Illegal Aliens Not Christians

The Pope is not a Christian, he is a dictator and would have join in the first crusade to kill everyone who was not Christians. He would have Trumps head on a platter. Christian leaders to not encourage criminals acts like illegal immigration.

Nope......... But this proves you are ignorant and not christian. This probably one of the top 5 dumbest post I ever encountered.

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Just because they came here illegally that doesn't mean they are not Christians. Aside from a pea brain opinion what else do you prove that they are not Christians.

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