have any faith or believe in any God. I am also not interested in side track arguments.
Enforce our laws.

The relevance comes when we get on a level playing field and discuss the issue. If you're expecting left wing talking points, you don't get them from me. If you're looking for me to be chanting the mantra of the right, you don't get that either.

Either a person believes in God or they don't. If you don't want to answer that question, would you agree that the Republic was founded largely on Christian principles?

There is nothing sinister here.

If you wish to converse with me, define your terms.” Voltaire,

You are so defensive, you don't know whether we're going to end up agreeing or disagreeing. What does that say about how much confidence you have in your own position?
Bible Gateway passage: Romans 13:1-7 - English Standard Version

No, still not there, but I would like to address that one some day.

Let's presume you are a Christian or you hold to the values since you are quoting the Bible. Here is part of a ruling in a United States Supreme Court case. Do you agree with the Judge?

"The words "people of the United States" and "citizens" are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who ... form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives.... The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement [people of African ancestry] compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings, who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them."

I'm just shopping for a level playing field on this. Our first naturalization law stated:

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed."

If we have to travel the long road to get to an understanding of this, so be it. It will make it one Hell of a lot easier if you answer my questions. I'm not only trying to understand your position, but how it fits with what needs to be done today.

So there are two of my cards on the table. Do you have a problem with either one of them? So, let us summarize:

America was founded by whites who were predominantly Christian and they - and they alone - were the "posterity" our forefathers intended for the Constitution to apply to. Do agree with that presupposition? You see the evidence above.

I promise you, it will be easier to answer the questions rather than guess where this conversation is going - it's going where no other conversation has gone relative to this immigration debacle.
This is why I didn't respond to your first post. You want to play hate god/Christian games. While I CLEARLY STATED I don't believe in God you persist on being a fucktard and trying to debate me on it.



I quoted the part I did to shut you up but as an uneducated fool on scripture you don't get it.

We're done here
Great idea. Catch and deport them when they try to vote for their corrupt lying representatives.
I still think we are deluding ourselves into thinking that we are not at war with Mexico. We should demand immediate action or we will invade.

Christian God never said to prey upon the goodness of others....

Have you read the Rules for Radicals?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

First off, I have not asked you anything. I asked the OP. Secondly, I asked that nothing be read into the question.

Now, to further embarrass you I've read that silly tripe about Saul Alinsky's Rules... and it don't have shit to do with what I asked. It is wholly irrelevant.

I asked the OP a question. I've not stated what side I'm on, but for your own information, to me Donald Trump is a moderate. Now, I'd appreciate it if the OP were involved in his own thread. But, thanks for doing exactly what asked NOT be done.
I didn't respond because I don't see the relevance. I do not have any faith or believe in any God. I am also not interested in side track arguments.
Enforce our laws.
Our laws are being enforced - as is the rule of law, affording those undocumented a presumption of innocence and due process.

I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.

Can you explain that?
First off, I have not asked you anything. I asked the OP. Secondly, I asked that nothing be read into the question.

Now, to further embarrass you I've read that silly tripe about Saul Alinsky's Rules... and it don't have shit to do with what I asked. It is wholly irrelevant.

I asked the OP a question. I've not stated what side I'm on, but for your own information, to me Donald Trump is a moderate. Now, I'd appreciate it if the OP were involved in his own thread. But, thanks for doing exactly what asked NOT be done.
I didn't respond because I don't see the relevance. I do not have any faith or believe in any God. I am also not interested in side track arguments.
Enforce our laws.
Our laws are being enforced - as is the rule of law, affording those undocumented a presumption of innocence and due process.

I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.

Can you explain that?
sure, most didn't want someone from either party. it's why Bernie did so well. And trump won as a result, cause many didn't want another clinton DNC'r or GOP'r
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.

Trump is too soft on these people and the Americans that help them break our laws. Mass arrests are needed.
trump has tried to be reasonable. as is always the case, the dems have no idea on what give and take is. If you want something from someone, you have to give the side you deal with something back. They cannot grasp that concept at all.
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.

Trump is too soft on these people and the Americans that help them break our laws. Mass arrests are needed.
trump has tried to be reasonable. as is always the case, the dems have no idea on what give and take is. If you want something from someone, you have to give the side you deal with something back. They cannot grasp that concept at all.
I truly loved the comments of the dems, well just give us the DACA thing and then we'll talk. how fking stupid do these jack monkey's think we all are.
If they gather in any protests or marches ICE should be there to greet them.

We must get control of our borders.

“ Illegal aliens “ don’t vote.
Proven by the liar in chief’s own commission run by his allies trying to prove 3-6 million illegals voted.
Just one of hundreds of humiliating moments in this buffoon’s first year of his reign of error.

