Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration — Total is greater than the individual populations of 41 states


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It's difficult to believe there is anyone in this country so stupid that they don't see that as a problem.

Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration
(The Center Square) – More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the greatest number in history and of any administration.
They total more than the individual populations of 41 states.
The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others.
Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020.
CBP’s fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.
Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199.
They exclude gotaway data, which CBP does not report publicly. The Center Square has been reporting preliminary gotaway data solely reported by Border Patrol agents at the southwest border. The information is obtained from a Border Patrol agent who provides it and other information on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.
Since January 2021, a minimum estimate of nearly 1.7 million gotaways have illegally entered the U.S.
Based on earlier projections and including Office of Field Operations data, former CBP chief Mark Morgan told The Center Square the gotaway data is likely to reach or exceed one million for fiscal 2023 alone.
In fiscal 2021, there were at least 308,655 known, reported gotaways; in fiscal 2022, 606,150 were reported. According to preliminary data obtained by The Center Square, Border Patrol agents reported at least 769,174 gotaways at the southwest border alone.
This number excludes OFO data, gotaway data at the northern border and other CBP ports of entry nationwide. The Center Square has not yet received total internal gotaway numbers.
However, even those are considered a best estimate because they exclude unknown and unreported gotaways, those who illegally enter undetected – meaning, the number is likely much higher. Law enforcement officials have said they have no idea how many gotaways there are in the U.S., or who or where they are.
Combined, the minimum estimated known, reported gotaways from Jan. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2023 is at least 1,678,979.
Since January 2021, total illegal border crossers apprehended nationwide were 8,396,198. Combined with at least 1,678,979 gotaways, the number increases to over 10 million (at least 10,075,177).
This is greater than the individual populations of 41 states.
The only states with an estimated population greater than the number of illegal border crossers are California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina.
They edged ahead of Michigan’s estimated population of 10,030,722.
The total number of illegal border crossers during the period equates to 25% of California’s population, 33% of Texas’ population, 44% of Florida’s population and nearly 52% of New York’s population.
They’re equivalent to over 17 Wyomings; over 15 Vermonts; nearly 14 Alaskas; and nearly 13 North Dakotas. They total nearly ten Delawares, the home state of the president.
Among them are 1,586 known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) who were apprehended in fiscal years 2020-2023.
In fiscal 2023, CBP agents apprehended the greatest number of KSTs – 736 – in a single year in U.S. history.
They also apprehended the greatest number of criminal noncitizens in U.S. history, totaling nearly 50,000. This number excludes the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and an unknown number arrested by local and state law enforcement officers.
This is what 81M Americans wanted. Along with China, Russia, Iran, N Korea.etc. Give China in particular credit, in such short order they have increased their global influence,.economic/military might dramatically while also recruiting a high degree of talent (they aren't recruiting low skill labor). All of this, while avoiding a full-scale war themselves until they deem it time to strike.
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Biden is counting on those illegals to be able to vote over the next few years.
He's counting on them to be voting democrat, so they can proceed with
the globalization of our government. The US is the thorn that has slowed
the process.

They will be put on the voter roll. Someone will vote for them and sign the envelope. Courts have ruled “Signature check can be done in some fashion” in AZ. No one can re-check it later.
The corrupt Democrat Party's greed for power is turning America into a one party far left police state.
I feel sorry for future generations of Americans.

So lets Disarm Law Aboding Americans after flooding America with Turd Worlders and Military Age single Males fro 117 Countries
Any American that hasn't armed up and trained up for defending their loved ones, deserves what will happen to them in the not-too-distant future. They're going to be slaughtered like the sheep they've become and it will be their own fault in most cases.
The corrupt Democrat Party's greed for power is turning America into a one party far left police state.
I feel sorry for future generations of Americans.

View attachment 849950
Do you think they may be sent back if the administration changes? Biden's error was failure to identify who came here for what purpose. I don't know why Congress is giving this pickpocket a pass, but the only person who can drain the swamp is the target of the conspiratorial press with the Chaos bringers. Good Democrats are leaving the Democrat Deep Staters, who are targeting the Constitution and American History for the grave. I don't know why Congress is putting up with that either. It becomes clearer with every chaotic change that this union is no longer dependable because of greed for power. In the favor of the American people, many of the immigrants from the North American Continent are smarter than the Democrats about people who try to pull a fast one for personal gain at the expense of what America used to be, the land of oportunity. The Democrat great change has been to eliminate opportunities and use border crossers for manual labor
Meanwhile those who crossed are wisely evaluating institutions of higher learning and catching on to a plan that is sure to eliminate all chances of opportunity to make and save their money for the ultimate American Dream, not a life of brutally hard work for nothing close to sustainable take home pay except sorrow. It takes the smarter-than-they-thought immigrants about ten minutes to figure out ways to avoid the Demonrat schema of workalot for pay little, so they join the Republicans who support better pay for persons of color and develop ways to get employers to increase opportunities tenfold, but the Democrats think that belittling President Trump will get rid of the threat of making hardships against border crossers they claimed they sponsored. Why do the Democrats keep up this "something for nothing" attitude when for thousands of years, that thema has never worked. :rolleyes-41: :dunno:
It's difficult to believe there is anyone in this country so stupid that they don't see that as a problem.

Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration
(The Center Square) – More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the greatest number in history and of any administration.
They total more than the individual populations of 41 states.
The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others.
Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020.
CBP’s fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.
Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199.
They exclude gotaway data, which CBP does not report publicly. The Center Square has been reporting preliminary gotaway data solely reported by Border Patrol agents at the southwest border. The information is obtained from a Border Patrol agent who provides it and other information on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.
Since January 2021, a minimum estimate of nearly 1.7 million gotaways have illegally entered the U.S.
Based on earlier projections and including Office of Field Operations data, former CBP chief Mark Morgan told The Center Square the gotaway data is likely to reach or exceed one million for fiscal 2023 alone.
In fiscal 2021, there were at least 308,655 known, reported gotaways; in fiscal 2022, 606,150 were reported. According to preliminary data obtained by The Center Square, Border Patrol agents reported at least 769,174 gotaways at the southwest border alone.
This number excludes OFO data, gotaway data at the northern border and other CBP ports of entry nationwide. The Center Square has not yet received total internal gotaway numbers.
However, even those are considered a best estimate because they exclude unknown and unreported gotaways, those who illegally enter undetected – meaning, the number is likely much higher. Law enforcement officials have said they have no idea how many gotaways there are in the U.S., or who or where they are.
Combined, the minimum estimated known, reported gotaways from Jan. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2023 is at least 1,678,979.
Since January 2021, total illegal border crossers apprehended nationwide were 8,396,198. Combined with at least 1,678,979 gotaways, the number increases to over 10 million (at least 10,075,177).
This is greater than the individual populations of 41 states.
The only states with an estimated population greater than the number of illegal border crossers are California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina.
They edged ahead of Michigan’s estimated population of 10,030,722.
The total number of illegal border crossers during the period equates to 25% of California’s population, 33% of Texas’ population, 44% of Florida’s population and nearly 52% of New York’s population.
They’re equivalent to over 17 Wyomings; over 15 Vermonts; nearly 14 Alaskas; and nearly 13 North Dakotas. They total nearly ten Delawares, the home state of the president.
Among them are 1,586 known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) who were apprehended in fiscal years 2020-2023.
In fiscal 2023, CBP agents apprehended the greatest number of KSTs – 736 – in a single year in U.S. history.
They also apprehended the greatest number of criminal noncitizens in U.S. history, totaling nearly 50,000. This number excludes the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and an unknown number arrested by local and state law enforcement officers.
How many were rejected after apprehension by things like title 42?
How many were rejected after apprehension by things like title 42?
You tell us since you seem to believe that lying bullshit happens. Do you have any media video to link us to showing the brown parasites being shipped back to Mehico?
Certainly media would cover such events right?
It's difficult to believe there is anyone in this country so stupid that they don't see that as a problem.

Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration
(The Center Square) – More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the greatest number in history and of any administration.
They total more than the individual populations of 41 states.
The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others.
Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020.
CBP’s fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.
Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199.
They exclude gotaway data, which CBP does not report publicly. The Center Square has been reporting preliminary gotaway data solely reported by Border Patrol agents at the southwest border. The information is obtained from a Border Patrol agent who provides it and other information on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.
Since January 2021, a minimum estimate of nearly 1.7 million gotaways have illegally entered the U.S.
Based on earlier projections and including Office of Field Operations data, former CBP chief Mark Morgan told The Center Square the gotaway data is likely to reach or exceed one million for fiscal 2023 alone.
In fiscal 2021, there were at least 308,655 known, reported gotaways; in fiscal 2022, 606,150 were reported. According to preliminary data obtained by The Center Square, Border Patrol agents reported at least 769,174 gotaways at the southwest border alone.
This number excludes OFO data, gotaway data at the northern border and other CBP ports of entry nationwide. The Center Square has not yet received total internal gotaway numbers.
However, even those are considered a best estimate because they exclude unknown and unreported gotaways, those who illegally enter undetected – meaning, the number is likely much higher. Law enforcement officials have said they have no idea how many gotaways there are in the U.S., or who or where they are.
Combined, the minimum estimated known, reported gotaways from Jan. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2023 is at least 1,678,979.
Since January 2021, total illegal border crossers apprehended nationwide were 8,396,198. Combined with at least 1,678,979 gotaways, the number increases to over 10 million (at least 10,075,177).
This is greater than the individual populations of 41 states.
The only states with an estimated population greater than the number of illegal border crossers are California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina.
They edged ahead of Michigan’s estimated population of 10,030,722.
The total number of illegal border crossers during the period equates to 25% of California’s population, 33% of Texas’ population, 44% of Florida’s population and nearly 52% of New York’s population.
They’re equivalent to over 17 Wyomings; over 15 Vermonts; nearly 14 Alaskas; and nearly 13 North Dakotas. They total nearly ten Delawares, the home state of the president.
Among them are 1,586 known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) who were apprehended in fiscal years 2020-2023.
In fiscal 2023, CBP agents apprehended the greatest number of KSTs – 736 – in a single year in U.S. history.
They also apprehended the greatest number of criminal noncitizens in U.S. history, totaling nearly 50,000. This number excludes the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and an unknown number arrested by local and state law enforcement officers.

Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration — Total is greater than the individual populations of 41 states​

Watch, all the globalist filth will still tell us “there are only 11 million illegals in America”.
For some reason they really love that 11 million number.

Biden is counting on those illegals to be able to vote over the next few years.
He's counting on them to be voting democrat, so they can proceed with
the globalization of our government. The US is the thorn that has slowed
the process.
Bingo, it's nothing but an election RIGGING scheme by Democrats. Democrats steal elections. Cancel the votes of 10 million Americans with dirt poor illegals you BRIBE with government hand outs to vote Dem, paid for by Americans.
The great replacement is just a myth right?
The great replacement has been completed in most of Southern California / North Mexico. One can’t really tell the difference between Southern California and Tijuana these days. Both are disgusting shitholes.
Weird how that works huh…dark people in excess ALWAYS = filthy shithole.

Biden's willful ignoring of immigration law, his attempts to legislate from the executive branch are the very definition of high crimes and misdemeanors. The damage has been grave.

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