Illegal Aliens Not Christians

So now I get excommunicated for speeding?
You pay a fine which is the penalty for speeding. Crossing the border is illegal and the penalty is deportation and not amnesty.
I bet the pioneers didn't care about being illegal aliens in Indian nation territory..
IN 1492 there were no immigration laws so therefore the pioneers broke no laws. The Indian did not believe the land could be owned. “sin is not imputed where there is no law”? (Rom 5:13)
Since people that revolted against a legit govt. wrote the laws of this nation, they are null and void, according to the Bible..So there is no border and no laws....
Then why bother being a christian at all. And the bible is null and void. Free for all for all. lol
The Bible is a nice story book..
Illegal means "against the law" evidently the Pope does not know that as many presidents who has allowed it and even encouraged it. Poverty is not an illegitimate excuse to break the law.
You pay a fine which is the penalty for speeding. Crossing the border is illegal and the penalty is deportation and not amnesty.
I bet the pioneers didn't care about being illegal aliens in Indian nation territory..
IN 1492 there were no immigration laws so therefore the pioneers broke no laws. The Indian did not believe the land could be owned. “sin is not imputed where there is no law”? (Rom 5:13)
Since people that revolted against a legit govt. wrote the laws of this nation, they are null and void, according to the Bible..So there is no border and no laws....
Then why bother being a christian at all. And the bible is null and void. Free for all for all. lol
The Bible is a nice story book..
So the Pope is a fictitious person? Kind of like Peter Pan? lol
Even people without law know right from wrong.
Romans 2;14..Even Gentiles, who do not have God's written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. Trespassing in Mexico is the same in the usa.

God was the first creator of border and boundaries and they were not to be crossed without permission.
Acts 17;26.... From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
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The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I bet the pioneers didn't care about being illegal aliens in Indian nation territory..
IN 1492 there were no immigration laws so therefore the pioneers broke no laws. The Indian did not believe the land could be owned. “sin is not imputed where there is no law”? (Rom 5:13)
Since people that revolted against a legit govt. wrote the laws of this nation, they are null and void, according to the Bible..So there is no border and no laws....
Then why bother being a christian at all. And the bible is null and void. Free for all for all. lol
The Bible is a nice story book..
So the Pope is a fictitious person? Kind of like Peter Pan? lol
He's the defunct Caesar of the Ancient Roman empire

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Of course the Pope want the Mexicans to cross the border and get jobs and make lots of money so they can give him more money.
Even people without law know right from wrong.
Romans 2;14..Even Gentiles, who do not have God's written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. Trespassing in Mexico is the same in the usa.

God was the first creator of border and boundaries and they were not to be crossed without permission.
Acts 17;26.... From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
Then let God come visit us and build a wall with his power..Did you know that God has boobs, he made humans in his own image...

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

This replacement pope is a bought and paid for shill of the new world order movement.
Everything he addresses is a loser for America and the west.
Pope is not a christian if he do not believe in borders.

If you do not believe in border and think there should be bridges between nations. God created borders.
Acts 17;26...From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

. God warned nations not to interfere with each others’ landmarks

God warned the Jews not to remove, interfere with or tamper with boundary lines and about unfairly occupying the landmasses of other nations when He said through Prophet Moses:

Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it (Deuteronomy 19: 14)

Cursed [be] he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen (Deuteronomy 27: 17)

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Proverbs 22: 28).

Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless (Proverbs 23: 10)

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...
Only and idiot can do that.

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.
So now I get excommunicated for speeding?
You pay a fine which is the penalty for speeding. Crossing the border is illegal and the penalty is deportation and not amnesty.
I bet the pioneers didn't care about being illegal aliens in Indian nation territory..

Why would they? Their government wasn't out to displace them.

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...
Only and idiot can do that.
It's a joke...but being poor is no way something to be belittled......Jesus didn't seem to let it bother him....

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.
So now I get excommunicated for speeding?
You pay a fine which is the penalty for speeding. Crossing the border is illegal and the penalty is deportation and not amnesty.
I bet the pioneers didn't care about being illegal aliens in Indian nation territory..

Why would they? Their government wasn't out to displace them.
Yeah, they didn't mind at all....That's why the USA had a hundred year Indian war..

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...
Reason you cannot get out of poverty is because you cannot spell. lol

The Pope need to tell his fellow Catholics who are crossing the border illegally that they are not Christians because Christians do not commit criminal acts like breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Poverty is not an excuse to commit crimes. If it were so then all the young black men in Chicago, etc who deal in drugs and other crimes to make a living because illegal aliens are taking their jobs and sent to prison should be given amnesty. Pope need to remove the rafter out of his own eyes before he can remove the straw from the eyes of others. And clean up his own house of pedophile priests.

Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...
Reason you cannot get out of poverty is because you cannot spell. lol
It's a pun..Get off your high horse..and soap box...Poverty is next to Godliness..
Of course poverty is an excuse to commit crime. Not that the Law is going to understand... but God might.

And anyone can reach out to God.... even criminals. Even christian criminals.

I don't need to be poor to commit crimes..I am above that...
Not all poor people break the law to get out of poverty.
I started out with nothing and worked my whey up to extreme poverty...
Only and idiot can do that.
It's a joke...but being poor is no way something to be belittled......Jesus didn't seem to let it bother him....
Yeah, he could turn water into wine and take one fish and multiple it and have all the food he needed. lol

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