When you don't have to prove citizenship, you have to be a dumb reasonable in resistance to think illegal immigrants don't vote.
The Executive Branch is within their rights to start arresting these government officials who gives aid and comfort to the foreign criminals living among us. I wish he would start.
I didn't respond because I don't see the relevance. I do not have any faith or believe in any God. I am also not interested in side track arguments.
Enforce our laws.
Our laws are being enforced - as is the rule of law, affording those undocumented a presumption of innocence and due process.

I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.

Can you explain that?
sure, most didn't want someone from either party. it's why Bernie did so well. And trump won as a result, cause many didn't want another clinton DNC'r or GOP'r

I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. It was more about that idiot, Hillary, wanting to get into a war with the NRA.

On immigration, he's going to promise the moon and the stars, then let the United States Supreme Court do the most obvious thing. Then he can blame it on them.
Our laws are being enforced - as is the rule of law, affording those undocumented a presumption of innocence and due process.

I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.

Can you explain that?
sure, most didn't want someone from either party. it's why Bernie did so well. And trump won as a result, cause many didn't want another clinton DNC'r or GOP'r

I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. It was more about that idiot, Hillary, wanting to get into a war with the NRA.

On immigration, he's going to promise the moon and the stars, then let the United States Supreme Court do the most obvious thing. Then he can blame it on them.

Why bother with the Supreme Court, isn't it the Democrats that dropped immigrants off at the bus stop?
I somewhat agree with this statement. At the end of the day, I would presuppose that the left and the right have an end game. Neither side wants to articulate it - and this IS a discussion board.

But, yes, there is a process for deporting people if they are caught - AND in order to be caught, people must DO something that brings them to the attention of the authorities giving probable cause.

Unfortunately, none of that gets at the information I'm seeking.
your statement is the exact reason we have trump.

Can you explain that?
sure, most didn't want someone from either party. it's why Bernie did so well. And trump won as a result, cause many didn't want another clinton DNC'r or GOP'r

I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils. It was more about that idiot, Hillary, wanting to get into a war with the NRA.

On immigration, he's going to promise the moon and the stars, then let the United States Supreme Court do the most obvious thing. Then he can blame it on them.

Why bother with the Supreme Court, isn't it the Democrats that dropped immigrants off at the bus stop?

Well, when David Duke's bus left town near the border, Bill Clinton took up the anti-immigrant message. So, good ol' Bill was for the wall before he was against it.

The whole thing is confusing. If the Democrats propose a hard line on the wall, they get ignored and the talking points are quickly taken apart. When the Republicans pick that ball back up, every talking point is like manna from Heaven and woe unto those that challenge the status quo.

If people were honest about this, they would realize that neither side is going to like the most obvious answer. Rather than to arrive at it, we'll allow Congress to duke it out, come out with something that irritates the other side, take it court and the United States Supreme Court makes the final call.

The high Court, being made up of lawyers, all ABA approved (and the ABA is the most liberal organization in America) what happens will not be pleasing to either side. I'm just saying we need an honest discussion just once in order to understand the issue fully.
so the one thing I want to know from those on the left, if you don't care if an illegal votes or not, why are you all concerned what russia did or didn't do? what's the difference?

The difference is simply enough. In the real world there are no "illegal" voters. You have to "prove" that you are eligible to vote before you can vote. So all this amounts to is smoke and mirrors. On the other hand Russia "did" interfere with our election and plans on doing it again and again until we put a stop to it.

Trump can continue to refuse to sign any bills condemning Russia right up to the day he is impeached and removed from office. Which I add is just around the corner. So stock up on popcorn and other treats for the show of a lifetime is about to begin.
so the one thing I want to know from those on the left, if you don't care if an illegal votes or not, why are you all concerned what russia did or didn't do? what's the difference?

The difference is simply enough. In the real world there are no "illegal" voters. You have to "prove" that you are eligible to vote before you can vote. So all this amounts to is smoke and mirrors. On the other hand Russia "did" interfere with our election and plans on doing it again and again until we put a stop to it.

Trump can continue to refuse to sign any bills condemning Russia right up to the day he is impeached and removed from office. Which I add is just around the corner. So stock up on popcorn and other treats for the show of a lifetime is about to begin.
Well, there is evidence illegals voted democrats said so. And you still haven’t provided evidence on Russia. We’ve been waiting almost two years now. Anytime
so the one thing I want to know from those on the left, if you don't care if an illegal votes or not, why are you all concerned what russia did or didn't do? what's the difference?

The difference is simply enough. In the real world there are no "illegal" voters. You have to "prove" that you are eligible to vote before you can vote. So all this amounts to is smoke and mirrors. On the other hand Russia "did" interfere with our election and plans on doing it again and again until we put a stop to it.

Trump can continue to refuse to sign any bills condemning Russia right up to the day he is impeached and removed from office. Which I add is just around the corner. So stock up on popcorn and other treats for the show of a lifetime is about to begin.

“For real this time people”

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