Illegal child rapists/molester trying to reenter the U.S. after being deported caught


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
They're just good people trying to look for a job... Yeah, right.

Criminal Illegal Immigrant Convicted, Sent to Prison -

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tucson, Ariz. – A 37-year-old male from Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico, who was apprehended by Casa Grande Station Border Patrol agents in early February, was sentenced to 33 months in prison on October 20.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office prosecuted Miguel Hernandez-Hernandez after his apprehension on Feb. 4, for attempting to illegally re-enter the United States. During processing at the Casa Grande Station, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System revealed Hernandez-Hernandez was previously convicted of a felony in 1999 in Bartow, Fla., for a lewd, lascivious indecent assault upon and/or in the presence of a child.

Current records also indicate Hernandez-Hernandez was previously deported from the United States after serving his sentence. Following initial processing, the Border Patrol submitted the case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for re-entry of a felon. Hernandez-Hernandez will be formally removed from the country following his 33-month incarceration.
We keep track of child molester who are Amerian citizens but not illegal aliens and they come back and we do not know where they are or what they are doing. There should be some way to keep them out after they have served their time and deported. IF not keep the refuse in prison.
We keep track of child molester who are Amerian citizens but not illegal aliens and they come back and we do not know where they are or what they are doing. There should be some way to keep them out after they have served their time and deported. IF not keep the refuse in prison.

You're right about that! What really gets me is the judges that gives the illegal aliens less of a sentence with the thought that we can deport them sooner. So, they get less time for the same crimes that an American would commit. Then the court system lets the illegal aliens out before their sentences are half served to deport them. They darn well know the illegal aliens will come back because it's happened before time and time again!

The minute they give the illegal alien his free ride back home to his native country he's making plans to come right back to the United States and does! They're like dogs that can't learn.

We must have the dumbest politicians on earth or the most corrupt ones!!! We all have to agree that the biggest problem is the corrupt politicians and vote them out of office A.S.A.P! Then maybe some of this nonsense will stop. VOTE THE BUMS OUT!
It seems to me that illegals aliens who commit crimes get special treatment in and outside the United Borders. First and foremost, to the best of my knowledge Homeland Security does not track them, like they do American with and ankel bracelet. Secondly, the illegal aliens are releases back across the border and free to roam the area to find a way back into the United States cause the borders are not protected by the Federal Government to commit more crimes against (whether it may be personal crimes or propery crimes) American Citizens. Somehow someway, despite the voice of the people our congress is ignoring the cries of the people who are effected by illegals in America. This absence of congress to protect the borders is outwardly saying to the American People....your on your own. When and illegal is released from custody and returns to the US Hell has no fery but a citizen born. That is all American Citizens are free prey and put in peril at the hands of congress that hasn't put and end to illegal's jumping the fence and hurting American Citizens.
Convicted Sex Offender Arrested and Imprisoned

Friday, November 04, 2011

Tucson, Ariz. – A 38-year-old male from Chilpancingo, Mexico, who was apprehended by Tucson station Border Patrol agents in late January, was sentenced to 40 months in prison on Oct. 20.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office prosecuted Bricio Contreras-Vasquez after his apprehension on Jan. 21, 2011, for attempting to illegally re-enter the U.S. During processing at the Tucson station, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) revealed that Contreras-Vasquez was previously convicted in 2004 in Sacramento, Calif., for lewd acts on a child under 14 using force, violence, duress, menace and threat of great bodily harm.

Records also indicated Contreras-Vasquez was previously deported from the U.S. after serving his six-year sentence. Following initial processing, the Border Patrol submitted the case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for re-entry of a felon. Contreras-Vasquez will be formally removed from the country following his 40-month incarceration.

All illegal immigrants apprehended by the Border Patrol undergo criminal history checks using IAFIS. This vital tool accesses criminal records throughout the U.S., thereby assisting agents to quickly identify violent criminals and wanted persons.

In January 2011, the Tucson Sector Border Patrol, a component of U.S. Customs and Border Proterction's Joint Field Command-Arizona, implemented the Consequence Delivery System as an integral component of its enforcement strategy. CDS centers on delivering a targeted consequence to illegal immigrants, while simultaneously disrupting the smuggling cycle and reducing recidivism rates by ensuring consequences are upheld to the full extent of the law. Contreras-Vasquez is now banned for life from all legalization processes without a waiver from the U.S. Attorney General.
It seems to me that illegals aliens who commit crimes get special treatment in and outside the United Borders. First and foremost, to the best of my knowledge Homeland Security does not track them, like they do American with and ankel bracelet. Secondly, the illegal aliens are releases back across the border and free to roam the area to find a way back into the United States cause the borders are not protected by the Federal Government to commit more crimes against (whether it may be personal crimes or propery crimes) American Citizens. Somehow someway, despite the voice of the people our congress is ignoring the cries of the people who are effected by illegals in America. This absence of congress to protect the borders is outwardly saying to the American People....your on your own. When and illegal is released from custody and returns to the US Hell has no fery but a citizen born. That is all American Citizens are free prey and put in peril at the hands of congress that hasn't put and end to illegal's jumping the fence and hurting American Citizens.


IMO, you’re right about that Connor Big Governments Cheap Labor does get special treatment our corrupt politicians make sure they get everything they need and make us pay for it and do without. The authorities know it’s a waste of time to put an ankle bracelet on an illegal alien because the first thing they do is cut it off.

The government is performing some kind of Ethnic Cleansing of the American women and children to make way for their Cheap Labor to procreate. What a nice corrupt and murderous government we have! Vote them ALL out of office!

Every day 12 Americans are murdered by illegal aliens. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and 8 American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each and every day.

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