Illegal Immigrant Truck Driver Kills 7 Veteran Marine Bikers

Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.

Fake news. He was not an illegal immigrant

Correct, but the article didn't say he was. However he has had multiple run-ins with the law including theft, drug usage, and abuse of alcohol and driving privileges.

IMO, if you are a visitor of any kind in this country and get a jaywalking ticket, out you go.
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Fuck Him and his green card. It was supposed to be revoked and he was supposed to be deported. He is here illegally at this moment.
Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.
Okay, stupid. He isn't an illegal immigrant. He holds a legal green card and has right to work. That doesn't take away his actions though. But you need to stop lying out your ass to try and make it look like something it isn't.
I bet he doesn't vote for the democratic party.

I presume he is ineligible to vote as well as disinterested in voting. It sounds like he was more concerned about his next hit of heroin. With that said, if he could vote, I can't imagine him voting for Republicans that want to enforce immigration laws, can you?
I have never know any illegals wanting to vote..and I worked around them from 1981 to 2018...
I bet he doesn't vote for the democratic party.

I presume he is ineligible to vote as well as disinterested in voting. It sounds like he was more concerned about his next hit of heroin. With that said, if he could vote, I can't imagine him voting for Republicans that want to enforce immigration laws, can you?
I have never know any illegals wanting to vote..and I worked around them from 1981 to 2018...

They do vote. They've been busted and some convicted for illegally voting. Many more have admitted doing so in interviews.

The Democrats want lax border security, lax voting restrictions for a reason. If foreigners were known to vote conservative, we would have had a 40 foot wall up over 30 years ago and voters would be treated like German citizens during WWII.
Did they come here to vacation like the OP story did not?
Foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated come for all kinds of reasons. Not all good. It is dangerous to allow this to continue.
I bet he doesn't vote for the democratic party.
Why? It is probably Democrats who aided and abetted him in avoiding ice. Democrat judges sneak foreign nationals out of their court rooms to avoid ice.
Next you can tell us how he works for a Democrat without proof.
The majority of foreign nationals here illegally work for democrats and operate out of cities and States they run.

Farmers and business owners are all democrats. Got it.
I bet he doesn't vote for the democratic party.

I presume he is ineligible to vote as well as disinterested in voting. It sounds like he was more concerned about his next hit of heroin. With that said, if he could vote, I can't imagine him voting for Republicans that want to enforce immigration laws, can you?
I have never know any illegals wanting to vote..and I worked around them from 1981 to 2018...

They do vote. They've been busted and some convicted for illegally voting. Many more have admitted doing so in interviews.

The Democrats want lax border security, lax voting restrictions for a reason. If foreigners were known to vote conservative, we would have had a 40 foot wall up over 30 years ago and voters would be treated like German citizens during WWII.

So far, the only illegal voting have been done by a handful of Republicans. Guess you are playing another "Hey, look over there" routine. Now, stop this nonsense. Illegal Voting is almost unheard of. The States do a pretty good job of preventing it.
Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.
As we continue to state, illegal immigration has NOTHING to do with Race. This guy is WHITE. Here is the summary statement from the article:
At the end of the day, Edward Corr, 58, of Lakeville, Mass., Jo-Ann Corr, 58, of Lakeville, Mass., Michael Ferazzi, 62, of Contoocook, N.H., Albert Mazza, 59, of Lee, N.H., Desma Oakes, 42, of Concord, N.H., Aaron Perry, 45, of Farmington, N.H., and Daniel Pereira, 58, of Riverside, R.I., are all dead thanks to the systemic breakdown of enforcing current immigration laws.

Yet, somehow the deaths of Americans due to the lack of immigration enforcement is never as sexy as the death of illegal aliens at the hands of cartels being blamed on our border agents. Sadly, these avoidable murders happen every day and go unreported in the media.

Those in congress protecting these illegals should be JAILED as accessories.
Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.

The man is NOT an illegal immigrant so the title of your thread is a lie. He came from the Ukraine as a small child.

This young man has been in the United States for 13 years, and came to the United States at the age of 10. He is American in every way except he wasn't born in the US. I doubt that the Ukraine wants him back. You broke it, you own it.
If only we built that wall!!!

Hmmm. Guess it would have to be a wall along the Atlantic Ocean . And high enough to stop planes from flying over it .
Fuck Him and his green card. It was supposed to be revoked and he was supposed to be deported. He is here illegally at this moment.
Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.
Okay, stupid. He isn't an illegal immigrant. He holds a legal green card and has right to work. That doesn't take away his actions though. But you need to stop lying out your ass to try and make it look like something it isn't.

So ignorant . Nothing he did would’ve resulted in deportation.
Obama would have deported him but Trump failed because he would rather send mothers of US citizens to Mexico....

Thanks for showing the difference..
Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created.

Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported

When an American is killed by a foreign national, it is not more tragic or painful for the family members and society than it is when a person is killed by a citizen. However, from a public policy standpoint, it is more outrageous because the death is usually avoidable, and in the case of an illegal alien or legal immigrant with prior convictions, it is 100% avoidable. We can’t pick our natural-born citizens, but we can pick our immigrants and we can and must remove those who are harmful at the first sign of trouble.

Was this guy an illegal like the title says or not?

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